Teor de FODMAPS nas refeições e presença de sintomas gastrointestinais entre estudantes comensais de um restaurante universitário
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Introdução: a sigla FODMAPs refere-se a um conjunto de alimentos fermentáveis, classificados como oligossacarídeos, dissacarídeos, monossacarídeos e polióis que são mal absorvidos pelo intestino humano. Objetivos: verificar a presença de sintomas gastrointestinais de estudantes comensais de um restaurante universitário, bem como, identificar o teor de FODMAPs dos cardápios oferecidos. Material e Método: Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal que incluiu 28 estudantes universitários maiores de 18 anos de uma universidade pública localizada no município de Santos, SP. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre os meses de março e abril de 2022. Os estudantes responderam a um formulário (online) com questões sociodemográficas, hábito intestinal (tipologia das fezes) e manifestações gastrointestinais, cujas perguntas foram adaptadas do Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale Questionnaire, para o período de tempo de até 24 após a ingestão da refeição no restaurante universitário. Os teores de FODMAPs dos cardápios foram avaliados, considerando-se: baixo teor; teor moderado e teor elevado. Resultados: Dos participantes (n=28), 28,6% são do sexo masculino; as idades variaram de 18 a mais de 26 anos; a maioria dos estudantes (n=12) apresenta padrão evacuatório que varia entre constipação e diarreia. Dentre as manifestações gastrointestinais, 78,5% (n=22) apresenta dor abdominal e/ou gastralgia; 57,1% apresentam flatulência e, 42,8% apresentam diarreia e/ou urgência evacuatória. Quanto aos cardápios, mais da metade (n=8) contém teor elevado de FODMAPs, sendo o maior promotor de manifestações gastrointestinais nos estudantes. O aparecimento dos sintomas se deu entre 4 e 6 horas após a refeição realizada no restaurante universitário, pela metade dos participantes que referiram sintomas (n=6). Conclusões: as manifestações gastrointestinais foram, principalmente, dor abdominal, gastralgia, flatulência, diarreia e urgência evacuatória, nas 24 horas após o consumo da refeição no restaurante universitário. Os cardápios oferecidos no restaurante universitário contam com teores moderado e elevado de FODMAPs e, de acordo com a população do estudo, a presença das manifestações gastrointestinais está relacionada tanto aos teores moderados, quanto aos teores elevados de FODMAPs.
Introduction: the acronym FODMAPs refers to a set of fermentable foods, classified as oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols that are poorly absorbed by the human intestine. Objectives: to verify the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms in students eating at a university restaurant, as well as to identify the FODMAP content of the menus offered. Material and Method: This is an observational and cross-sectional study that included 28 university students over 18 years of age from a public university located in the city of Santos, SP. Data collection took place between March and April 2022. The students answered a form (online) with sociodemographic questions, bowel habits (stool typology) and gastrointestinal manifestations, whose questions were adapted from the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale Questionnaire, for a period of up to 24 hours after eating the meal at the university cafeteria. The FODMAP contents of the menus were evaluated, considering: low content; moderate and high content. Results: Of the participants (n=28), 28.6% are male; ages ranged from 18 to over 26 years; most students (n=12) have an evacuation pattern that varies between constipation and diarrhea. Among the gastrointestinal manifestations, 78.5% (n=22) had abdominal pain and/or gastralgia; 57.1% have flatulence and 42.8% have diarrhea and/or evacuation urgency. As for the menus, more than half (n=8) contain high levels of FODMAPs, being the main cause of gastrointestinal manifestations in students. The onset of symptoms occurred between 4 and 6 hours after a meal at the university restaurant, for half of the participants who reported symptoms (n=6). Conclusions: the gastrointestinal manifestations were, mainly, abdominal pain, gastralgia, flatulence, diarrhea and evacuation urgency, in the 24 hours after the consumption of the meal in the university restaurant. The menus offered at the university restaurant have moderate and high levels of FODMAPs and, according to the study population, the presence of gastrointestinal manifestations is related to both moderate and high levels of FODMAPs.
Introduction: the acronym FODMAPs refers to a set of fermentable foods, classified as oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols that are poorly absorbed by the human intestine. Objectives: to verify the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms in students eating at a university restaurant, as well as to identify the FODMAP content of the menus offered. Material and Method: This is an observational and cross-sectional study that included 28 university students over 18 years of age from a public university located in the city of Santos, SP. Data collection took place between March and April 2022. The students answered a form (online) with sociodemographic questions, bowel habits (stool typology) and gastrointestinal manifestations, whose questions were adapted from the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale Questionnaire, for a period of up to 24 hours after eating the meal at the university cafeteria. The FODMAP contents of the menus were evaluated, considering: low content; moderate and high content. Results: Of the participants (n=28), 28.6% are male; ages ranged from 18 to over 26 years; most students (n=12) have an evacuation pattern that varies between constipation and diarrhea. Among the gastrointestinal manifestations, 78.5% (n=22) had abdominal pain and/or gastralgia; 57.1% have flatulence and 42.8% have diarrhea and/or evacuation urgency. As for the menus, more than half (n=8) contain high levels of FODMAPs, being the main cause of gastrointestinal manifestations in students. The onset of symptoms occurred between 4 and 6 hours after a meal at the university restaurant, for half of the participants who reported symptoms (n=6). Conclusions: the gastrointestinal manifestations were, mainly, abdominal pain, gastralgia, flatulence, diarrhea and evacuation urgency, in the 24 hours after the consumption of the meal in the university restaurant. The menus offered at the university restaurant have moderate and high levels of FODMAPs and, according to the study population, the presence of gastrointestinal manifestations is related to both moderate and high levels of FODMAPs.
RIOS, Julia Soares. Teor de FODMAPS nas refeições e presença de sintomas gastrointestinais entre estudantes comensais de um restaurante universitário. 2023. 36 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Nutrição) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2023.