Macunaíma: a ética e o mito do "brasileiro"
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O objetivo da pesquisa é o de abordar a questão da ética do “brasileiro” na sociedade em
que está inserido, a partir da análise do personagem Macunaíma, no célebre romance de
Mário de Andrade (1928). Pretendemos analisar Macunaíma enquanto figuração ficcional do
“brasileiro”, considerado como projeção imaginária. A nosso ver, o aposto qualificativo
“herói de nossa gente”, a definir o protagonista do romance, bem como o que se acrescenta a
este, o pejorativo “herói sem nenhum caráter”, são indicativos, no texto, dessa relação entre
Macunaíma e o “povo brasileiro” em sua forjada imagem de totalidade. Buscaremos
empreender uma investigação crítico-teórica acerca dos valores éticos inerentes à ação
humana do “brasileiro”, relacionados às suas (supostas) maneiras de se comportar, de pensar,
de agir, em suma, de ser como indivíduo, como explícito no romance de Mário de Andrade,
mediante as alegorias condensadas no protagonista. Pois são posturas e comportamentos
construídos, adquiridos e conquistados na interação em sociedade, incitando-nos à seguinte
indagação: “O que é ser “brasileiro” em uma sociedade na qual há a possibilidade de o
indivíduo ser, simultaneamente, um herói, mas sem nenhum caráter?” Fica claro o paradoxo
entre os termos antitéticos (herói X sem caráter), sendo que a indagação ética ligada ao ser do
povo “brasileiro” no caso de Macunaíma se relaciona às próprias origens indígenas (valores
de uma cultura ameríndia), negras (valores africanos transplantados à força, sob o tacão
opressivo da escravidão) e portuguesas-europeias (ligadas a contingentes menos favorecidos
daquele continente que aportaram por aqui a partir do descobrimento) dessa população.
Conceitos de Antonio Candido a Roberto DaMatta, passando por Gilda Mello e Souza ou José
Miguel Wisnik, bem como de Deleuze e Nietzsche, entre outros, nos ajudarão a definir
melhor, por um lado, o grau de transgressão estética e formal do romance em questão e, por
outro, parâmetros para um debate sobre a ética em nosso meio cultural.
The objective of the research is to address the issue of ethics of the “Brazilian” in the society in which he is inserted, based on the analysis of the character Macunaíma, in the famous novel by Mário de Andrade (1928). We intend to analyze Macunaíma as a fictional figuration of the “Brazilian”, considered as an imaginary projection. In our view, the designation “hero of our people” to define the protagonist of the novel, as well as what is added to this, the pejorative “hero without any character”, are indicative, in the text, of this relationship between Macunaíma and the “Brazilian people” in their constructed image of totality. We will seek to undertake a critical-theoretical investigation about the ethical values inherent to the human action of the “Brazilian”, related to his (supposed) ways of behaving, thinking, acting, in short, being as an individual, as explicit in the novel by Mário de Andrade, through the allegories condensed in the protagonist. For they are postures and behaviors constructed, acquired and conquered in the interaction in society, prompting us to the following question: “What is it to be “Brazilian” in a society in which there is the possibility that the individual is simultaneously a hero, but without any character?” The paradox between the antithetical terms (hero X without character) is clear, and the ethical question linked to the being of the “Brazilian” people in the case of Macunaíma is related to the very indigenous origins (values of an Amerindian culture), black (African values transplanted to force, under the oppressive heights of slavery) and Portuguese-Europeans (linked to the less favored contingents of that continent that arrived here from the discovery) of that population. Concepts from Antonio Candido to Roberto DaMatta, passing through Gilda Mello e Souza or José Miguel Wisnik, as well as from Deleuze and Nietzsche, among others, will help us better define, on the one hand, the degree of aesthetic and formal transgression of the novel in question and, on the other hand, parameters for a debate on ethics in our cultural environment.
The objective of the research is to address the issue of ethics of the “Brazilian” in the society in which he is inserted, based on the analysis of the character Macunaíma, in the famous novel by Mário de Andrade (1928). We intend to analyze Macunaíma as a fictional figuration of the “Brazilian”, considered as an imaginary projection. In our view, the designation “hero of our people” to define the protagonist of the novel, as well as what is added to this, the pejorative “hero without any character”, are indicative, in the text, of this relationship between Macunaíma and the “Brazilian people” in their constructed image of totality. We will seek to undertake a critical-theoretical investigation about the ethical values inherent to the human action of the “Brazilian”, related to his (supposed) ways of behaving, thinking, acting, in short, being as an individual, as explicit in the novel by Mário de Andrade, through the allegories condensed in the protagonist. For they are postures and behaviors constructed, acquired and conquered in the interaction in society, prompting us to the following question: “What is it to be “Brazilian” in a society in which there is the possibility that the individual is simultaneously a hero, but without any character?” The paradox between the antithetical terms (hero X without character) is clear, and the ethical question linked to the being of the “Brazilian” people in the case of Macunaíma is related to the very indigenous origins (values of an Amerindian culture), black (African values transplanted to force, under the oppressive heights of slavery) and Portuguese-Europeans (linked to the less favored contingents of that continent that arrived here from the discovery) of that population. Concepts from Antonio Candido to Roberto DaMatta, passing through Gilda Mello e Souza or José Miguel Wisnik, as well as from Deleuze and Nietzsche, among others, will help us better define, on the one hand, the degree of aesthetic and formal transgression of the novel in question and, on the other hand, parameters for a debate on ethics in our cultural environment.