EJA do ensino médio em Diadema - possibilidades e contornos em um ano de pandemia
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A Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) é uma oportunidade de retorno aos estudos para aqueles que não conseguiram ou não puderam estudar na idade regular. Modalidade de ensino presente no Brasil desde os primórdios de nossa história, foi ganhando diversos contornos ao longo dos séculos. No entanto, o acesso e a permanência na EJA nem sempre é algo fácil. Considerando que no ano 2020 tivemos a pandemia do novo coronavírus que forçou o fechamento das escolas, por se tratar de um ambiente com alto potencial de transmissão, as dificuldades de atendimento pedagógico a este público aumentaram. Estudar, o que já era difícil para o grupo dos jovens e adultos, encontrou agora as barreiras da educação remota. Para a escola e para os educadores essa dificuldade não foi menor. Planejar e executar ações de educação para jovens e adultos de maneira remota exige preparo, rompimento de tabus e direcionamento das instâncias que regem a educação. Esta pesquisa utilizou-se de uma análise das oito escolas que oferecem vagas de EJA no ensino médio em Diadema/SP e tem por objetivo compreender como foi planejado e desenvolvido o trabalho no ano de 2020. Mais especificamente, buscou-se compreender o processo de demanda das vagas, o rendimento escolar, o atendimento e ociosidade das escolas na oferta de vagas, o processo de avaliação dos alunos e a busca ativa para encontrar aqueles em potencial de evasão. Para isso, fizemos um levantamento bibliográfico dos aspectos políticos e legais, em âmbito nacional e estadual, que consideraram a viabilidade de oferta de escolarização nessa modalidade. Para atingir nossos objetivos específicos nos utilizamos de dados extraídos da Secretaria Escolar Digital a fim de compreender como essas situações se desenvolveram em cada escola, e fizemos entrevista semiestruturada com os profissionais de educação que lideraram esses processos para que pudéssemos verificar as possíveis similaridades e/ou discrepâncias nessa atuação dentro da mesma rede de ensino, com a intenção de compreender os limites e as possibilidades de ação na EJA em meio ao caos institucional causado, não só pela pandemia, quanto pela ausência de legislações que orientassem e amparassem as ações na modalidade. Verificamos que, sobrevindo a pandemia, o vazio de orientações para a modalidade forçou com que as escolas tomassem decisões locais dissonantes umas das outras, movimento causado também pela ausência de uma rede de interação entre as escolas de EJA com coordenação e orientação regional ou estadual para gerir os processos, o que reforça, apesar dos esforços de alguns educadores, uma política de exclusão continuada.
Youth and Adult Education (EJA) is an opportunity to return to studies for those who could not or could not study at regular age. This teaching modality has been present in Brazil since the beginning of our history, it has gained different shapes over the centuries. However, accessing and staying at EJA is not always easy. Considering that in 2020 we had the pandemic of the new coronavirus that forced the closing of schools, as it is an environment with high potential for transmission, the difficulties of pedagogical assistance to this public have increased. Studying, which was already difficult for the group of young people and adults, has now encountered the barriers of remote education. For the school and for educators, this difficulty was no less. Planning and executing education actions for young people and adults remotely requires preparation, breaking taboos and directing the instances that govern education. This research used an analysis of the eight schools that offer EJA vacancies in high school in Diadema/SP and aims to understand how the work was planned and developed in 2020. More specifically, it sought to understand the process of demand for vacancies, school performance, attendance and idleness of schools in the offer of vacancies, the process of evaluating students and the active search to find those with potential dropouts. For this, we carried out a bibliographical survey of the political and legal aspects, at the national and state level, which considered the feasibility of offering schooling in this modality. To achieve our specific goals, we used data extracted from the Digital School Secretariat in order to understand how these situations developed in each school, and we conducted a semi-structured interview with the education professionals who led these processes so that we could verify possible similarities and/or discrepancies in this performance within the same educational network, with the intention of understanding the limits and possibilities of action in EJA amid the institutional chaos caused, not only by the pandemic, but also by the absence of legislation to guide and support the actions in the modality. We found that, when the pandemic came, the lack of guidelines for the modality forced schools to take local decisions that were dissonant from each other, a movement also caused by the absence of an interaction network between EJA schools with regional or state coordination and guidance to managing the processes, which reinforces, despite the efforts of some educators, a policy of continued exclusion.
Youth and Adult Education (EJA) is an opportunity to return to studies for those who could not or could not study at regular age. This teaching modality has been present in Brazil since the beginning of our history, it has gained different shapes over the centuries. However, accessing and staying at EJA is not always easy. Considering that in 2020 we had the pandemic of the new coronavirus that forced the closing of schools, as it is an environment with high potential for transmission, the difficulties of pedagogical assistance to this public have increased. Studying, which was already difficult for the group of young people and adults, has now encountered the barriers of remote education. For the school and for educators, this difficulty was no less. Planning and executing education actions for young people and adults remotely requires preparation, breaking taboos and directing the instances that govern education. This research used an analysis of the eight schools that offer EJA vacancies in high school in Diadema/SP and aims to understand how the work was planned and developed in 2020. More specifically, it sought to understand the process of demand for vacancies, school performance, attendance and idleness of schools in the offer of vacancies, the process of evaluating students and the active search to find those with potential dropouts. For this, we carried out a bibliographical survey of the political and legal aspects, at the national and state level, which considered the feasibility of offering schooling in this modality. To achieve our specific goals, we used data extracted from the Digital School Secretariat in order to understand how these situations developed in each school, and we conducted a semi-structured interview with the education professionals who led these processes so that we could verify possible similarities and/or discrepancies in this performance within the same educational network, with the intention of understanding the limits and possibilities of action in EJA amid the institutional chaos caused, not only by the pandemic, but also by the absence of legislation to guide and support the actions in the modality. We found that, when the pandemic came, the lack of guidelines for the modality forced schools to take local decisions that were dissonant from each other, a movement also caused by the absence of an interaction network between EJA schools with regional or state coordination and guidance to managing the processes, which reinforces, despite the efforts of some educators, a policy of continued exclusion.