Entre a circularidade do Tai Chi e o Círculo Hermenêutico: uma caminha sobre a autonomia e o autocuidado
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Esta pesquisa se desenha a partir da prática enquanto terapeuta ocupacional que compõe uma
equipe de saúde mental na atenção básica no município de Osasco, região metropolitana da
cidade de São Paulo, estado de São Paulo, onde é desenvolvida, desde 2012, a atividade
Oficina Tai Chi como grupo aberto, tanto para usuários com demandas da saúde mental
quanto para qualquer pessoa que deseje participar da atividade. Atravessados pela pandemia
da Covid-19, os encontros passaram a acontecer de forma síncrona, virtualmente via Google
Meet, assim como também seguiram as Oficinas de Pesquisa. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi
compreender, pela ótica do usuário do SUS, se o Tai Chi, enquanto prática integrativa no
território, potencializa a autonomia dos usuários na gestão do seu cuidado. E, como objetivos
específicos, identificar o que motiva o usuário a participar da oficina Tai Chi, oferecida no
território; analisar se e como a prática do Tai Chi influencia na percepção de saúde; verificar
se a prática do Tai Chi amplia o protagonismo dos usuários na gestão do cuidado e
desenvolver um produto técnico educacional para a prática do Tai Chi. O método proposto foi
uma pesquisa qualitativa, sob a perspectiva da hermenêutica crítica e narrativa, já que a
pesquisadora é parte integrante dos processos a serem pesquisados. Foram utilizadas Oficinas
de Pesquisa para recolha de sentidos, trabalhados os núcleos argumentais e a construção da
narrativa coletiva. Percebemos a convergência entre a concepção de saúde no Tai Chi e na
Terapia Ocupacional, como também a repercussão dessa prática numa percepção de um
cotidiano mais autônomo para os participantes. Encontramos pistas que apontam para o
entendimento do Tai Chi enquanto prática que sustenta uma autonomia e autocuidado
subjetivos, relacionais, que proporciona bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Observamos que ainda
persiste a forte influência do modelo biomédico hegemônico sobre o cuidado. A partir das
discussões nas Oficinas de Pesquisa emergiu a proposta de construção de um Zine, como
Produto Técnico derivado da pesquisa. Pretende-se que os resultados possam contribuir para o
fortalecimento das práticas integrativas e complementares no SUS.
This research is designed from the practice as an occupational therapist who makes up a mental health team in primary care in the city of Osasco, metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, where the Tai Chi Workshop activity has been developed since 2012, as an open group, both for users with mental health demands and for anyone who wants to participate in the activity. Crossed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the meetings started to happen synchronously, virtually via Google Meet, as well as following the Research Workshops. The general objective of the research was to understand, from the perspective of SUS users, if Tai Chi, as an integrative practice in the territory, enhances the autonomy of users in managing their care. And, as specific objectives, identify what motivates the user to participate in the Tai Chi workshop, offered in the territory; analyze whether and how the practice of Tai Chi influences the perception of health; to verify whether the practice of Tai Chi expands the role of users in care management and to develop a technical educational product for the practice of Tai Chi. The proposed method was a qualitative research, from the perspective of critical and narrative hermeneutics, as the researcher is an integral part of the processes to be researched. Research Workshops were used to gather meanings, worked on the argument nuclei and the construction of the collective narrative. We noticed the convergence between the concept of health in Tai Chi and Occupational Therapy, as well as the repercussion of this practice in a perception of a more autonomous daily life for the participants. We found clues that point to the understanding of Tai Chi as a practice that sustains subjective, relational autonomy and self-care, which provides well-being and quality of life. We observed that the strong influence of the hegemonic biomedical model on care still persists. From the discussions in the Research Workshops, the proposal to build a Zine emerged, as a Technical Product derived from the research. It is intended that the results can contribute to the strengthening of integrative and complementary practices in the SUS.
This research is designed from the practice as an occupational therapist who makes up a mental health team in primary care in the city of Osasco, metropolitan region of the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo, where the Tai Chi Workshop activity has been developed since 2012, as an open group, both for users with mental health demands and for anyone who wants to participate in the activity. Crossed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the meetings started to happen synchronously, virtually via Google Meet, as well as following the Research Workshops. The general objective of the research was to understand, from the perspective of SUS users, if Tai Chi, as an integrative practice in the territory, enhances the autonomy of users in managing their care. And, as specific objectives, identify what motivates the user to participate in the Tai Chi workshop, offered in the territory; analyze whether and how the practice of Tai Chi influences the perception of health; to verify whether the practice of Tai Chi expands the role of users in care management and to develop a technical educational product for the practice of Tai Chi. The proposed method was a qualitative research, from the perspective of critical and narrative hermeneutics, as the researcher is an integral part of the processes to be researched. Research Workshops were used to gather meanings, worked on the argument nuclei and the construction of the collective narrative. We noticed the convergence between the concept of health in Tai Chi and Occupational Therapy, as well as the repercussion of this practice in a perception of a more autonomous daily life for the participants. We found clues that point to the understanding of Tai Chi as a practice that sustains subjective, relational autonomy and self-care, which provides well-being and quality of life. We observed that the strong influence of the hegemonic biomedical model on care still persists. From the discussions in the Research Workshops, the proposal to build a Zine emerged, as a Technical Product derived from the research. It is intended that the results can contribute to the strengthening of integrative and complementary practices in the SUS.
LOURENÇO, Rita de Cássia Ferreira. Entre a circularidade do Tai Chi e o Círculo Hermenêutico: uma caminhada sobre a autonomia e o autocuidado. 2021. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional Ensino em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.