Identificação de triterpenos anti-inflamatórios no extrato etanólico de Miconia albicans (Sw)
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Miconia albicans (Sw) Triana (Melastomaceae), nome popular: “canela de velho”, é uma planta
de relevância etnofarmacológica amplamente utilizada por praticantes da medicina popular no
nordeste do Brasil no tratamento de doenças inflamatórias crônicas. Curiosamente, há poucos
estudos sobre esta espécie que ainda pode ser muito explorada quanto ao seu potencial químico
e biológico. Alguns estudos demonstram que o extrato etanólico das folhas de M. albicans reduz
de forma significativa a migração de leucócitos no modelo de pleurisia e reduziu os níveis de
TNF-α e IL-1β na lavagem pleural. O comportamento nociceptivo e hiperalgésico também foi
avaliado no modelo animal demonstrando diminuição da ação inflamatória. Os ácidos ursólico
e oleanóico, presentes no extrato, possuem diversas propriedades terapêuticas citadas na
literatura, sendo a anti-inflamatória uma delas, podem justificar a atividades biológicas
atribuídas a espécie. O presente estudo tem como objetivo revisar a literatura e seu potencial
terapêutico, bem como avaliar o perfil do extrato obtido das folhas de M. albicans com análise
pelos métodos de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE/UV-Vis) ressonância
magnética nuclear (RMN). Folhas secas da planta foram adquiridos em dois ambientes
comerciais da cidade São Paulo especializados em fitoterápicos/produtos naturais que após a
moagem, foram extraídas com etanol e realizadas partições no extrato com diclorometano e
hexano, posterirormente foi submetido a análises de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência
para avaliação do perfil cromatográfico onde foi constatada a presença dos ácidos ursólico e
oleanóico na porção extraída por diclorometano e por fim foi realizada a análise dos extratos
pro ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H e 13C.
Miconia albicans (Sw) Triana (Melastomaceae), popular name: "canela de velho", is a plant of ethnopharmacological relevance widely used by practitioners of folk medicine in northeastern Brazil in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Interestingly, there are few studies on this species that can still be greatly explored as to its chemical and biological potential. Some studies show that the ethanolic extract of M. albicans leaf significantly reduces leukocyte migration in pleurisy model and reduced TNF-α and IL-1β levels in pleural lavage. Nociceptive and hyperalgesic behavior was also evaluated in the animal model demonstrating decreased inflammatory action. Ursolic and oleanoic acids, present in the extract, have several therapeutic properties cited in the literature, one of them being anti-inflammatory, which may justify the biological activities attributed to the species. The present study aims to review the literature and its therapeutic potential, as well as to evaluate the profile of the extract obtained from the leaves of M. albicans with analysis by the methods of high-performance liquid chromatography - HPLC/UV-Vis and NMR. Dried leaves of the plant were acquired in two commercial environments of the city of São Paulo, specialized in phytotherapics/natural products, which after grinding, were extracted with ethanol and partitioned with dichloromethane and hexane. Afterwards, the extract was submitted to high performance liquid chromatography analysis to evaluate the chromatographic profile, where the presence of ursolic and oleanoic acids was verified in the portion extracted by dichloromethane, finally, the extracts were analyzed by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance.
Miconia albicans (Sw) Triana (Melastomaceae), popular name: "canela de velho", is a plant of ethnopharmacological relevance widely used by practitioners of folk medicine in northeastern Brazil in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases. Interestingly, there are few studies on this species that can still be greatly explored as to its chemical and biological potential. Some studies show that the ethanolic extract of M. albicans leaf significantly reduces leukocyte migration in pleurisy model and reduced TNF-α and IL-1β levels in pleural lavage. Nociceptive and hyperalgesic behavior was also evaluated in the animal model demonstrating decreased inflammatory action. Ursolic and oleanoic acids, present in the extract, have several therapeutic properties cited in the literature, one of them being anti-inflammatory, which may justify the biological activities attributed to the species. The present study aims to review the literature and its therapeutic potential, as well as to evaluate the profile of the extract obtained from the leaves of M. albicans with analysis by the methods of high-performance liquid chromatography - HPLC/UV-Vis and NMR. Dried leaves of the plant were acquired in two commercial environments of the city of São Paulo, specialized in phytotherapics/natural products, which after grinding, were extracted with ethanol and partitioned with dichloromethane and hexane. Afterwards, the extract was submitted to high performance liquid chromatography analysis to evaluate the chromatographic profile, where the presence of ursolic and oleanoic acids was verified in the portion extracted by dichloromethane, finally, the extracts were analyzed by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance.