Aspectos gerais da COVID-19 e suas consequências
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Introdução: Em dezembro de 2019, foram relatados na cidade de Wuhan,
China, vários casos de pneumonia de etiologia desconhecida. A doença denominada
COVID19 tornouse uma pandemia. O novo vírus foi nomeado SARSCoV2.
Justificativa: Importante para compreender melhor como o vírus age no organismo e
a gravidade da doença. Objetivo: Descrever as consequências da COVID19,
abordando aspectos gerais da infecção por SARSCoV2 e seu acometimento
sistêmico. Material e métodos: Foi feita uma revisão narrativa da literatura e foram
selecionados 50 artigos de interesse, sendo 16 descartados e 34 compuseram este
trabalho. As bases de dados utilizadas foram Pubmed, Scielo, Google Scholar e
Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Resultados: SARSCoV2 é um RNA vírus,
envelopado, pertencente ao gênero β-CoV. Através da proteína de pico S (Spike),
SARSCoV2, anexase às células humanas através do receptor da enzima
conversora de angiotensina2 (ECA2). A transmissão do SARSCoV2 de pessoa a
pessoa ocorre por meio de auto inoculação nas mucosas (nariz, olhos ou boca) e
contato com superfícies inanimadas contaminadas. Seus sintomas incluem desde
manifestações em estágios mais leves ou de modo mais grave, como febre, fadiga,
tosse seca, mialgia, insuficiência respiratória e até mesmo a morte. Pessoas idosas e
com comorbidades são consideradas grupo de risco e merecem especial atenção.
Discussão: O acometimento de vários órgãos pelo SARSCoV2 tem sido associado
à ampla distribuição da ECA2 no corpo. No pulmão, pneumonia parece ser a
manifestação mais grave da infecção por SARSCoV2. No coração, níveis elevados
de troponina evidenciam lesão cardíaca. No rim, ECA2 é expressa em várias células
e lesão renal aguda é a complicação mais frequente. No fígado, lesão hepática aguda
e anormalidades em enzimas hepáticas foram relatadas. O acometimento neurológico
é decorrente de múltiplas vias fisiopatológicas. No trato gastrointestinal (TGI), atenção
especial é necessária, pois as manifestações podem preceder a apresentação
respiratória típica. Conclusão: A presença da ECA2 no organismo é fundamental para
o vírus SARSCoV2. Além do pulmão, outros órgãos também são afetados pela
Palavras chaves: pandemia, COVID19, virologia, sintomas, comorbidades,
Introduction: In December 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported in the city of Wuhan, China. The disease called COVID19 has become a pandemic. The new virus was named SARSCoV2. Justification: Important to better understand how the virus acts in the body and the severity of the disease. Objective: To describe the consequences of COVID19, considering general aspects of SARSCoV2 infection and its systemic involvement. Material and Methods: A narrative review of the literature was carried out and 50 articles of interest were selected, 16 of which were discarded and 34 composed this work. The databases used were Pubmed, Scielo, Google Scholar and the World Health Organization (WHO). Results: SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped RNA virus belonging to the β-CoV genus. Through the S peak protein (Spike), SARSCoV2 attaches itself to human cells through the angiotensin2 converting enzyme receptor (ACE2). The transmission of SARSCoV2 from person to person occurs through selfinoculation in the mucous membranes (nose, eyes or mouth) and contact with contaminated inanimate surfaces. Its symptoms range from milder or more severe manifestations, such as fever, fatigue, dry cough, myalgia, respiratory failure, and even death. Elderly people with comorbidities are considered a risk group and deserve special attention. Discussion: The involvement of several organs by SARSCoV2 has been associated with the wide distribution of ACE2 in the body. In the lung, pneumonia appears to be the most serious manifestation of SARSCoV2 infection. In the heart, elevated levels of troponin evidence cardiac injury. In the kidney, ACE2 is expressed in several cells and acute kidney injury is the most frequent complication. In the liver, acute liver damage and abnormalities in liver enzymes have been reported. Neurological involvement is due to multiple pathophysiological pathways. In the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), special attention is needed, as the manifestations may precede the typical respiratory presentation. Conclusion: The presence of ACE2 in the body is essential for the SARSCoV2 virus and in addition to the lung, other organs are also affected by the infection. Key words: pandemic, COVID19, virology symptoms, comorbidities, complications.
Introduction: In December 2019, several cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported in the city of Wuhan, China. The disease called COVID19 has become a pandemic. The new virus was named SARSCoV2. Justification: Important to better understand how the virus acts in the body and the severity of the disease. Objective: To describe the consequences of COVID19, considering general aspects of SARSCoV2 infection and its systemic involvement. Material and Methods: A narrative review of the literature was carried out and 50 articles of interest were selected, 16 of which were discarded and 34 composed this work. The databases used were Pubmed, Scielo, Google Scholar and the World Health Organization (WHO). Results: SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped RNA virus belonging to the β-CoV genus. Through the S peak protein (Spike), SARSCoV2 attaches itself to human cells through the angiotensin2 converting enzyme receptor (ACE2). The transmission of SARSCoV2 from person to person occurs through selfinoculation in the mucous membranes (nose, eyes or mouth) and contact with contaminated inanimate surfaces. Its symptoms range from milder or more severe manifestations, such as fever, fatigue, dry cough, myalgia, respiratory failure, and even death. Elderly people with comorbidities are considered a risk group and deserve special attention. Discussion: The involvement of several organs by SARSCoV2 has been associated with the wide distribution of ACE2 in the body. In the lung, pneumonia appears to be the most serious manifestation of SARSCoV2 infection. In the heart, elevated levels of troponin evidence cardiac injury. In the kidney, ACE2 is expressed in several cells and acute kidney injury is the most frequent complication. In the liver, acute liver damage and abnormalities in liver enzymes have been reported. Neurological involvement is due to multiple pathophysiological pathways. In the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract), special attention is needed, as the manifestations may precede the typical respiratory presentation. Conclusion: The presence of ACE2 in the body is essential for the SARSCoV2 virus and in addition to the lung, other organs are also affected by the infection. Key words: pandemic, COVID19, virology symptoms, comorbidities, complications.