Serviço Social em saúde mental: a importância da Residência Multiprofissional
Dissertação de mestrado
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A pós-graduação desempenha um papel importante na formação profissional, particularmente no campo da saúde. Na Residência Multiprofissional, os assistentes sociais têm a oportunidade de se capacitarem para atuar de maneira eficaz na área da Saúde Mental. Este estudo destaca a relevância da Residência Multiprofissional na formação de assistentes sociais aptos para enfrentar desafios complexos e inovadores, e propõe uma especialização que os qualifique para o efetivo trabalho em equipe. O objetivo é compreender a importância da Residência Multiprofissional no processo de formação do profissional de Serviço Social na área da Saúde Mental, destacando seu impacto no desenvolvimento de competências práticas e na integração com equipes multidisciplinares, sendo os objetivos específicos: analisar Projetos Pedagógicos de Programas de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Mental destinados aos profissionais do Serviço Social; identificar e avaliar os conhecimentos e dificuldades específicas percebidas pelos profissionais pós graduados nesses programas, e desenvolver como Produto Educacional uma proposta de Plano de Ensino com conteúdo da área de concentração do Serviço Social para a Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Mental da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, que atenda às demandas para a formação interprofissional do assistente social. Como método adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, combinando revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e pesquisa de campo com coleta de dados on-line, por meio de questionários destinados a discentes e egressos dos Programas de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Mental da UNESP e Multiprofissional em Rede de Atenção Psicossocial da UNIFESP-Baixada Santista. Os resultados obtidos indicam a importância de ampliar e fortalecer os programas de Residência Multiprofissional, como estratégia para qualificar os serviços de saúde e promover a integralidade do cuidado ao usuário. A partir da análise dos dados foi elaborado um Plano Disciplinar, com conteúdo específico da área do Serviço Social, como proposta de Produto Educacional com o propósito de ser integrado ao Projeto Pedagógico da Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde Mental da UNIFESP, permitindo a extensão da Residência aos profissionais do serviço social. Por fim, esta pesquisa demonstra que a Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde se constitui em um espaço privilegiado para a formação especializada do assistente social, contribuindo para o aprimoramento teórico-prático e a construção de uma prática clínica mais qualificada e comprometida com os princípios do SUS. A inclusão desses profissionais na Residência em Saúde Mental da Unifesp potencializa a Educação Interprofissional, promovendo a construção de práticas colaborativas e inovadoras, otimizando a qualidade da atenção à saúde.
Postgraduate education plays a vital role in professional training, particularly in the field of health. In the Multiprofessional Residency, social workers have the opportunity to prepare themselves for effective practice in the area of Mental Health. This study highlights the relevance of the Multiprofessional Residency in training social workers capable of facing complex and innovative challenges and proposes a specialization that qualifies them for effective teamwork. The aim is to understand the importance of the Multiprofessional Residency in the professional formation process of social workers in the area of Mental Health, emphasizing its impact on the development of practical competencies and integration with multidisciplinary teams. The specific objectives are: to analyze the Pedagogical Projects of Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Mental Health aimed at social work professionals; to identify and evaluate the specific knowledge and difficulties perceived by postgraduate professionals in these programs; and to develop an Educational Product in the form of a Disciplinary Plan with content related to the concentration area of Social Work for the Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health at the Federal University of São Paulo, addressing the demands for interprofessional training of social workers. A qualitative and exploratory approach was adopted as the method, combining literature review, document analysis, and field research through online data collection via questionnaires directed at students and graduates of the Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Mental Health at UNESP and the Multiprofessional Network of Psychosocial Care at UNIFESP - Baixada Santista. The results indicate the need to expand and strengthen Multiprofessional Residency programs as a strategy to qualify health services and promote comprehensive care for users. Based on the data analysis, a Disciplinary Plan was developed with specific content for the area of Social Work, proposed as an Educational Product intended to be integrated into the Pedagogical Project of the Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health at UNIFESP, thereby allowing for the extension of the Residency to social work professionals. Ultimately, this research demonstrates that the Multiprofessional Residency in Health constitutes a privileged space for the specialized training of social workers, contributing to the theoretical and practical enhancement and the construction of a more qualified clinical practice aligned with the principles of the SUS. The inclusion of these professionals in the Mental Health Residency at UNIFESP enhances Interprofessional Education, promoting the development of collaborative and innovative practices that optimize the quality of health care.
Postgraduate education plays a vital role in professional training, particularly in the field of health. In the Multiprofessional Residency, social workers have the opportunity to prepare themselves for effective practice in the area of Mental Health. This study highlights the relevance of the Multiprofessional Residency in training social workers capable of facing complex and innovative challenges and proposes a specialization that qualifies them for effective teamwork. The aim is to understand the importance of the Multiprofessional Residency in the professional formation process of social workers in the area of Mental Health, emphasizing its impact on the development of practical competencies and integration with multidisciplinary teams. The specific objectives are: to analyze the Pedagogical Projects of Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Mental Health aimed at social work professionals; to identify and evaluate the specific knowledge and difficulties perceived by postgraduate professionals in these programs; and to develop an Educational Product in the form of a Disciplinary Plan with content related to the concentration area of Social Work for the Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health at the Federal University of São Paulo, addressing the demands for interprofessional training of social workers. A qualitative and exploratory approach was adopted as the method, combining literature review, document analysis, and field research through online data collection via questionnaires directed at students and graduates of the Multiprofessional Residency Programs in Mental Health at UNESP and the Multiprofessional Network of Psychosocial Care at UNIFESP - Baixada Santista. The results indicate the need to expand and strengthen Multiprofessional Residency programs as a strategy to qualify health services and promote comprehensive care for users. Based on the data analysis, a Disciplinary Plan was developed with specific content for the area of Social Work, proposed as an Educational Product intended to be integrated into the Pedagogical Project of the Multiprofessional Residency in Mental Health at UNIFESP, thereby allowing for the extension of the Residency to social work professionals. Ultimately, this research demonstrates that the Multiprofessional Residency in Health constitutes a privileged space for the specialized training of social workers, contributing to the theoretical and practical enhancement and the construction of a more qualified clinical practice aligned with the principles of the SUS. The inclusion of these professionals in the Mental Health Residency at UNIFESP enhances Interprofessional Education, promoting the development of collaborative and innovative practices that optimize the quality of health care.
SOUZA, Ruth Tortoreto Cardoso. Serviço Social em saúde mental: a importância da Residência Multiprofissional. 2024. 150 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Ensino em Ciências da Saúde). Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2024.
4. Educação de qualidade