As possibilidades de reconhecimento e regulamentação contábil das criptomoedas no Brasil

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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo investigar as possibilidades de reconhecimento contábil das criptomoedas no Brasil. Não existem normas internacionais de contabilidade, emitidas pelo IASB, que tratam do assunto e, portanto, há um desfalque contábil sobre o tema. Para explorar como deve ser feita classificação contábil desses ativos no Brasil, foi necessário pesquisar sobre o reconhecimento contábil em outros países como El Salvador, Estados Unidos, Portugal, Venezuela, Equador e China.
This research aims to investigate the possibilities of accounting recognition of cryptocurrencies in Brazil. There are no international accounting standards, issued by the IASB, that deal with the subject and, therefore, there is an accounting embezzlement on the subject. To explore how these assets should be classified in Brazil, it was necessary to research accounting recognition in other countries such as El Salvador, United States, Portugal, Venezuela, Ecuador and China. The methodology used in this work was explanatory and the research can be typified as bibliographical. From the analysis of the concepts presented, it was possible to deduce the most appropriate accounting classification for crypto-assets in Brazil, given the lack of accounting regulations that deal with the subject. Through the study carried out, analyzing scientific works, books, specialized websites, magazines and renowned newspapers on the subject, it was possible to establish relationships with existing accounting standards, such as the standard on intangible assets, as well as the comparison with the standards of other countries, to find out the most appropriate accounting classification for these assets in Brazil. In addition, the view of some regulatory bodies on the subject was presented. With this, it is concluded that cryptocurrencies can be recognized in Brazil as: stocks, if they are held for resale, intangibles or financial instruments. As a proposal for future research, the theme of evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrency regulation in each country arises.
SOARES, Giovana Garcia Viana. As possibilidades de reconhecimento e regulamentação contábil das criptomoedas no Brasil. 2022. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Ciências Contábeis) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios, Osasco, 2022.
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