Cidades inteligentes: modelo de convívio inteligente
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Devido os problemas relacionados ao crescimento acelerado da população em centros
urbanos se estimulou por meio d os avanços tecnológicos a implantação de sistemas de
fornecimento e o gerenciamento dos serviços e infraestruturas públicos, aumentando com isso
a capacidade de crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico além de estimular a inovação e o
desenvolvimento sustentável das cidades. Considerando a abrangência do conceito de Cidade
Inteligente, este trabalho tem como objetivo promover a compreensão dos fatores que
habilitam o modelo de convívio inteligente ao levantar informações conceituais relacionadas
aos fatores e os indicadores que podem definir a situação atual de dados disponíveis para as
cidades brasileiras em relação a qualidade de vida e bem-estar entre os cidadãos. Isto foi feito
por meio de uma revisão sistemática e pesquisa exploratória de indicadores relacionados aos
fatores nas bases disponibilizadas por organizações que coletam ou organizam essas
informações. A busca resultou no déficit do banco de dados brasileiros no que se refere aos
indicadores e fatores que determinam a cidade como inteligente, sendo constatada a
necessidade de investimento nesse aspecto. Além disso, os indicadores refletem aspectos
tradicionais. O que remete a necessidade de medir aspectos recentes das cidades inteligentes,
como os avanços da computação em nuvem e o acesso a aplicativos de serviços que
satisfaçam os desafios da sociedade contemporânea repercutindo numa forma de viver
Due to the problems related to the accelerated growth of the population in urban centers, the implementation of supply systems and the management of public services and infrastructures has been stimulated through technological advances, thus increasing the capacity for growth and economic development, besides stimulating innovation and the sustainable development of cities. Considering the scope of the concept of Intelligent City, this work aims to promote the understanding of the factors that enable the smart living model by raising conceptual information related to factors and indicators that can define the current situation of available data for Brazilian cities in relation to the quality of life and well-being, the better living among citizens. This was done through a systematic review and exploratory research of indicators related to the factors in the databases made available by organizations that collect or organize this information. The search resulted in the Brazilian database deficit in terms of the indicators and factors that determine the city as intelligent, and the need for investment in this aspect was verified. In addition, the indicators reflect traditional aspects. This points to the need to measure recent aspects of smart cities, such as advances in cloud computing, and access to service applications that meet the challenges of contemporary society, impacting on a smart way of living.
Due to the problems related to the accelerated growth of the population in urban centers, the implementation of supply systems and the management of public services and infrastructures has been stimulated through technological advances, thus increasing the capacity for growth and economic development, besides stimulating innovation and the sustainable development of cities. Considering the scope of the concept of Intelligent City, this work aims to promote the understanding of the factors that enable the smart living model by raising conceptual information related to factors and indicators that can define the current situation of available data for Brazilian cities in relation to the quality of life and well-being, the better living among citizens. This was done through a systematic review and exploratory research of indicators related to the factors in the databases made available by organizations that collect or organize this information. The search resulted in the Brazilian database deficit in terms of the indicators and factors that determine the city as intelligent, and the need for investment in this aspect was verified. In addition, the indicators reflect traditional aspects. This points to the need to measure recent aspects of smart cities, such as advances in cloud computing, and access to service applications that meet the challenges of contemporary society, impacting on a smart way of living.
SOUZA, Thais Cibelle de. Cidades inteligentes: modelo de convívio inteligente. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2019.