Avaliação da segurança do paciente sob sua perspectiva na pandemia de Covid-19
Dissertação de mestrado
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Objetivo: Avaliar a segurança do paciente sob sua perspectiva durante a pandemia de covid-19; descrever a segurança do paciente sob sua perspectiva; verificar a associação da segurança do paciente autorrelatada com as variáveis sociodemográficas; verificar a associação da segurança do paciente autorrelatada com as sintomatologias dos participantes. Método: Estudo exploratório transversal do tipo survey com abordagem quantitativa, realizado no Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de São Paulo, com pacientes internados pela covid-19. A amostra foi composta por 129 participantes, selecionados aleatoriamente, com base na lista mensal de altas hospitalares fornecida pelo serviço que ocorreram durante o período de março de 2020 a junho de 2021. O instrumento foi o Patient Measure of Safety (PMOS), adaptado para a língua portuguesa brasileira, utilizado para determinar a percepção de segurança do paciente sob sua perspectiva, com uma pontuação total e pontuações em cada um dos nove domínios. Estatísticas descritivas e testes de Shapiro–Wilks, correlação de Pearson, ANOVA (Analysis on Variance), Mann-Whitney e Kruskal Wallis, foram utilizados para analisar os fatores sociodemográficos associados aos escores PMOS, consideradas como significância estatística os valores de p<0,05. A consistência interna do instrumento foi avaliada pelo alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: Observou-se maioria de homens (50,8%), negros (53,1%), com idade menor ou igual a 56 anos (51,9%), com ensino médio completo (30,2%), renda familiar de até R$ 2.090 (39,8%) e residindo no domicílio com três pessoas em média (33,3%). Com relação a avaliação de segurança sob a perspectiva do paciente, 75% dos domínios apresentaram escore de 80% (4,0). Os domínios 5 “fluxo da informação” (3,0) e 8 “equipamento (design e funcionamento)” (3,7) apresentaram valores abaixo desta média. O alfa de Cronbach para instrumento geral foi de 0,913 e para as subescalas variou entre -1,337 a 0,796. Encontrou-se relação entre a segurança da assistência da enfermagem e pacientes mais fragilizados por sintomatologias (tosse, p=0,018; náuseas e vômito, p=0,020; diarreia, p=0,013). Conclusão: Conclui-se que o cuidado prestado pela equipe de saúde foi avaliado como seguro na percepção dos pacientes internados por covid-19 e observou-se relação entre os pacientes mais fragilizados por comorbidades e sintomatologias perceberem de forma mais negativa sua segurança.
Objective: Evaluate patient safety from their perspective during the covid-19 pandemic; describe patient safety from their perspective; verify the association of self-reported patient safety with sociodemographic variables; verify the association of self-reported patient safety with the symptoms of the participants. Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory study of the survey type with a quantitative approach, carried out at the University Hospital of the Federal University of São Paulo, with patients hospitalized for covid-19. The sample consisted of 129 participants, randomly selected, based on the monthly list of hospital discharges provided by the service that occurred during the period from March 2020 to June 2021. The instrument was the Patient Measure of Safety (PMOS), adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese language, used to determine the patient's perception of safety from their perspective, with a total score and scores in each of the nine domains. Descriptive statistics and Shapiro–Wilks tests, Pearson correlation, ANOVA (Analysis on Variance), Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to analyze sociodemographic factors associated with PMOS scores, considering statistical significance at p<0, 05. The instrument's internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Results: There was a majority of men (50.8%), black (53.1%), aged less than or equal to 56 years (51.9%), with complete secondary education (30.2%), family income up to R$ 2,090 (39.8%) and residing at home with three people on average (33.3%). Regarding the assessment of safety from the patient's perspective, 75% of the domains had a score of 80% (4.0). Domains 5 “information flow” (3.0) and 8 “equipment (design and operation)” (3.7) presented values below this average. Cronbach's alpha for the general instrument was 0.913 and for the subscales it ranged from -1.337 to 0.796. A relationship was found between the safety of nursing care and patients who were more fragile due to symptoms (cough, p=0.018; nausea and vomiting, p=0.020; diarrhea, p=0.013). Conclusions: It is concluded that the care provided by the health team was evaluated as safe in the perception of patients hospitalized due to covid-19 and there was a relationship between the most fragile patients due to comorbidities and symptoms perceiving their safety in a more negative way.
Objective: Evaluate patient safety from their perspective during the covid-19 pandemic; describe patient safety from their perspective; verify the association of self-reported patient safety with sociodemographic variables; verify the association of self-reported patient safety with the symptoms of the participants. Methods: Cross-sectional exploratory study of the survey type with a quantitative approach, carried out at the University Hospital of the Federal University of São Paulo, with patients hospitalized for covid-19. The sample consisted of 129 participants, randomly selected, based on the monthly list of hospital discharges provided by the service that occurred during the period from March 2020 to June 2021. The instrument was the Patient Measure of Safety (PMOS), adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese language, used to determine the patient's perception of safety from their perspective, with a total score and scores in each of the nine domains. Descriptive statistics and Shapiro–Wilks tests, Pearson correlation, ANOVA (Analysis on Variance), Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests were used to analyze sociodemographic factors associated with PMOS scores, considering statistical significance at p<0, 05. The instrument's internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Results: There was a majority of men (50.8%), black (53.1%), aged less than or equal to 56 years (51.9%), with complete secondary education (30.2%), family income up to R$ 2,090 (39.8%) and residing at home with three people on average (33.3%). Regarding the assessment of safety from the patient's perspective, 75% of the domains had a score of 80% (4.0). Domains 5 “information flow” (3.0) and 8 “equipment (design and operation)” (3.7) presented values below this average. Cronbach's alpha for the general instrument was 0.913 and for the subscales it ranged from -1.337 to 0.796. A relationship was found between the safety of nursing care and patients who were more fragile due to symptoms (cough, p=0.018; nausea and vomiting, p=0.020; diarrhea, p=0.013). Conclusions: It is concluded that the care provided by the health team was evaluated as safe in the perception of patients hospitalized due to covid-19 and there was a relationship between the most fragile patients due to comorbidities and symptoms perceiving their safety in a more negative way.
GAMA, Bárbara Peres. Avaliação da segurança do paciente sob sua perspectiva na pandemia de Covid-19. 2023. 153 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). São Paulo, 2023.