“Minha filha não vai ser um obstáculo”: Narrativas de mães universitárias
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Introdução: A gravidez como condição biológica exclusiva da mulher também é uma
condição social. Embora a gestação, o parto e a amamentação sejam possibilidades restritas ao
corpo biológico feminino, é no âmbito da cultura e de uma dada configuração histórica que a
mulher vai lidar com cada uma dessas fases. As experiências de engravidar, dar à luz,
amamentar e maternar estão alinhadas com as relações sociais estabelecidas e vigentes.
Objetivo: Compreender os fatores contextuais que influenciam a funcionalidade de mães
universitárias. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, baseado no método de análise
narrativa. O estudo incluiu mulheres universitárias que se tornaram mães durante a graduação.
As narrativas foram analisadas individualmente e discutidas em suas semelhanças e
singularidades. Resultados: Foram apresentadas as narrativas de cinco mulheres, mães
universitárias, com idades entre 22 e 38 anos, com filhos entre 1 e 9 anos e diferentes estados
civis. Todas vivenciaram barreiras e facilitadores, tanto no ambiente físico, social ou
atitudinal em seus percursos acadêmicos. Discussão: Foram observados alguns facilitadores
como redes de apoio, auxílios estudantis, leis e inúmeras barreiras como falta de políticas
públicas, falta de rede de apoio, de informação, que essas mães universitárias encontraram
durante o percurso acadêmico. Observamos uma diversidade de fatores pessoais e como as
intersecções de raça e classe social potencializam as barreiras ambientais que precisam ser
minimizadas ou eliminadas com políticas públicas capazes de garantir a equidade e reparação
histórica das desigualdades de gênero, raça e classe social. Conclusão: É preciso investir em
ações afirmativas que promovam o aumento da funcionalidade de mães universitárias,
garantindo equidade na formação e permanência de todas.
Introduction: Pregnancy as an exclusive biological condition of women is also a social condition. Although pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are possibilities restricted to the female biological body, it is within the scope of culture and a given historical configuration that women will deal with each of these phases. The experiences of getting pregnant, giving birth, breastfeeding and mothering are in line with established and current social relationships. Objective: To understand the contextual factors that influence the functionality of university mothers. Methods: This is a qualitative study, based on the narrative analysis method. The study included college women who became mothers during graduation. The personal narratives were analyzed individually and discussed in terms of their similarities and singularities. Results: The narratives of five women, university mothers, aged between 22 and 38 years, with children between 1 and 9 years and different marital status, were presented. All of them experienced barriers and facilitators, both in the physical, social or attitudinal environment in their academic paths. Discussion: Some facilitators were observed such as support networks, student aid, laws and numerous barriers such as lack of public policies, lack of support network, lack of information, which these university mothers encountered during their academic journey. We observed a diversity of personal factors and how the intersections of race and social class potentiate environmental barriers that need to be minimized or eliminated with public policies capable of guaranteeing equity and historical reparation of inequalities of gender, race and social class. Conclusion: It is necessary to invest in actions that promote and increase the functionality of university mothers, to create conditions and guaranteeing equity that allow them to reach the appropriate education.
Introduction: Pregnancy as an exclusive biological condition of women is also a social condition. Although pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are possibilities restricted to the female biological body, it is within the scope of culture and a given historical configuration that women will deal with each of these phases. The experiences of getting pregnant, giving birth, breastfeeding and mothering are in line with established and current social relationships. Objective: To understand the contextual factors that influence the functionality of university mothers. Methods: This is a qualitative study, based on the narrative analysis method. The study included college women who became mothers during graduation. The personal narratives were analyzed individually and discussed in terms of their similarities and singularities. Results: The narratives of five women, university mothers, aged between 22 and 38 years, with children between 1 and 9 years and different marital status, were presented. All of them experienced barriers and facilitators, both in the physical, social or attitudinal environment in their academic paths. Discussion: Some facilitators were observed such as support networks, student aid, laws and numerous barriers such as lack of public policies, lack of support network, lack of information, which these university mothers encountered during their academic journey. We observed a diversity of personal factors and how the intersections of race and social class potentiate environmental barriers that need to be minimized or eliminated with public policies capable of guaranteeing equity and historical reparation of inequalities of gender, race and social class. Conclusion: It is necessary to invest in actions that promote and increase the functionality of university mothers, to create conditions and guaranteeing equity that allow them to reach the appropriate education.
OLIVEIRA, Ana Flávia Silvério de. “Minha filha não vai ser um obstáculo”: Narrativas de mães universitárias. 2022. 54 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Fisioterapia) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022