Abordagens sobre energia nuclear na escolaridade básica
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O presente trabalho se propôs a discutir possíveis abordagens sobre o tema da Energia Nuclear no entorno da escolaridade básica. No decorrer do desenvolvimento do texto buscou formular um arcabouço teórico inserido na proposta da transposição didática de Chevallard (1999) que poderá contribuir com o trabalho docente, isto é, com a prática do professor em sala de aula. Nesse sentido, foram ilustradas algumas aplicações importantes do uso da Energia Nuclear e seus princípios com intuito de apresentar os benefícios para que, de modo geral, ela possa contribuir para a formação do conteúdo conceitual do tema aliado aos conhecimentos didático. Com base em alguns trabalhos pesquisados, selecionamos algumas propostas didáticas para a utilização no ambiente escolar que podem ser adaptados e principalmente servir como inspiração para se trabalhar Energia Nuclear com os alunos do ensino básico. Com isso, acreditamos poder contribuir para divulgação de um assunto expressivo no cenário mundial que não remeta somente à importância econômica, isto é, energética, mas também nas relações internacionais. E por fim, o desenvolvimento deste trabalho ajudará a preparar cidadãos críticos que entendam a importância sobre essa tecnologia para o desenvolvimento de um país.
This work aims to discuss possible approaches on the topic of Nuclear Energy in the area of basic education. During the development of the text, he sought to formulate a theoretical framework inserted in the proposal of the didactic transposition of Chevallard (1999) that can contribute to the teaching work, that is, with the practice of the teacher in the classroom. In this sense, some important applications of the use of Nuclear Energy and its principles were illustrated in order to present the benefits so that, in general, it can contribute to the formation of the conceptual content of the theme combined with didactic knowledge. Based on some researched works, we selected some didactic proposals for use in the school environment that can be adapted and mainly serve as inspiration to work on Nuclear Energy with students of basic education. With this in mind, we believe we can contribute to the dissemination of an expressive subject on the world stage that does not refer only to the economic importance, that is, energy, but also in international relations. And finally, the development of this work will help to prepare critical citizens who understand the importance of this technology for the development of a country.
This work aims to discuss possible approaches on the topic of Nuclear Energy in the area of basic education. During the development of the text, he sought to formulate a theoretical framework inserted in the proposal of the didactic transposition of Chevallard (1999) that can contribute to the teaching work, that is, with the practice of the teacher in the classroom. In this sense, some important applications of the use of Nuclear Energy and its principles were illustrated in order to present the benefits so that, in general, it can contribute to the formation of the conceptual content of the theme combined with didactic knowledge. Based on some researched works, we selected some didactic proposals for use in the school environment that can be adapted and mainly serve as inspiration to work on Nuclear Energy with students of basic education. With this in mind, we believe we can contribute to the dissemination of an expressive subject on the world stage that does not refer only to the economic importance, that is, energy, but also in international relations. And finally, the development of this work will help to prepare critical citizens who understand the importance of this technology for the development of a country.
CAETANO, Eduardo Ferreira. Abordagens sobre energia nuclear na escolaridade básica. 2021. 64 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Ciências) - Instituto de Ciências Ambientais, Químicas e Farmacêuticas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Diadema, 2021.