Do Benin ao Brasil: desafios migratórios e o impacto da pandemia no cotidiano de estudantes internacionais PEC-G
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Atualmente a questão migratória tem se tornado um fator de interesse tanto por suas
dimensões sociais quanto econômicas no contexto global e brasileiro fazendo com que o fluxo
migratório para fins de qualificação acadêmica se tornasse cada vez mais presente. O objetivo
deste artigo é identificar e analisar as principais dificuldades de organização do cotidiano
enfrentadas pelos estudantes em mobilidade vinculados ao programa Pré-PEC-G na Unifesp e
seus processos de acolhimento no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi a da pesquisa qualitativa
exploratória, onde cinco estudantes participantes do programa Pré-PEC-G dos anos de 2019 e
2020, foram convidados a participar de uma entrevista semiestruturada para que fossem
identificadas as potencialidades e dificuldades deste processo a partir de suas próprias
perspectivas. Os dados apontam para uma necessidade de reorganização do cotidiano, assim
como, a ampliação e criação de novas redes de apoio, acolhimento e suporte, ressignificando a
experiência migratória destes estudantes e considerando a situação atual mundial afetada pela
pandemia e todos os seus desdobramentos.
Currently, the migratory issue has become of interest both for its social dimensions and more present in the global and Brazilian context, making the migratory flow for qualification purposes become increasingly present. The objective of this article is to identify and analyze the main difficulties in the organization of daily life faced by mobile students linked to the Pre-PEC-G program at Unifesp and their reception processes in Brazil. The methodology used was exploratory qualitative research, where five students participating in the Pre-PEC-G program in 2019 and 2020 were invited to participate in a semi-structured interview to identify the potentialities and difficulties of this process from their own perspectives. The data point to a need for reorganization of daily life, as well as the expansion and creation of new networks of support and welcoming, resignifying the migratory experience of these students and considering the current global situation affected by the pandemic and all its consequences
Currently, the migratory issue has become of interest both for its social dimensions and more present in the global and Brazilian context, making the migratory flow for qualification purposes become increasingly present. The objective of this article is to identify and analyze the main difficulties in the organization of daily life faced by mobile students linked to the Pre-PEC-G program at Unifesp and their reception processes in Brazil. The methodology used was exploratory qualitative research, where five students participating in the Pre-PEC-G program in 2019 and 2020 were invited to participate in a semi-structured interview to identify the potentialities and difficulties of this process from their own perspectives. The data point to a need for reorganization of daily life, as well as the expansion and creation of new networks of support and welcoming, resignifying the migratory experience of these students and considering the current global situation affected by the pandemic and all its consequences
ROSA, Gabrielle Toledo. Do Benin ao Brasil: desafios migratórios e o impacto da pandemia no cotidiano de estudantes internacionais PEC-G. 2022. 22 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Terapia Ocupacional) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2022.