Educação ambiental e do desafio da interdisciplinaridade com o ensino de ciências
Dissertação de mestrado
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A importância de investir em Educação Ambiental (EA) foi sendo notada a partir de
1972 em Estocolmo – Suécia, na Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Meio
Ambiente, onde houve grande repercussão sobre problemáticas ambientais em
âmbito global. No Brasil, só obteve êxito com a promulgação da Lei 9.795/99, que
aponta que a EA deve permear todos os níveis da educação, ao mesmo tempo que
reconhece a instituição de ensino formal – a escola - como parte responsável pela
formação de cidadãos éticos, críticos e responsáveis, capazes de desenvolver
conhecimentos, valores e condutas que harmonizem a convivência para com a
sociedade e o meio que o cerca. Neste sentido, o papel dos educadores assume
grande relevância e potencialidade na vida de seus estudantes, incluindo suas
concepções sobre questões socioambientais. A temática destaca-se, portanto, ao
considerar que a Educação Ambiental deve estar fortemente atrelada às concepções
dos educadores. A problemática recai na perspectiva restritiva de que Educação
Ambiental e Sustentabilidade concernem somente à área de Ciências na educação
básica, premissa que vai contra o instituído em lei, na qual a EA é apresentada como
tema interdisciplinar. Nessa conjuntura, a presente dissertação busca compreender
questões relacionadas à dificuldade de implementação da EA enquanto frente
interdisciplinar de trabalho pedagógico. Para tal investigação, é apresentado um
estudo qualitativo, baseado em questionários semiestruturados e entrevistas,
realizados com professores, e análise do projeto político pedagógico de uma escola
pública de Diadema-SP, configurando uma pesquisa de campo. Os resultados do
estudo indicam que muitos educadores possuem um entendimento limitado das
concepções que orientam a EA. Apesar dessas limitações, o estudo também revelou
aspectos positivos, como o aumento do reconhecimento da importância da
interdisciplinaridade por parte de alguns educadores.
The importance of investing in Environmental Education (EE) was noticed in 1972 in Stockholm – Sweden, at the United Nations Conference on the Environment, where there was great repercussion on environmental issues at a global level. In Brazil, it was only successful with the enactment of Law 9.795/99, which points out that EE must permeate all levels of education, while recognizing the formal education institution the school as the responsible part for the formation of ethical citizens , critical and responsible, capable of developing knowledge, values and conduct that harmonize coexistence with society and the environment that surrounds it. In this sense, the role of educators assumes great relevance and potential in the lives of their students, including their conceptions of socioenvironmental issues. The theme stands out, therefore, when considering that Environmental Education must be strongly linked to the conceptions of educators. The problem lies in the restrictive perspective that Environmental Education and Sustainability concern only the area of Science in basic education, a premise that goes against what is established by law, in which EE is presented as an interdisciplinary theme. In this context, this dissertation seeks to understand issues related to the difficulty of implementing EE as an interdisciplinary front of pedagogical work. For this investigation, a qualitative study is presented, based on semistructured questionnaires and interviews, carried out with teachers, and analysis of the political pedagogical project of a public school in DiademaSP, configuring a field research. The study results indicate that many educators have a limited understanding of the concepts that guide EE. Despite these limitations, the study also revealed positive aspects, such as increased recognition of the importance of interdisciplinarity by some educators.
The importance of investing in Environmental Education (EE) was noticed in 1972 in Stockholm – Sweden, at the United Nations Conference on the Environment, where there was great repercussion on environmental issues at a global level. In Brazil, it was only successful with the enactment of Law 9.795/99, which points out that EE must permeate all levels of education, while recognizing the formal education institution the school as the responsible part for the formation of ethical citizens , critical and responsible, capable of developing knowledge, values and conduct that harmonize coexistence with society and the environment that surrounds it. In this sense, the role of educators assumes great relevance and potential in the lives of their students, including their conceptions of socioenvironmental issues. The theme stands out, therefore, when considering that Environmental Education must be strongly linked to the conceptions of educators. The problem lies in the restrictive perspective that Environmental Education and Sustainability concern only the area of Science in basic education, a premise that goes against what is established by law, in which EE is presented as an interdisciplinary theme. In this context, this dissertation seeks to understand issues related to the difficulty of implementing EE as an interdisciplinary front of pedagogical work. For this investigation, a qualitative study is presented, based on semistructured questionnaires and interviews, carried out with teachers, and analysis of the political pedagogical project of a public school in DiademaSP, configuring a field research. The study results indicate that many educators have a limited understanding of the concepts that guide EE. Despite these limitations, the study also revealed positive aspects, such as increased recognition of the importance of interdisciplinarity by some educators.