Infográficos em livros didáticos para o ensino de leitura em língua inglesa: uma análise multimodal e sistêmico-funcional
Dissertação de mestrado
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Considerando a importância da leitura multimodal para o desenvolvimento de
letramentos, este trabalho tem como objetivo geral apresentar a análise de três
infográficos didatizados e das instruções que orientam a leitura multimodal desses
textos. Como objetivos específicos (i) identificar o propósito sociocomunicativo, (ii) a
composição multimodal, (iii) as estruturas dos infográficos de acordo com as
Famílias de Gênero (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012) e (iv) analisar
linguisticamente as instruções que orientam as atividades de leitura multimodal sob
a perspectiva da Metafunção Ideacional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). Este
estudo está fundamentado no aporte teórico-metodológico da Linguística Sistêmicofuncional (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014; FUZER; CABRAL, 2014), da
abordagem multimodal da Gramática do Design Visual (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN,
2006; KRESS, 2010) e da Pedagogia com base em gêneros da Escola de Sydney
(MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012). A abordagem metodológica desta
pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo (PAIVA, 2019; DORNYEI, 2007). Os infográficos e
as instruções selecionados para compor os corpora encontram-se na seção de
leitura de três livros didáticos da coleção English and More! aprovada pelo Programa
Nacional do Livro Didático em 2020. Os corpora foram analisados à luz do
arcabouço teórico mencionado a fim de atingir os objetivos específicos descritos. O
resultado das análises dos infográficos indica que estes contêm elementos em
comum em suas composições multimodais: o uso de imagem, de verbiagem e de
articulação intermodal. Esses elementos constroem sentidos que encaminham os
textos ao propósito do gênero infográfico, que é Explicar, e pode ser realizado por
meio de Explicações condicionais (Infográfico I) e Explicações fatoriais (Infográficos
II e III). A análise das instruções que orientam a leitura multimodal revela a
instanciação por meio de processos materiais que mobilizam ações transformativas
e criativas, e processos mentais que criam oportunidades para que os estudantes
possam desenvolver habilidades cognitivas a partir da leitura multimodal. No
entanto, as instruções pouco exploram os elementos visuais do infográfico.
Considerando a noção de letramentos (DIONISIO, 2006; ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015),
foi possível vislumbrar a importância das atividades de leitura multimodal a partir de
gêneros de texto essencialmente multimodais como o infográfico. Esse estudo busca
contribuir para a formação inicial e continuada de professores e formadores, de
modo a oferecer subsídios para a construção de conhecimento acerca do papel da
multimodalidade no ensino de leitura em língua inglesa.
Considering the importance of multimodal reading for literacy development, this master thesis aims to present the analysis of three didactic infographics and the instructions that guide the multimodal reading of these texts. The specific objectives are (i) to identify the sociocommunicative purpose, (ii) the multimodal composition, (iii) the structures of the infographics according to the Genre Families (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012), and (iv) to linguistically analyze the instructions that guide multimodal reading activities from the perspective of the Ideational Metafunction (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). This study is based on the theoretical and methodological approach of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014; FUZER; CABRAL, 2014), the multimodal approach of Visual Design Grammar (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006; KRESS, 2010), and the Genre-based Pedagogy of the Sydney School (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012). The methodological approach of this research is qualitative (PAIVA, 2019; DORNYEI, 2007). The infographics and instructions selected to compose the corpora are found in the reading section of three textbooks which are part of the English and More! collection approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático in 2020. The corpora were analyzed in light of the mentioned theoretical framework to achieve the specific objectives described. The result of the infographics analysis indicates that they contain elements in common in their multimodal compositions: the use of images, verbiage, and intermodal articulation. These elements construct meanings that lead the texts to the purpose of the infographic genre, which is to Explain, and can be achieved through conditional explanations (Infographic I) and factorial explanations (Infographics II and III). The analysis of the instructions that guide multimodal reading reveals instantiation through material processes, which mobilize transformative and creative actions, and mental processes, which create opportunities for students to develop cognitive skills through multimodal reading. However, the instructions little explore the visual elements of the infographic. Considering the notion of literacies (DIONISIO, 2006; ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015), it was possible to envisage the importance of multimodal reading activities from essentially multimodal text genres such as infographics. This study seeks to contribute to the initial and continuing education of teachers and teacher educators, in order to provide support for the construction of knowledge about the role of multimodality in teaching reading in English.
Considering the importance of multimodal reading for literacy development, this master thesis aims to present the analysis of three didactic infographics and the instructions that guide the multimodal reading of these texts. The specific objectives are (i) to identify the sociocommunicative purpose, (ii) the multimodal composition, (iii) the structures of the infographics according to the Genre Families (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012), and (iv) to linguistically analyze the instructions that guide multimodal reading activities from the perspective of the Ideational Metafunction (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014). This study is based on the theoretical and methodological approach of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2014; FUZER; CABRAL, 2014), the multimodal approach of Visual Design Grammar (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006; KRESS, 2010), and the Genre-based Pedagogy of the Sydney School (MARTIN; ROSE, 2008; ROSE; MARTIN, 2012). The methodological approach of this research is qualitative (PAIVA, 2019; DORNYEI, 2007). The infographics and instructions selected to compose the corpora are found in the reading section of three textbooks which are part of the English and More! collection approved by the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático in 2020. The corpora were analyzed in light of the mentioned theoretical framework to achieve the specific objectives described. The result of the infographics analysis indicates that they contain elements in common in their multimodal compositions: the use of images, verbiage, and intermodal articulation. These elements construct meanings that lead the texts to the purpose of the infographic genre, which is to Explain, and can be achieved through conditional explanations (Infographic I) and factorial explanations (Infographics II and III). The analysis of the instructions that guide multimodal reading reveals instantiation through material processes, which mobilize transformative and creative actions, and mental processes, which create opportunities for students to develop cognitive skills through multimodal reading. However, the instructions little explore the visual elements of the infographic. Considering the notion of literacies (DIONISIO, 2006; ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015), it was possible to envisage the importance of multimodal reading activities from essentially multimodal text genres such as infographics. This study seeks to contribute to the initial and continuing education of teachers and teacher educators, in order to provide support for the construction of knowledge about the role of multimodality in teaching reading in English.
RAMOS, Maria B. A. Infográficos em livros didáticos para o ensino de leitura em língua inglesa: uma análise multimodal e sistêmico-funcional. 2023. Dissertação de Mestrado (Mestrado em Letras) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2023.