Desenvolvimento sociocognitivo: investigando a teoria da mente e a empatia de escritores
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Teoria da mente e empatia são habilidades sociocognitivas implicadas nos processos de compreensão do mundo social e na elaboração de respostas em contextos sociais. Pesquisas com adultos, entretanto, têm muitas vezes abordado esses conceitos de maneira difusa, sendo ainda um desafio na área precisar seus contornos e as relações assumidas entre eles. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar uma revisão de escopo a respeito das relações conceituais apontadas entre teoria da mente e empatia em pesquisas que investigam diferenças socioindividuais em adultos típicos, bem como organizar essas produções em função de categorias temáticas. Foram identificados e analisados 62 artigos, sendo observado cinco diferentes modelos de relações entre teoria da mente e empatia e três núcleos de produção temática, ligados ao comportamento social, à variações fisiológicas na vida cotidiana, e, à variações cognitivas, afetivas e sociais. Ao final, são discutidos os avanços e limitações da produção científica nessa área, apontandose, por um lado, para uma produção numerosa e profícua e, por outro, para a necessidade de se avançar na construção de parâmetros mais precisos em pesquisas nessa área.
Theory of mind and empathy are sociocognitive skills involved in the processes understanding of the social world and in the elaboration of responses in social contexts. Researches with adults, however, have often approached these concepts in a diffuse way, being it is still a challenge in the area to specify its contours and the relationships assumed between them. The goal of this study was to carry out a scoping review regarding the conceptual relationships pointed out between theory of mind and empathy in research that investigates socio-individual differences in typical adults, as well as organizing these productions according to thematic categories. Were identified and analyzed 62 articles, being observed five different models of relationships between theory of mind and empathy and three thematic production centers, linked to behavior social, physiological variations in everyday life, and cognitive, affective and social variations. At the end, the advances and limitations of scientific production in this area are discussed, pointing, on the one hand, to a numerous and fruitful production and, on the other hand, to the need to advance in the construction of more precise parameters in research in this area.
Theory of mind and empathy are sociocognitive skills involved in the processes understanding of the social world and in the elaboration of responses in social contexts. Researches with adults, however, have often approached these concepts in a diffuse way, being it is still a challenge in the area to specify its contours and the relationships assumed between them. The goal of this study was to carry out a scoping review regarding the conceptual relationships pointed out between theory of mind and empathy in research that investigates socio-individual differences in typical adults, as well as organizing these productions according to thematic categories. Were identified and analyzed 62 articles, being observed five different models of relationships between theory of mind and empathy and three thematic production centers, linked to behavior social, physiological variations in everyday life, and cognitive, affective and social variations. At the end, the advances and limitations of scientific production in this area are discussed, pointing, on the one hand, to a numerous and fruitful production and, on the other hand, to the need to advance in the construction of more precise parameters in research in this area.
SILVA, Paulo Henrique Dias. Desenvolvimento sociocognitivo: investigando a teoria da mente e a empatia de escritores. 2021. 75 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Santos, 2021.