Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um website sobre assistência de enfermagem em sala de recuperação pós-anestésica
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Objetivos: Este estudo propôs-se a desenvolver um website sobre a assistência de enfermagem em sala de recuperação pós-anestésica e avaliar o conteúdo, apresentação e atualização das informações disponibilizadas no website. Métodos: Tratou-se de uma pesquisa aplicada visando fornecer informações para enfermeiros e alunos da graduação em enfermagem. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do website foi a de Clement Mok, chamada de DADI, composta de quatro etapas que mesclam atividades de definição, arquitetura, design e implementação. A avaliação do website foi realizada por enfermeiros que trabalham na capital de Alagoas-Brasil com experiência mínima de 5 anos, durante um período de 10 dias, em setembro/2009, por meio de um questionário contendo 17 questões fechadas e uma aberta. Para a análise dos dados foi utilizada a estatística descritiva. Resultados: O website intitulado ―Enfermagem pós-anestésica‖ pode ser acessado através da intranet da UNIFESP diretamente interligado ao Núcleo de Pesquisa de Informática em Enfermagem - NIEn no endereço eletrônico: Contém 26 páginas com 31 imagens, sendo nove no topo e 22 no próprio website, tendo como tamanho de 10,38 megabytes (10630 bytes). O website foi direcionado aos enfermeiros que restam assistência na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica e estudantes de enfermagem, para servir como consulta ou na utilização acadêmica, como material didático disponibilizando informações confiáveis e seguras sobre o assunto proposto através da www. De acordo com a avaliação dos enfermeiros, através dos critérios de autoridade, conteúdo geral das informações, apresentação das informações e confiabilidade das informações, obteve-se uma média de 99,67% de acordo com os escores de excelente, muito bom e bom, confirmando a hipótese do estudo de 90%. Conclusão: Desta forma, a disponibilização da ferramenta proposta mostrou-se confiável e segura na disseminação de informação para o profissional de enfermagem onde o maior beneficiado é o paciente. A metodologia empregada se mostrou satisfatória visto que os objetivos foram alcançados.
Objectives: The objective of study was to develop a website in nursing care at post anesthetic recovery room. It also presents an evaluation of the contents, presentation and the information available on the website. Methodology: It is an applied research to provide information to nurses and nursing students. The methodology used for the development of the website was according to Clement Mok called DADI that comprises four stages that mixes activities of definition, architecture, design and implementation. An evaluation of the website was done by nurses who work in the capital of the state of Alagoas, Brazil. The participating nurses have a minimum of five years of professional experience. The evaluation was performed during a period of 10 days in September of 2009 using a questionnaire containing 17 closed questions and one open question. The analysis was made by descriptive statistics. Results: The site called ―Post-Anesthetic Nursing‖ can be assessed easily in to internet at UNIFESP directly linked to the Nursing Informatics Center, URL: The website contains 26 pages and 31 photos with nine photos appearing at the top and 22 on the site itself, having as its size 10.38 megabytes (10630 bytes). It was developed for nurses who work in the post anesthetic recovery room as well as for nursing students xxiii serving as a source of information for consultation or for study with didactic material with secure and reliable information. The evaluation followed the criteria of authority, the general contents of the information, the presentation of the information and the confidence of this information. It was obtained an average approval rate of 99.67% in accordance with the scores of excellent, very good and good which confirms the hypothesis of the study which was proposed as 90%. Conclusion: The availability of the proposed study instrument presented is one of a confident and secure method to provide care delivery information to nursing professionals where the greatest benefit is for the patient. The methodology presented proved to be satisfactory showing that the objectives were achieved.
Objectives: The objective of study was to develop a website in nursing care at post anesthetic recovery room. It also presents an evaluation of the contents, presentation and the information available on the website. Methodology: It is an applied research to provide information to nurses and nursing students. The methodology used for the development of the website was according to Clement Mok called DADI that comprises four stages that mixes activities of definition, architecture, design and implementation. An evaluation of the website was done by nurses who work in the capital of the state of Alagoas, Brazil. The participating nurses have a minimum of five years of professional experience. The evaluation was performed during a period of 10 days in September of 2009 using a questionnaire containing 17 closed questions and one open question. The analysis was made by descriptive statistics. Results: The site called ―Post-Anesthetic Nursing‖ can be assessed easily in to internet at UNIFESP directly linked to the Nursing Informatics Center, URL: The website contains 26 pages and 31 photos with nine photos appearing at the top and 22 on the site itself, having as its size 10.38 megabytes (10630 bytes). It was developed for nurses who work in the post anesthetic recovery room as well as for nursing students xxiii serving as a source of information for consultation or for study with didactic material with secure and reliable information. The evaluation followed the criteria of authority, the general contents of the information, the presentation of the information and the confidence of this information. It was obtained an average approval rate of 99.67% in accordance with the scores of excellent, very good and good which confirms the hypothesis of the study which was proposed as 90%. Conclusion: The availability of the proposed study instrument presented is one of a confident and secure method to provide care delivery information to nursing professionals where the greatest benefit is for the patient. The methodology presented proved to be satisfactory showing that the objectives were achieved.
LINS, Thaís Honório. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um website sobre assistência de enfermagem em sala de recuperação pós-anestésica. 2010. 173 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2010.