PRÁTICAS ALIMENTARES E HABITUS EM MÃES: alimentações particulares no contexto do município de Santos
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O presente estudo investigou as práticas alimentares de 439 mães residentes no
município de Santos – Brasil, e suas interfaces com o conceito de habitus proposto por
Bourdieu. A partir da análise de cluster dos escores de padrão alimentar e de formas de
preparo e consumo dos alimentos, foram derivados clusters de cinco práticas
alimentares (donas de casa práticas; mães-esposas; hedonistas preocupadas com o
corpo; tradicionalistas e cozinheiras pouco preocupadas com a saúde). Para identificar
os habitus dos clusters de práticas alimentares, comparou-se, entre eles, as variáveis
localização do domicílio, estado de nascimento, estado civil, número de filhos,
tabagismo, profissão, nível socioeconômico, práticas para emagrecer, comportamentos
de risco para transtornos alimentares, atitudes alimentares transtornadas, insatisfação
corporal, consumo cultural e tecnológico. Observou-se, nas práticas alimentares
encontradas, a influência de diferentes questões de gênero, principalmente relacionadas
à construção social da maternidade. Encontrou-se, desta maneira, uma multiplicidade de
práticas alimentares, resultantes da confluência de forças que agem segundo os campos
e o habitus das mães, sendo que, para muitas mulheres, a família parece ser o principal
campo. O presente trabalho aponta para a importância do habitus no estudo das práticas
alimentares, uma vez que, como resultado da interação entre diversas forças que
moldam o habitus, observamos uma variedade de práticas alimentares que seguem
diferentes direções. Assim, encontramos práticas alimentares complexas e que não
podem ser entendidas em uma associação linear com os capitais econômico e cultural
dos grupos estudados. Por fim constatou-se que, motivado por um conjunto de ideias, o
comer gera um movimento de ação-reflexão que compõe uma práxis alimentar.
This study investigated the eating practices of 439 mothers living in the city of Santos, Brazil, and the interface between these practices and the concept of habitus as proposed by Bourdieu. From a cluster analysis of dietary pattern scores and the forms of food preparation and consumption scores, five clusters of eating practices were derived (practical housewives, mother-spouses, hedonists concerned about their bodies, traditionalists and cooks not concerned about their health). To access the habitus of the clusters of eating practices, the following variables were compared among them: location of residence, their state of birth, marital status, number of children, tobacco use, profession, socioeconomic status, weight loss practices, risk behaviours for eating disorders, disordered eating attitudes, body dissatisfaction, cultural and technological consumption We could observe five groups of eating practices from the mothers living in Santos that were per passed by the gender roles, specially related to the social construction of motherhood. We could also verify a variety of eating practices resulted from a confluence of forces that act upon the fields and the habitus of the subjects. This study highlights the importance of habitus in the study of eating practices because, as a result of the interaction of forces that compose the habitus, we observe a multiplicity of eating practices that follow different directions. Thus, we found complex eating practices that cannot be understood in a linear relation with the economic and cultural capital of the studied groups. Finally, this study concludes that eating generates a movement of action and reflection that suggests, in addition to a practice, a food praxis.
This study investigated the eating practices of 439 mothers living in the city of Santos, Brazil, and the interface between these practices and the concept of habitus as proposed by Bourdieu. From a cluster analysis of dietary pattern scores and the forms of food preparation and consumption scores, five clusters of eating practices were derived (practical housewives, mother-spouses, hedonists concerned about their bodies, traditionalists and cooks not concerned about their health). To access the habitus of the clusters of eating practices, the following variables were compared among them: location of residence, their state of birth, marital status, number of children, tobacco use, profession, socioeconomic status, weight loss practices, risk behaviours for eating disorders, disordered eating attitudes, body dissatisfaction, cultural and technological consumption We could observe five groups of eating practices from the mothers living in Santos that were per passed by the gender roles, specially related to the social construction of motherhood. We could also verify a variety of eating practices resulted from a confluence of forces that act upon the fields and the habitus of the subjects. This study highlights the importance of habitus in the study of eating practices because, as a result of the interaction of forces that compose the habitus, we observe a multiplicity of eating practices that follow different directions. Thus, we found complex eating practices that cannot be understood in a linear relation with the economic and cultural capital of the studied groups. Finally, this study concludes that eating generates a movement of action and reflection that suggests, in addition to a practice, a food praxis.
SATO, Priscila de Morais. PRÁTICAS ALIMENTARES E HABITUS EM MÃES: alimentações particulares no contexto do município de Santos. 2012. 156f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2012.