Reconhecimento contábil dos bitcoins
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O presente estudo objetivou analisar como deve ser feito o reconhecimento contábil dos bitcoins adquiridos pelas companhias. Devido ao crescimento e a popularização dessa moeda digital no mundo, é preciso refletir sobre a importância da tratativa contábil adequada devido ao aumento do número de companhias com posse desse ativo, dado que as informações contábeis são fundamentais para a tomada de decisão. Alguns dos passos realizados para a compreensão do reconhecimento contábil do bitcoin foram identificar as suas características e suas particularidades. A metodologia utilizada foi a exploratória e os procedimentos de coleta de informações foram bibliográficos e documentais. A partir da análise das informações foi possível estabelecer algumas sugestões para o registro contábil dos bitcoins, visto que, desde o surgimento dessa criptomoeda, em 2008, até o presente momento, ainda não existe no Brasil qualquer regulamentação contábil que trate sobre o tema. Portanto, por meio do estudo realizado e da análise dos trabalhos científicos, papers, livros e sites especializados juntamente com revistas e jornais de renome sobre o tema, foi possível estabelecer relações com as normas contábeis e das interpretações iniciais de órgãos reguladores e firmas de auditoria para que seja sugerido um reconhecimento contábil para os bitcoins. Concluindo, a sugestão deste estudo é: (i) contabilizar os bitcoins como estoque, caso seja adquirido para revenda. Neste caso a mensuração seria pelo custo ou pelo valor realizável líquido, dos dois o menor; e (ii) nos demais casos a sugestão seria registrar contabilmente os bitcoins como intangível
This paper aimed to analyze how the accounting recognition of bitcoins acquired by companies should be done. Due to the growth and popularization of this digital currency in the world, it is necessary to reflect on the importance of proper accounting because a lot of companies have increased their position in this kind of asset. To understand the recognition of bitcoin it is important to do research about characteristics and particularities of this currency. It was used an exploratory methodology and the information collection procedures were bibliographic and documentary. Due to this research, it was possible to establish some suggestions for the accounting record of bitcoins. Since the emergence of this cryptocurrency, in 2008, until the present moment, there is not any regulation in Brazil with this the subject. Therefore, on basis of this research and analyzing scientific works, papers, books and specialized websites, renowned magazines and newspapers with the subject discussed, it was possible to establish accounting standard and the initial interpretation for regulatory agencies and audit firms. About recognition for bitcoins. In conclusion, the suggestion of this study is: (i) to account bitcoins as stock (bitcoins should be considered as a stock), if it is purchased for resale. In this case, the measurement would be at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower; and (ii) in other cases, the suggestion would be to consider bitcoins as intangibles.
This paper aimed to analyze how the accounting recognition of bitcoins acquired by companies should be done. Due to the growth and popularization of this digital currency in the world, it is necessary to reflect on the importance of proper accounting because a lot of companies have increased their position in this kind of asset. To understand the recognition of bitcoin it is important to do research about characteristics and particularities of this currency. It was used an exploratory methodology and the information collection procedures were bibliographic and documentary. Due to this research, it was possible to establish some suggestions for the accounting record of bitcoins. Since the emergence of this cryptocurrency, in 2008, until the present moment, there is not any regulation in Brazil with this the subject. Therefore, on basis of this research and analyzing scientific works, papers, books and specialized websites, renowned magazines and newspapers with the subject discussed, it was possible to establish accounting standard and the initial interpretation for regulatory agencies and audit firms. About recognition for bitcoins. In conclusion, the suggestion of this study is: (i) to account bitcoins as stock (bitcoins should be considered as a stock), if it is purchased for resale. In this case, the measurement would be at cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower; and (ii) in other cases, the suggestion would be to consider bitcoins as intangibles.
MOTOSHIMA, Renato Hirata. Reconhecimento contábil dos bitcoins. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis) -
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.