Análise da contextualização do tema alimentos nos livros didáticos de química no ensino médio
Dissertação de mestrado
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A química orgânica é considerada por muitos estudantes, principalmente do ensino médio, como uma área muito difícil da química isso porque seu ensino normalmente se baseia na memorização de fórmulas e funções orgânicas, onde raramente este conteúdo está relacionado ao cotidiano desses estudantes. Por isso, acreditamos ser importante proporcionar aos estudantes uma visão mais contextualizada da química, que os auxilie na aprendizagem dos conceitos científicos. Esta dissertação de Mestrado, tem como objetivo geral, entender como o tema Alimentos aparece nos livros Didáticos de Química da terceira série do Ensino Médio e analisar o grau de Contextualização desses livros. Foi realizada uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo do tipo análise documental. Para análise do grau de contextualização foi utilizado como referência a literatura da área de ensino de Química e para análise dos dados a As categorias propostas por Silva (2013). As ideias de contextualização são baseadas em três grandes grupos de discussão: Contextualização como exemplificação, ou entendimento, ou informação do cotidiano; Contextualização como entendimento crítico de questões científicas e tecnologias relevantes que afetam a sociedade e Contextualização como perspectiva de intervenção na sociedade. Pela análise dos livros foi constatado a predominância da abordagem dos conceitos da Quimica na Contextualização como exemplificação, ou entendimento, ou informação do cotidiano.
Organic chemistry is considered by many students, especially in high school, as a very difficult area of chemistry because its teaching is usually based on memorizing formulas and organic functions, where this content is rarely related to the daily lives of these students. Therefore, we believe it is important to provide students with a more contextualized view of chemistry, which helps them learn scientific concepts. This Master's thesis has the general objective of understanding how the topic of Food appears in Chemistry textbooks for the third year of high school and analyzing the degree of Contextualization of these books. A qualitative research type of document analysis was carried out. To analyze the degree of contextualization, literature in the area of Chemistry teaching was used as a reference and Silva (2013) categories was used to analyze the data. Contextualization ideas are based on three large discussion groups: Contextualization as exemplification, or understanding, or everyday information; Contextualization as a critical understanding of scientific issues and relevant technologies that affect society and Contextualization as a perspective for intervention in society. Through the analysis of the books, the predominance of the approach to Chemistry concepts in Contextualization as exemplification, or understanding, or everyday information, was observed.
Organic chemistry is considered by many students, especially in high school, as a very difficult area of chemistry because its teaching is usually based on memorizing formulas and organic functions, where this content is rarely related to the daily lives of these students. Therefore, we believe it is important to provide students with a more contextualized view of chemistry, which helps them learn scientific concepts. This Master's thesis has the general objective of understanding how the topic of Food appears in Chemistry textbooks for the third year of high school and analyzing the degree of Contextualization of these books. A qualitative research type of document analysis was carried out. To analyze the degree of contextualization, literature in the area of Chemistry teaching was used as a reference and Silva (2013) categories was used to analyze the data. Contextualization ideas are based on three large discussion groups: Contextualization as exemplification, or understanding, or everyday information; Contextualization as a critical understanding of scientific issues and relevant technologies that affect society and Contextualization as a perspective for intervention in society. Through the analysis of the books, the predominance of the approach to Chemistry concepts in Contextualization as exemplification, or understanding, or everyday information, was observed.