Efeito do treinamento e destreinamento no estresse e metabolismo hepático em camundongos fêmeas
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Introdução: Nas últimas décadas tem-se destacado a importância da manutenção de hábitos saudáveis visando melhoria da qualidade de vida. A prática regular de atividade física é recomendada para a prevenção e reabilitação de doenças cardiovasculares e doenças crônico-degenerativas. Estudos epidemiológicos demonstraram relação direta entre inatividade física e a presença de múltiplos fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças. Objetivos: Avaliar o efeito de programa de exercício físico e sua interrupção em parâmetros metabólicos e de estresse em camundongos. Metodologia: Foram utilizados camundongos fêmeas com 2,5 a 3 meses de idade distribuídos em 3 grupos: controle, treinado (10 semanas) e interrupção do treino (8 semanas de treino e 2 semanas de interrupção). O treino consistiu de natação (1h/dia, 5 dias/sem). Os animais foram pesados continuadamente e ao final de 10 foram sacrificados e sangue, gordura perigonadal e outros tecidos foram coletados e armazenados para posterior análise. Dosagens plasmáticas de glicose, colesterol, triglicerídeos e lactato foram realizadas utilizando Accutrend Plus (Roche). Foi também analisado o conteúdo de glicogênio hepático e a expressão de glicogênio fosforilase por PCRq. Estresse sistêmico foi analisado pela dosagem sérica de corticosterona por radioimunoensaio e o estresse hepático pela expressão da HSP 47 por imunoblotting. Resultados: Todos os animais aumentaram seu peso ao longo do período de estudo. Este ganho foi acompanhado do aumento de gordura perigonadal avaliado no final do experimento, sendo maior nos grupos treinados e destreinados. Não houve diferença estatística nestes parâmetros entre os grupos. Níveis séricos de glicose ou colesterol não diferiram entre os grupos. A concentração sérica de triclicerídeos aumentou discretamente nos treinados (210 ± 19 mg/dL) em relação ao controle (192 ± 29 mg/dL). Nos animais destreinados houve diminuição na concentração de triacilglicerol (166 ± 16 mg/dL) em relação aos treinados e controle. Nas dosagens séricas de lactato verificamos que o grupo treinado (6,8 ± 0,4 mg/dL) e destreinado (7,0 ± 0,3 mg/dL) tiveram diminuição da concentração de lactato em relação ao grupo controle (8,4 ± 0,7 mg/dL). Os animais destreinados apresentaram menos glicogênio hepático (0,36 ± 0,05 mg/g tecido) quando comparado ao grupo treinado (0,53 ± 0,02 mg/g tecido). No entanto, quando analisada a expressão gênica da glicogênio fosforilase hepática, não verificamos diferença entre os grupos. Em relação ao estresse, verificamos que o treino ou sua interrupção não alterou o nível de corticosterona sérica. Em contrapartida, quando analisamos a HSP 47 hepática verificamos aumento da sua expressão no grupo treinado (27,8 ± 6,5 UA) e destreinado (31,7 ± 6,5 UA) em relação ao grupo controle (17,7 ± 4,6 UA). Conclusão: Nossos dados sugerem que treinamento e sua interrupção produzem alterações no metabolismo hepático em relação a eficiência do armazenamento e uso de glicogênio. Verificamos também que a interrupção do treino causa maior dano hepático (expressão de HSP 47) que o treinamento (ANOVA p= 0,420)
Introduction: In recent decades has highlighted the importance of maintaining healthy habits for improvement in quality of life. The practice of regular physical activity is recommended for the prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases and chronic degenerative diseases. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a direct relationship between physical inactivity and the presence of multiple risk factors for disease development. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of physical exercise program and its disruption in metabolic parameters and stress in mice. Methodology: We used female mice with 2.5 to 3 months of age divided into 3 groups: control, trained (10 weeks) and discontinuation of training (8 weeks of training and 2 weeks of discontinuation). The training consisted of swimming (1 h / day, 5 days / week). The animals were continuously weighed and the final 10 were killed and blood, fat and other tissues perigonadal were collected and stored for later analysis. Plasma levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and lactate were performed using Accutrend Plus (Roche). We also analyzed the liver glycogen content and expression of glycogen phosphorylase by PCRq. Systemic stress was assessed by serum corticosterone by radioimmunoassay and liver stress by the expression of HSP 47 by immunoblotting. Results: All animals increased their weight during the study