Concepções de professores da Educação Básica sobre sustentabilidade e educação ambiental
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Este projeto teve como objetivo compreender as concepções de Educação Ambiental (EA) e
Sustentabilidade por parte de professores de Ciências (séries finais do Ensino Fundamental) e
de Biologia, Física, Química e Matemática (Ensino Médio) de uma escola da rede pública do
município de Diadema. A pesquisa integrou as ações do Observatório de Educação e
Sustentabilidade da Unifesp-Diadema (ObES). O projeto, de abordagem qualitativa, utilizou de
questionários virtuais para o levantamento de dados com os participantes da pesquisa, além da
análise de documentos norteadores. É possível apontar que: os docentes possuem certo
conhecimento sobre EA e Sustentabilidade, porém nota-se que estes conhecimentos são
abordados especificamente na disciplina de ciências, sempre de forma pontual ou fragmentada
devido não possuírem conhecimentos abrangentes sobre a temática, isso pode estar relacionado
à formação inicial e continuada dos docentes. Observou-se ainda que a profundidade e a
atualidade do conhecimento dos professores sobre o tema, em sua grande maioria, estão
próximas a uma visão tradicional, como se a EA fosse apenas mais um conteúdo a ser ensinado
e aprendido não como um campo pensante, uma área de transformações individuais e coletivas.
Assim, entende-se que a EA deve ser uma das prioridades em cursos de formação de
professores, pois o futuro do planeta depende das ações que são tomadas pelo ser humano. E se
os professores não tiverem conhecimento da importância desse tema, fica difícil inseri-la em
suas práticas pedagógicas, visto que os professores irão entender que a prioridade são apenas
os assuntos específicos de sua disciplina, como o caso dos professores de Física e Matemática
que precisam dar conta do conteúdo previsto no currículo oficial e muitas vezes não tem tempo,
assim não conseguem realizar atividades de forma interdisciplinar, conforme sugerem os
PCN’s, Diretrizes de EA e o PNEA.
This project aimed to understand the conceptions of Environmental Education (EE) and Sustainability by teachers from science (considering final grades of Elementary School) and Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Math (from High School) subjects from a public school in Diadema’s city. The research integrated the actions by Education and Sustainability Observatory from Federal University of São Paulo – Diadema (ObEs.) The project, from qualitative research, used virtual questionnaires to collect data, in addition to analyze guiding documents. It is possible to point out that, the teachers got some knowledge about EE and Sustainability, but is possible to notice that this knowledge is specifically addressed on science subjective, always in punctual or fragmented way. In fact, considering their lack of knowledge concerning these topics, this could be related to the initial and continuing teacher’s education. It also observed that the teacher’s depth and currentness knowledge about the theme are closer to a traditional view, as if EE were just another topic to be taught and learned, and not as a thinking field, an area of individual and collective transformations. Thus, it is understandable that EE must be one of the priorities on teacher’s training courses, because the future of the planet depends by the actions taken by human beings. And if teachers are not aware about the importance of this topic, it is difficult to include it in their pedagogical practices, considering that teachers will understand that the priority is only the specific subject-matter of their discipline, as the case observed with Physics and Math’s teachers, who need to cover the content in the official curriculum and often do not have time, so they are unable to fulfill activities in interdisciplinary way, as suggested by the PCN's, EE Guidelines and the PNEA
This project aimed to understand the conceptions of Environmental Education (EE) and Sustainability by teachers from science (considering final grades of Elementary School) and Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Math (from High School) subjects from a public school in Diadema’s city. The research integrated the actions by Education and Sustainability Observatory from Federal University of São Paulo – Diadema (ObEs.) The project, from qualitative research, used virtual questionnaires to collect data, in addition to analyze guiding documents. It is possible to point out that, the teachers got some knowledge about EE and Sustainability, but is possible to notice that this knowledge is specifically addressed on science subjective, always in punctual or fragmented way. In fact, considering their lack of knowledge concerning these topics, this could be related to the initial and continuing teacher’s education. It also observed that the teacher’s depth and currentness knowledge about the theme are closer to a traditional view, as if EE were just another topic to be taught and learned, and not as a thinking field, an area of individual and collective transformations. Thus, it is understandable that EE must be one of the priorities on teacher’s training courses, because the future of the planet depends by the actions taken by human beings. And if teachers are not aware about the importance of this topic, it is difficult to include it in their pedagogical practices, considering that teachers will understand that the priority is only the specific subject-matter of their discipline, as the case observed with Physics and Math’s teachers, who need to cover the content in the official curriculum and often do not have time, so they are unable to fulfill activities in interdisciplinary way, as suggested by the PCN's, EE Guidelines and the PNEA