A Escola Nova e os novos manuais para ensino da aritmética nos primeiros anos escolares: o exemplo de Anna Nogueira Ferraz
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O governo de Getúlio Vargas inaugurou a busca pela criação do cidadão brasileiro através do
sistema educacional. Formar mão de obra para as indústrias que estavam por vir e estabelecer
a ideia de um Brasil “forte”, tornaram-se objetivos do seu governo. Neste cenário, a educação
como produto de seu contexto histórico gerou mudanças nos manuais para ensino dentro do que
é conhecido como Escola Nova, inspirada por estudiosos e educadores como Montessori,
Decroly e Dewey deram luz a perspectiva científica da educação, associando o
desenvolvimento tanto biológico quanto psicológico da criança. Este trabalho tem como
objetivo analisar algumas dessas mudanças ocorridas nos manuais para ensino na área da
aritmética que almejavam instruir a prática docente, em específico, considerar o livro de Anna
Nogueira Ferraz.
Getúlio Vargas’ government inaugurated the search for the creation of the Brazilian citizen through the educational system. Training manpower for the industries that were to come and establishing the idea of a “strong” Brazil became his government's goals. In this scenario, education as a product of its historical context generated changes in manuals for teaching within what is known as Escola Nova, inspired by scholars and educators such as Montessori, Decroly and Dewey, who gave light to the scientific perspective of education, associating both biological development as well as the child's psychology. This work aims to analyze some of these changes that occurred in the teaching manuals in the area of arithmetic that aimed to instruct the teaching practice, in particular, considering the book by Anna Nogueira Ferraz.
Getúlio Vargas’ government inaugurated the search for the creation of the Brazilian citizen through the educational system. Training manpower for the industries that were to come and establishing the idea of a “strong” Brazil became his government's goals. In this scenario, education as a product of its historical context generated changes in manuals for teaching within what is known as Escola Nova, inspired by scholars and educators such as Montessori, Decroly and Dewey, who gave light to the scientific perspective of education, associating both biological development as well as the child's psychology. This work aims to analyze some of these changes that occurred in the teaching manuals in the area of arithmetic that aimed to instruct the teaching practice, in particular, considering the book by Anna Nogueira Ferraz.