As configurações da assistência estudantil no Brasil: o cenário do PNAES
Dissertação de mestrado
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Esta dissertação investigou as diferentes estratégias de assistência estudantil no
ensino superior federal brasileiro, baseando-se nas características destas instituições, como a
localidade, temporalidade, participação social, financiamento e condição administrativa.
Diante da baixa produção acadêmica voltada para a análise do cenário nacional da
permanência universitária, a presente investigação pautou-se por mapear e tipificar os
programas e serviços brasileiros de assistência estudantil e, de forma complementar - e não
finalizada -, realizou-se associações teóricas e estatísticas entre as características acima
mencionadas destas instituições com as ações de promoção à permanência. Com isto,
identificou-se que as federais brasileiras organizam seus programas de auxílios de quatro
formas diferentes, que a capacidade de oferta de serviços e programas apresentam relações
com o contexto estrutural e administrativo da universidade e, por fim, que todas as
universidades adotam o Plano Nacional de Assistência Estudantil, porém cada uma estrutura
suas experiências de diferentes formas. Usou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,
incorporando as 63 universidades federais existentes. Esta pesquisa contribui com o
aprimoramento e a gestão das políticas públicas educacionais, subsidia futuras produções
teóricas e fundamenta os usuários/público alvo dessas políticas,
This research aimed to discuss about public educational policies, in specific, public higher education. In addition, the configuration of student assistance policies in the federal network of Brazilian universities was also identified. This research was guided by the hypothesis that campus location associated with a set of elements differently shape the configuration of student assistance policies in Brazilian federal universities at the national level. Therefore, here we brought the attention to the following questions: How were institutional policies for university permanence established? How are the configurations of student assistance policies in the federal network of Brazilian universities today? The investigation was based on a profound literature review on related topics and on documental analysis from the official websites of the 63 Brazilian federal universities. Based on this approach, it was possible to identify the characteristics of student assistance policies in the aforementioned Brazilian institutions and verify the proposed hypothesis, confirming that there is diversity in the referred policy configurations and that the characteristics of the institutions are elements that contribute to this diversification. This research contributes to the improvement and management of educational public policies, supports possible new theoretical productions and bases the users/target audience of these policies, which support the knowledge produced and systematized by this study.
This research aimed to discuss about public educational policies, in specific, public higher education. In addition, the configuration of student assistance policies in the federal network of Brazilian universities was also identified. This research was guided by the hypothesis that campus location associated with a set of elements differently shape the configuration of student assistance policies in Brazilian federal universities at the national level. Therefore, here we brought the attention to the following questions: How were institutional policies for university permanence established? How are the configurations of student assistance policies in the federal network of Brazilian universities today? The investigation was based on a profound literature review on related topics and on documental analysis from the official websites of the 63 Brazilian federal universities. Based on this approach, it was possible to identify the characteristics of student assistance policies in the aforementioned Brazilian institutions and verify the proposed hypothesis, confirming that there is diversity in the referred policy configurations and that the characteristics of the institutions are elements that contribute to this diversification. This research contributes to the improvement and management of educational public policies, supports possible new theoretical productions and bases the users/target audience of these policies, which support the knowledge produced and systematized by this study.
SANTOS, Eduardo Henrique Moraes. As configurações da assistência estudantil no Brasil: O cenário do PNAES. 2020. 169f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2020.