A construção de uma hegemonia da memória japonesa: identidade e o ensino de história em Suzano (1921 - 2019)
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A hegemonia da memória japonesa em Suzano é percebida nos monumentos, nas festas da cidade e em ações da prefeitura que constantemente atualizam essa memória. Esta dissertação almeja analisar como essa hegemonia é construída pela elite política e econômica local e provoca o silenciamento da memória dos alunos e seus familiares trabalhadores. Analisamos as características do Projeto Político Pedagógico da Escola Estadual Professor Doutor Giovanni Battista Raffo, por meio do uso do conceito de cultura escolar, no qual se constata os múltiplos pertencimentos das identidades dos alunos, como também trata do esquecimento de suas memórias. No final, sugerimos uma proposta de construção e desconstrução dessa memória hegemônica japonesa a partir do questionamento da História local, utilizando o estudo do meio como metodologia de ensino de História.
The hegemony of the Japanese memory in Suzano is observed in the monuments, in the city festivities and in the constant city hall actions to update this memory. This dissertation shows the analysis of the way for construction of this hegemony by the local political and economic elite, silencing the memory of the students and their family who comprised the working class. The characteristics of the Political Pedagogical Project of the State School “Professor Doutor Giovanni Battista Raffo” were analysed using the concept of the school culture, noting the multiple belongings of the student identity and dealing with the forgetting of their memories. This study resulted in a proposal for construction and deconstruction of this Japanese hegemonic memory since the questioning of the local history using the study of the environment as methodology for History teaching.
The hegemony of the Japanese memory in Suzano is observed in the monuments, in the city festivities and in the constant city hall actions to update this memory. This dissertation shows the analysis of the way for construction of this hegemony by the local political and economic elite, silencing the memory of the students and their family who comprised the working class. The characteristics of the Political Pedagogical Project of the State School “Professor Doutor Giovanni Battista Raffo” were analysed using the concept of the school culture, noting the multiple belongings of the student identity and dealing with the forgetting of their memories. This study resulted in a proposal for construction and deconstruction of this Japanese hegemonic memory since the questioning of the local history using the study of the environment as methodology for History teaching.
Santos, Douglas