“Feita por empregados e para empregados” : a Revista Light na construção do trabalhador nacional (1928-1940)
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O presente trabalho buscou compreender e analisar os recursos e objetivos escolhidos pela Revista Light na construção do seu arquétipo de trabalhador ideal. A Revista Light (1928-1940) da The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power, foi um periódico mensal, que tinha sua sede no Rio de Janeiro, mas era distribuída gratuitamente para os seus mais de dezoito mil trabalhadores em todo território nacional. Ela funcionou como um canal de comunicação interna, que além de retratar o cotidiano dos trabalhadores, também se preocupou com a construção relativa ao comportamento e as escolhas dos operários no cotidiano da empresa; a participação de alguns intelectuais importantes do período, membros da Igreja Católica, oficiais do exército brasileiro e políticos atuantes do Estado varguista, tiveram um papel central na compreensão do posicionamento político e ideológico da empresa Light e seus objetivos na persuasão de seus trabalhadores. Além da bibliografia especializada sobre a década de 1930, a pesquisa analisou todas as edições da Revista Light, alguns periódicos importantes do período, especialmente da imprensa carioca, como o Diário Carioca, O Imparcial e o Correio da Manhã, além da Revista de Educação Física (1932) da Escola de Educação Física do Exército (EsEFEx)
The present work sought to understand and analyze the resources and objectives chosen by Light Magazine in the construction of its ideal worker archetype. The Light Magazine (1928-1940) of The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power, was a monthly periodical, which had its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, but was distributed free of charge to its more than eighteen thousand workers nationwide. It functioned as an internal communication channel, which in addition to portraying the daily lives of workers, was also concerned with the construction related to the behavior and choices of the workers in the company's daily life; the participation of some important intellectuals of the period, members of the Catholic Church, officers of the Brazilian army and politicians active in the Vargas state, played a central role in understanding the political and ideological positioning of the company Light and its objectives in persuading its workers. Besides the specialized bibliography on the 1930s, the research analyzed all editions of Light Magazine, some important periodicals of the period, especially from carioca press, such as Diário Carioca, O Imparcial and Correio da Manhã, in addition to the Educação Física Magazine (1932) of the Army Physical Education School (EsEFEx).
The present work sought to understand and analyze the resources and objectives chosen by Light Magazine in the construction of its ideal worker archetype. The Light Magazine (1928-1940) of The Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light and Power, was a monthly periodical, which had its headquarters in Rio de Janeiro, but was distributed free of charge to its more than eighteen thousand workers nationwide. It functioned as an internal communication channel, which in addition to portraying the daily lives of workers, was also concerned with the construction related to the behavior and choices of the workers in the company's daily life; the participation of some important intellectuals of the period, members of the Catholic Church, officers of the Brazilian army and politicians active in the Vargas state, played a central role in understanding the political and ideological positioning of the company Light and its objectives in persuading its workers. Besides the specialized bibliography on the 1930s, the research analyzed all editions of Light Magazine, some important periodicals of the period, especially from carioca press, such as Diário Carioca, O Imparcial and Correio da Manhã, in addition to the Educação Física Magazine (1932) of the Army Physical Education School (EsEFEx).
CHAGAS, Guilherme Fernandes Reis das. “Feita por empregados e para empregados” – A Revista Light na construção do trabalhador nacional (1928-1940). Tese (Mestrado em História) – Escola de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Guarulhos, SP, p. 144. 2021.