Formação de Pedagogos e Base Curricular para a Educação Inclusiva de Alunos com Deficiência
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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discorrer sobre a formação de pedagogos no
que diz respeito à educação inclusiva de alunos com deficiência, à luz da base
curricular que regulamenta o curso de Pedagogia e legislações pertinentes a
formação, bem como os conhecimentos necessários, para o atendimento de alunos
com deficiência na educação básica. Neste sentido, realizamos a análise de grades
curriculares do curso de pedagogia de diferentes universidades de modo a observar
como o tema educação inclusiva tem sido abordado pelas mesmas. Buscamos
também, por meio de um questionário apontar as percepções de professores a
respeito da educação inclusiva de alunos com deficiência e quais saberes estão
sendo reivindicados por eles para atuar com tal público de alunos.
This paper aims to discuss the training of pedagogues with regard to the inclusive education of students with disabilities, in light of the curricular base that regulates the Pedagogy course and legislation relevant to training, as well as the necessary knowledge for the service of students with disabilities in basic education. In this sense, we analyzed the curriculum of the pedagogy course at different universities in order to observe how the theme of inclusive education has been addressed by them. We also sought, through a questionnaire, to point out the perceptions of teachers regarding the inclusive education of students with disabilities and what knowledge they are demanding to work with such a public of students.
This paper aims to discuss the training of pedagogues with regard to the inclusive education of students with disabilities, in light of the curricular base that regulates the Pedagogy course and legislation relevant to training, as well as the necessary knowledge for the service of students with disabilities in basic education. In this sense, we analyzed the curriculum of the pedagogy course at different universities in order to observe how the theme of inclusive education has been addressed by them. We also sought, through a questionnaire, to point out the perceptions of teachers regarding the inclusive education of students with disabilities and what knowledge they are demanding to work with such a public of students.
Rodrigues, Thaís M. Formação de Pedagogos e Base Curricular para a Educação Inclusiva de Alunos com Deficiência. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso. (Graduação em Pedagogia) - Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências, Humanas, UNIFESP. Guarulhos. 47 f. 2021