A metafísica da Moda e a organização social da aparência em Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)
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A partir da exposição e do comentário sobre o conceito de Moda nos escritos de Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) - principalmente no “Arquivo B” do trabalho das Passagens (1927-1940) - o presente projeto de pesquisa tem por objetivo relacionar a temporalidade da Moda como figuração do tempo histórico presente na Tese XIV de Sobre o conceito de história (1940). Para essa tarefa, busca compreender a especificidade do tempo na Moda e na concepção de história em Benjamin, para investigá-la como organização social da aparência em uma dupla dimensão (negativa e positiva), isto é, a Moda a serviço da classe dominante pelo tema da repetição do sempre-igual e a produção incessante da novidade no contexto do capitalismo dos séculos XIX e XX, mas de maneira dialética, como modelo temporal da diferença a serviço do materialismo-histórico e da revolução.
Based on the exposition and commentary on the concept of Fashion in the writings of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) - mainly in the "B File" of the work of Passages (1927-1940) - this research project aims to relate temporality of Fashion as a figuration of historical time present in Thesis XIV of On the concept of history (1940). For this task, it seeks to understand the specificity of time in Fashion and in Benjamin's conception of history, to investigate it as a social organization of appearance in a double dimension (negative and positive), that is, Fashion at the service of the ruling class through the theme of the repetition of the always-the-same and the incessant production of novelty in the context of capitalism in the 19th and 20th centuries, but, in a dialectical way, as a temporal model of difference at the service of historical-materialism and revolution.
Based on the exposition and commentary on the concept of Fashion in the writings of Walter Benjamin (1892-1940) - mainly in the "B File" of the work of Passages (1927-1940) - this research project aims to relate temporality of Fashion as a figuration of historical time present in Thesis XIV of On the concept of history (1940). For this task, it seeks to understand the specificity of time in Fashion and in Benjamin's conception of history, to investigate it as a social organization of appearance in a double dimension (negative and positive), that is, Fashion at the service of the ruling class through the theme of the repetition of the always-the-same and the incessant production of novelty in the context of capitalism in the 19th and 20th centuries, but, in a dialectical way, as a temporal model of difference at the service of historical-materialism and revolution.
Almeida Maia, Brunno. A metafísica da Moda e a organização social da aparência em Walter Benjamin (1892-1940)