Avaliação da ansiedade, estado de humor e sono e sua relação com o número de lesões em atletas de ginástica artística
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O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar a relação entre os aspectos psicobiológicos (cronotipo, qualidade de sono, ansiedade e estado de humor) e lesões em atletas de ginástica artística. A amostra foi composta por 37 atletas de ginástica artística, sendo esses distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo Lesão (N=9) que foi composto por atletas que tiveram alguma lesão no último mês anterior ao início do estudo e o Grupo Não Lesão (N=28) que foi composto por atletas que não apresentaram lesão no último mês. Para avaliar o cronotipo dos atletas foi utilizado o questionário de matutinidade/vespertinidade de Horne & Ostberg; para a qualidade de sono foi utilizado o Questionário de Sono de Pittsburgh, juntamente com o uso do actígrafo e o diário do sono; para avaliar a ansiedade foi utilizado o questionário IDATE e o estado de humor foi avaliado pelo BRUMS. Já, em relação a avaliação das lesões ocorridas nos últimos 6 meses foi utilizado um questionário semi-estruturado que foi composto por informações das lesões e de treinamento. Os resultados foram expressos por meio da análise estatística descritiva e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Foi utilizado o teste de Modelo Linear Geral e o de correlação de Spearman. Pode-se observar que após a análise por meio do Modelo Linear Geral não houve resultados estatisticamente diferentes sob o efeito das variáveis psicossociais e a ocorrência de lesão; mas o Grupo Não Lesão apresentou, em média, maiores escores dessas variáveis quando comparados com os do Grupo Lesão. A correlação de Spearman apresentou uma correlação alta para o Grupo Lesão e baixa para o Grupo Não Lesão para a qualidade de sono e o cronotipo, no qual, os vespertinos tinham pior qualidade de sono (r = 0,794 e r = 0,397, respectivamente). Houve ainda uma correlação entre ter uma maior quantidade de tempo da última lesão e melhor eficiência no sono (r=0,792) e menor número de despertares noturnos (r=-0,845), verificada nos 12 atletas que usaram o actígrafo. Entre as demais variáveis não foram encontradas correlações. Assim, podemos concluir que os vespertinos tinham pior qualidade de sono e que ter maior tempo de ocorrência de lesão predispõem a ter melhor qualidade de sono no aspecto eficiência e menor número de despertares.
The aim of the present study was to compare the relationship between psychobiological aspects (chronotype, sleep quality, anxiety and mood) and injuries in artistic gymnastics athletes. The sample consisted of 37 artistic gymnastics athletes, who were distributed into two groups: Injury Group (N = 9) which was composed of athletes who had an injury in the last month prior to the beginning of the study and the Non-Injury Group (N = 28) which was composed of athletes who had no injury in the last month. To assess the athletes' chronotype, Horne & Ostberg's morningness/eveningness questionnaire was used; for sleep quality, the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire was used, together with the use of the actigraph and a sleep diary; to assess anxiety, the IDATE questionnaire was used and the state of mood was assessed by BRUMS. Regarding the evaluation of injuries that occurred in the last 6 months, a semistructured questionnaire was used, which was composed of information on injuries and training. The results were expressed through descriptive statistical analysis and the level of significance adopted was 5%. The General Linear Model test and the Spearman correlation test were used. It can be seen that after the analysis using the General Linear Model, there were no statistically different results under the effect of psychosocial variables and the occurrence of injury; but the Non-Injury Group had, on average, higher scores for these variables when compared with those of the Injury Group. Spearman's correlation showed a high correlation for the Injury Group and low for the NonInjury Group for sleep quality and chronotype, in which, the evening type had worse sleep quality (r = 0.794 and r = 0.397, respectively). There was also a correlation between having a greater amount of time since the last injury and better sleep efficiency (r = 0.792) and a lower number of nighttime awakenings (r = -0.845), verified in the 12 athletes who used the actigraph. No correlations were found among the other variables. Thus, we can conclude that the evening type had worse quality of sleep and that having a longer time of occurrence of injury predisposes to have better quality of sleep in terms of efficiency and fewer awakenings.
The aim of the present study was to compare the relationship between psychobiological aspects (chronotype, sleep quality, anxiety and mood) and injuries in artistic gymnastics athletes. The sample consisted of 37 artistic gymnastics athletes, who were distributed into two groups: Injury Group (N = 9) which was composed of athletes who had an injury in the last month prior to the beginning of the study and the Non-Injury Group (N = 28) which was composed of athletes who had no injury in the last month. To assess the athletes' chronotype, Horne & Ostberg's morningness/eveningness questionnaire was used; for sleep quality, the Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire was used, together with the use of the actigraph and a sleep diary; to assess anxiety, the IDATE questionnaire was used and the state of mood was assessed by BRUMS. Regarding the evaluation of injuries that occurred in the last 6 months, a semistructured questionnaire was used, which was composed of information on injuries and training. The results were expressed through descriptive statistical analysis and the level of significance adopted was 5%. The General Linear Model test and the Spearman correlation test were used. It can be seen that after the analysis using the General Linear Model, there were no statistically different results under the effect of psychosocial variables and the occurrence of injury; but the Non-Injury Group had, on average, higher scores for these variables when compared with those of the Injury Group. Spearman's correlation showed a high correlation for the Injury Group and low for the NonInjury Group for sleep quality and chronotype, in which, the evening type had worse sleep quality (r = 0.794 and r = 0.397, respectively). There was also a correlation between having a greater amount of time since the last injury and better sleep efficiency (r = 0.792) and a lower number of nighttime awakenings (r = -0.845), verified in the 12 athletes who used the actigraph. No correlations were found among the other variables. Thus, we can conclude that the evening type had worse quality of sleep and that having a longer time of occurrence of injury predisposes to have better quality of sleep in terms of efficiency and fewer awakenings.
Bezerra, Roberto Rodrigues. Avaliação da ansiedade, estado de humor e sono e sua relação com o número de lesões em atletas de ginástica artística. São Paulo, 2020. 66 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicobiologia) – Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Escola Paulista de Medicina. São Paulo, 2020.