As contribuições clínicas da prevenção quaternária: recursos para subsidiar a sua implementação na APS brasileira
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O conceito de prevenção quaternária (P4) emergiu das intercorrências oriundas da medicalização da vida e de eventos iatrogênicos. A P4 constitui-se de valores para a prática clínica e institucional, buscando evitar o risco de sobremedicalização e de intervenções desnecessárias na saúde. No Brasil, ainda há dificuldades para ser operacionalizada e implementada, embora, já esteja legitimada mundialmente. A P4
atua por princípios de ética, Medicina Baseada em Evidências, atenção centrada no sujeito, na família e na comunidade. Por meio do método Revisão de Escopo, objetiva-se descrever e analisar as práticas e formas de implementação da P4 na Atenção Básica. Também intenta-se descrever orientações clínicas fundadas na P4 já encontradas na literatura, assim como, consubstanciar outras. O resultado desta dissertação demonstra que o conceito de P4, apesar de bem compreendido, tem poucas publicações de como operacionaliza-lo APS. O exercício da P4, diante de problemas clínicos específicos aumentam as perspectivas de tratamento assertivo, embasado na ética profissional e participação do paciente. A assistência norteada pela P4 constitui um modelo tecnoassistencial em conformidade com os interesses da Reforma Sanitária e Alma Ata. Conclui-se que sua terapêutica concatena às diretrizes da Atenção Básica e sua implementação pode propiciar benefícios à sociedade sob a forma de maior alcance na qualidade de vida e de minoração da medicalização. Torna-se necessário compreender, avaliar e monitorar a sua inserção mediante educação permanente, apoio técnico e institucional no SUS.
The concept of quaternary prevention (P4) emerged from complications arising from the medicalization of life and iatrogenic events. P4 consists of values for clinical and institutional practice, seeking to avoid the risk of overmedication and unnecessary health interventions. In Brazil, there are still difficulties to be operationalized and implemented, although it is already legitimized in the world. P4 operates based on principles of ethics, Evidence-Based Medicine, care centered on the individual, the family and the community. Through the Scope Review method, the objective is to describe and analyze the practices and ways of implementing P4 in Primary Care. It is also intended to describe clinical guidelines based on P4 already found in the literature, as well as in others. The result of this dissertation demonstrates that the concept of P4, although well understood, has few publications on how to operationalize it in Primary Care. The exercise of P4, in the face of specific clinical problems, increases the perspectives of assertive treatment, based on professional ethics and patient participation. Assistance guided by P4 constitutes a techno-assistance model in line with the interests of “Reforma Sanitária’ and Alma Ata. It is concluded that its therapy is in line with Primary Care guidelines and its implementation can provide benefits to society in the form of greater reach in quality of life and reduction of medicalization. It becomes necessary to understand, evaluate and monitor their insertion through permanent education, technical and institutional support in the SUS.
The concept of quaternary prevention (P4) emerged from complications arising from the medicalization of life and iatrogenic events. P4 consists of values for clinical and institutional practice, seeking to avoid the risk of overmedication and unnecessary health interventions. In Brazil, there are still difficulties to be operationalized and implemented, although it is already legitimized in the world. P4 operates based on principles of ethics, Evidence-Based Medicine, care centered on the individual, the family and the community. Through the Scope Review method, the objective is to describe and analyze the practices and ways of implementing P4 in Primary Care. It is also intended to describe clinical guidelines based on P4 already found in the literature, as well as in others. The result of this dissertation demonstrates that the concept of P4, although well understood, has few publications on how to operationalize it in Primary Care. The exercise of P4, in the face of specific clinical problems, increases the perspectives of assertive treatment, based on professional ethics and patient participation. Assistance guided by P4 constitutes a techno-assistance model in line with the interests of “Reforma Sanitária’ and Alma Ata. It is concluded that its therapy is in line with Primary Care guidelines and its implementation can provide benefits to society in the form of greater reach in quality of life and reduction of medicalization. It becomes necessary to understand, evaluate and monitor their insertion through permanent education, technical and institutional support in the SUS.
MORAIS, Bianca Honorato de. As contribuições clínicas da prevenção quaternária: recursos para subsidiar a sua implementação na APS brasileira. 2022. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Interdisciplinar em Ciências da Saúde) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.