period. This gain was accompanied by increased fat perigonadal assessed at the end of the experiment, being higher in trained and untrained groups. There was no statistical difference in these parameters between the groups. Serum glucose or cholesterol did not differ between groups. Serum triclicerídeos increased slightly in the trained (210 ± 19 mg / dL) compared to control (192 ± 29 mg / dL). In untrained animals showed reductions in triacylglycerol concentration (166 ± 16 mg / dL) compared with control and trained. In the serum lactate found that the trained group (6.8 ± 0.4 mg / dL) and untrained (7.0 ± 0.3 mg / dL) had a decrease of lactate concentration in the control group (8, 4 ± 0.7 mg / dL). Untrained animals showed less liver glycogen (0.36 ± 0.05 mg / g tissue) compared to the trained group (0.53 ± 0.02 mg / g tissue). However, when analyzing the gene expression of hepatic glycogen phosphorylase, no significant difference between groups. In relation to stress, we found that the training or its interruption did not affect the level of serum corticosterone. In contrast, when we analyzed the hepatic HSP 47 found increased expression in the trained group (27.8 ± 6.5 AU) and untrained (31.7 ± 6.5 AU) in the control group (17.7 ± 4 , 6 AU). Conclusion: Our data suggest that training and its interruption produces changes in liver metabolism in relation to efficiency of storage and use of glycogen. We also found that discontinuing the practice causes more liver damage expression (HSP 47) that the training (ANOVA p = 0.420)
Introduction: In recent decades has highlighted the importance of maintaining healthy habits for improvement in quality of life. The practice of regular physical activity is recommended for the prevention and rehabilitation of cardiovascular diseases and chronic degenerative diseases. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a direct relationship between physical inactivity and the presence of multiple risk factors for disease development. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of physical exercise program and its disruption in metabolic parameters and stress in mice. Methodology: We used female mice with 2.5 to 3 months of age divided into 3 groups: control, trained (10 weeks) and discontinuation of training (8 weeks of training and 2 weeks of discontinuation). The training consisted of swimming (1 h / day, 5 days / week). The animals were continuously weighed and the final 10 were killed and blood, fat and other tissues perigonadal were collected and stored for later analysis. Plasma levels of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and lactate were performed using Accutrend Plus (Roche). We also analyzed the liver glycogen content and expression of glycogen phosphorylase by PCRq. Systemic stress was assessed by serum corticosterone by radioimmunoassay and liver stress by the expression of HSP 47 by immunoblotting. Results: All animals increased their weight during the study period. This gain was accompanied by increased fat perigonadal assessed at the end of the experiment, being higher in trained and untrained groups. There was no statistical difference in these parameters between the groups. Serum glucose or cholesterol did not differ between groups. Serum triclicerídeos increased slightly in the trained (210 ± 19 mg / dL) compared to control (192 ± 29 mg / dL). In untrained animals showed reductions in triacylglycerol concentration (166 ± 16 mg / dL) compared with control and trained. In the serum lactate found that the trained group (6.8 ± 0.4 mg / dL) and untrained (7.0 ± 0.3 mg / dL) had a decrease of lactate concentration in the control group (8, 4 ± 0.7 mg / dL). Untrained animals showed less liver glycogen (0.36 ± 0.05 mg / g tissue) compared to the trained group (0.53 ± 0.02 mg / g tissue). However, when analyzing the gene expression of hepatic glycogen phosphorylase, no significant difference between groups. In relation to stress, we found that the training or its interruption did not affect the level of serum corticosterone. In contrast, when we analyzed the hepatic HSP 47 found increased expression in the trained group (27.8 ± 6.5 AU) and untrained (31.7 ± 6.5 AU) in the control group (17.7 ± 4 , 6 AU). Conclusion: Our data suggest that training and its interruption produces changes in liver metabolism in relation to efficiency of storage and use of glycogen. We also found that discontinuing the practice causes more liver damage expression (HSP 47) that the training (ANOVA p = 0.420)
ZAROS, Tassiane. Efeito do treinamento e destreinamento no estresse e metabolismo hepático em camundongos fêmeas. 2010. 42 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2010.