Desempenho em diferentes testes de potência e velocidade em velocistas de elite: análise correlacional e variações ao longo do tempo
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Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as mudanças no desempenho da velocidade, salto e potência muscular ao longo de um ciclo anual de treinamento, e avaliar as correlações longitudinais entre essas variáveis em velocistas de alto nível. Métodos: Treze velocistas treinados por quatro diferentes treinadores olímpicos foram examinados ao longo de 14 meses, entre janeiro de 2019 a março de 2020. Todas as avaliações foram realizadas em 4 treinamentos de campo consecutivos. Os testes de desempenho foram realizados da seguinte forma: salto horizontal, salto vertical com e sem contramovimento, velocidade linear em 10- e 60-m e teste de potência nos exercícios de meio agachamento, meio agachamento com salto e elevação pélvica. Os resultados de competição dos velocistas ao longo do período do estudo também foram registrados e analisados. Uma análise da variância com medidas repetidas foi utilizada para comparar os resultados das variáveis obtidas ao longo dos 4 momentos de avaliação. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi empregado para avaliar as relações longitudinais entre as mudanças nos parâmetros relacionados à velocidade e à potência. O nível de significância adotado foi de P< 0,05. Resultados: Em geral, os velocistas não apresentaram mudanças significantes nos testes de velocidade linear, saltos e potência. Além disso, as variações nos tempos de competição (100-m rasos) seguiram um padrão semelhante, dentro de uma variação média de ±1,36%, tanto para os homens quanto para as mulheres. Conclusão: Como esperado, os velocistas de alto nível apresentaram pequenas variações no desempenho físico e competitivo ao longo do tempo. No entanto, o uso de uma técnica estatística individual (cálculo das “mudanças reais”) revelou que essas pequenas variações no desempenho podem representar mudanças relevantes, do ponto de vista prático, no desempenho competitivo desses atletas.
Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the changes in sprint, jump, and power parameters across the annual training cycle and test the longitudinal correlations among these variables in top-level sprinters. Methods: Thirteen sprinters training with four different Olympic sprint coaches were sequentially assessed over 14 months, from January 2019 to March 2020, within four consecutive training camps. Performance tests were conducted as follows: standing long jump, squat and countermovement jumps, 10- and 60-m sprint time, and maximum power output in the half-squat, jump-squat, and hip-thrust exercises. The competitive results of the sprinters throughout the study period were also recorded and analyzed. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare the physical measurements between different testing sessions. A Pearson product-moment correlation was applied to examine the longitudinal relationships between changes in speed- and power-related parameters. The level of significance was set at P< 0.05. Results: Overall, sprinters did not exhibit significant changes in sprint speed, jumping ability, and power output. Additionally, variations in competitive times (i.e., 100-m races) followed a similar pattern, within an average range of ±1.36%, for both male and female sprinters. Conclusions: As expected, top-level sprinters presented only small variations in physical and competitive performance over time. Nevertheless, the use of an individual statistical technique (i.e., “true changes calculation”) revealed that these small performance changes may represent meaningful changes in their competitive potential.
Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the changes in sprint, jump, and power parameters across the annual training cycle and test the longitudinal correlations among these variables in top-level sprinters. Methods: Thirteen sprinters training with four different Olympic sprint coaches were sequentially assessed over 14 months, from January 2019 to March 2020, within four consecutive training camps. Performance tests were conducted as follows: standing long jump, squat and countermovement jumps, 10- and 60-m sprint time, and maximum power output in the half-squat, jump-squat, and hip-thrust exercises. The competitive results of the sprinters throughout the study period were also recorded and analyzed. A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to compare the physical measurements between different testing sessions. A Pearson product-moment correlation was applied to examine the longitudinal relationships between changes in speed- and power-related parameters. The level of significance was set at P< 0.05. Results: Overall, sprinters did not exhibit significant changes in sprint speed, jumping ability, and power output. Additionally, variations in competitive times (i.e., 100-m races) followed a similar pattern, within an average range of ±1.36%, for both male and female sprinters. Conclusions: As expected, top-level sprinters presented only small variations in physical and competitive performance over time. Nevertheless, the use of an individual statistical technique (i.e., “true changes calculation”) revealed that these small performance changes may represent meaningful changes in their competitive potential.