As Funções Recrutamento e Seleção Aplicadas à Geração dos Millennials
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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso – TCC, tem como objetivo analisar o modo como
são aplicadas as funções recrutamento e seleção, pelos gestores, a uma geração em constante
mudança, de modo a favorecer a compreensão acerca das funções recrutamento e seleção e sua
aplicação pelas organizações, no contexto da Geração dos Millennials, geração essa que vive o
principal momento de busca pelo emprego ou, até mesmo por recolocação no mercado, que está
em constante mudança e em busca de novos desafios atrelados a rápidos resultados. As funções
recrutamento e seleção foram estudadas a partir da percepção de Gestores de organizações em
relação aos Millennials, também conhecidos como Geração Y, bem como da percepção de
pessoas pertencentes a essa geração. Dentro das funções recrutamento e seleção foram
analisados alguns comportamentos pertencentes aos Millennials, tais como suas expectativas
em relação a essas duas funções, bem como as vulnerabilidades que lhes são inerentes, visto
que é uma geração que exprime muitas dúvidas e incertezas. Mais além, ressalta-se a
proatividade, comportamento esse que lhe é intrínseco devido à pré-disposição em participar
ativamente de tudo. Foi também visto como os gestores fazem com que a cultura organizacional
seja uma aliada no decorrer dos processos envolvidos nas funções recrutamento e seleção ante
as características dessa geração. Ainda, foi possível entender como Gestores e Millennials
entrevistados percebem essas funções dentro das organizações, de modo a explicitar como essa
geração lida com ambas as funções e, ao mesmo tempo, como Gestores vêm buscando o
cuidado necessário para lhes proporcionar uma experiência positiva sem deixar sequelas.
This Final Course Work - TCC aims to analyze the way recruitment and selection functions are applied by managers to a constantly changing generation to enhance understanding of recruitment and selection functions and their application by organizations in the context of the Millennial Generation. This generation is currently experiencing the peak of job searching or even repositioning in the market, as they are constantly changing and seeking new challenges with fast results. The recruitment and selection functions were studied based on the perception of managers in relation to Millennials, also known as Generation Y, as well as the perception of individuals belonging to this generation. Within the recruitment and selection functions, certain behaviors belonging to Millennials were analyzed, such as their expectations regarding these two functions, as well as their vulnerabilities, given that this generation expresses many doubts and uncertainties. Furthermore, their proactive nature was highlighted, as it is intrinsic to them due to their predisposition to actively participate in everything. It was also observed how managers ensure that organizational culture becomes an ally throughout the processes involved in recruitment and selection functions, considering the characteristics of this generation. Moreover, it was possible to understand how interviewed managers and Millennials perceive these functions within organizations, in order to illustrate how this generation deals with both functions and, at the same time, how managers are seeking to provide them with the necessary care to ensure a positive experience without leaving any lasting negative effects.
This Final Course Work - TCC aims to analyze the way recruitment and selection functions are applied by managers to a constantly changing generation to enhance understanding of recruitment and selection functions and their application by organizations in the context of the Millennial Generation. This generation is currently experiencing the peak of job searching or even repositioning in the market, as they are constantly changing and seeking new challenges with fast results. The recruitment and selection functions were studied based on the perception of managers in relation to Millennials, also known as Generation Y, as well as the perception of individuals belonging to this generation. Within the recruitment and selection functions, certain behaviors belonging to Millennials were analyzed, such as their expectations regarding these two functions, as well as their vulnerabilities, given that this generation expresses many doubts and uncertainties. Furthermore, their proactive nature was highlighted, as it is intrinsic to them due to their predisposition to actively participate in everything. It was also observed how managers ensure that organizational culture becomes an ally throughout the processes involved in recruitment and selection functions, considering the characteristics of this generation. Moreover, it was possible to understand how interviewed managers and Millennials perceive these functions within organizations, in order to illustrate how this generation deals with both functions and, at the same time, how managers are seeking to provide them with the necessary care to ensure a positive experience without leaving any lasting negative effects.
Cardoso, J. C. S. As Funções Recrutamento e Seleção Aplicadas à Geração dos Millennials. 2023. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2023.