Perspectivas intersetoriais para o ensino de ciências: uma análise do Programa Saúde na Escola – PSE
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Na perspectiva da educação para a saúde, a articulação intersetorial deve estimular
e impulsionar os demais setores a considerar, na construção de suas políticas
específicas, os fatores e as condições de vulnerabilidade e os riscos que afetam a
saúde da população. Quando nos reportamos particularmente às ações intersetoriais
entre a saúde e educação na perspectiva da promoção da saúde, observamos que
as mesmas estão sendo cada vez mais necessárias, haja vista o aumento da
violência, das desigualdades sociais, do uso de drogas no cenário escolar. Os PCN
de Ciências Naturais para o ensino fundamental recomenda que é preciso educar
para a saúde, porém como o tema é amplo, o tema saúde foi incluído como tema
transversal, permeando todas as áreas que compõem o currículo escolar. O
Programa Saúde na Escola (PSE) constitui uma estratégia para a integração e a
articulação permanente entre as políticas e ações de educação e de saúde. Como
objetivo geral desta dissertação propomos realizar uma análise do Programa Saúde
na Escola, destacando os desafios e as potencialidades de educar para a saúde por
meio de ações intersetoriais. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa. Para atingir os
objetivos propostos incialmente adotamos dois procedimentos: revisão da literatura e
busca de documentos oficiais referentes ao binômio Educação e Saúde. As análises
revelaram que mesmo tendo sido formulado como ação integrada (intersetorial), um
programa como o PSE permanece vinculado e orientado por órgãos que possuem
estruturas segmentadas, o que reforça as dificuldades de atenção aos princípios da
universalidade, igualdade e integralidade previstos na política social. A estratégia da
intersetorialidade não é tarefa fácil, pois a ação intersetorial, bem como a prática da
interdisciplinaridade, exigem mudanças das práticas e da cultural organizacional,
pois são processos que podem gerar constrangimentos em função de resistências
por parte dos grupos envolvidos. Os setores educação e saúde apresentam
afinidades no campo das políticas públicas, por possuírem objetivos comuns em
educar para a saúde. O programa #Tamojunto por ter objetivos comuns aos
estabelecidos pelos PCN, no que se refere ao uso nocivo de drogas, revela grande
potencial do programa em educar para a saúde.
From the perspective of health education, the intersectoral articulation should stimulate and impel the other sectors to consider, in the construction of their specific policies, the factors and conditions of vulnerability and the risks that affect the population's health. When we particularly report on intersectoral actions between health and education from the perspective of health promotion, we note that they are becoming increasingly necessary given the increase in violence, social inequalities, and drug use in the school setting. The PCN of Natural Sciences for elementary school recommends that it is necessary to educate for health, but as the theme is broad, the health theme was included as a transversal theme, permeating all areas that make up the school curriculum. The School Health Program (PSE) is a strategy for integration and permanent articulation between education and health policies and actions. As a general objective of this dissertation we propose to carry out an analysis of the Health at School Program, highlighting the challenges and potentialities of health education through intersectoral actions. It is a qualitative research. In order to achieve the initially proposed objectives, we adopted two procedures: literature review and search of official documents related to the Education and Health binomial. The analyzes revealed that even though it was formulated as an integrated action (intersectoral), a program such as the PSE remains linked and guided by organs that have segmented structures, which reinforces the difficulties of paying attention to the principles of universality, equality and integrality provided for in social policy. The strategy of intersectoriality is not an easy task, since intersectoral action, as well as the practice of interdisciplinarity, require changes in practices and organizational culture, as these are processes that can generate embarrassment due to resistance from the groups involved. The education and health sectors have affinities in the field of public policies, as they have common goals in educating for health. The #Tamojunto Program, because it has common objectives to those set by PCN regarding harmful drug use, reveals the program's great potential for health education.
From the perspective of health education, the intersectoral articulation should stimulate and impel the other sectors to consider, in the construction of their specific policies, the factors and conditions of vulnerability and the risks that affect the population's health. When we particularly report on intersectoral actions between health and education from the perspective of health promotion, we note that they are becoming increasingly necessary given the increase in violence, social inequalities, and drug use in the school setting. The PCN of Natural Sciences for elementary school recommends that it is necessary to educate for health, but as the theme is broad, the health theme was included as a transversal theme, permeating all areas that make up the school curriculum. The School Health Program (PSE) is a strategy for integration and permanent articulation between education and health policies and actions. As a general objective of this dissertation we propose to carry out an analysis of the Health at School Program, highlighting the challenges and potentialities of health education through intersectoral actions. It is a qualitative research. In order to achieve the initially proposed objectives, we adopted two procedures: literature review and search of official documents related to the Education and Health binomial. The analyzes revealed that even though it was formulated as an integrated action (intersectoral), a program such as the PSE remains linked and guided by organs that have segmented structures, which reinforces the difficulties of paying attention to the principles of universality, equality and integrality provided for in social policy. The strategy of intersectoriality is not an easy task, since intersectoral action, as well as the practice of interdisciplinarity, require changes in practices and organizational culture, as these are processes that can generate embarrassment due to resistance from the groups involved. The education and health sectors have affinities in the field of public policies, as they have common goals in educating for health. The #Tamojunto Program, because it has common objectives to those set by PCN regarding harmful drug use, reveals the program's great potential for health education.