Experimentation spaces: power of meeting, doing and the enlargement of repertory of activities

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Borba, Patrícia Leme de Oliveira [UNIFESP]
Costa Savani, Ana Carolina
Sousa, Paloma Greicy Ferreira de [UNIFESP]
Medeiros, Victor Hugo Rodrigues [UNIFESP]
Jurdi, Andrea Perosa Saigh [UNIFESP]
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This article reports the lived and reflected process of the monitoring project of the occupational therapy course of UNIFESP, Campus Baixada Santista. This project chose the field of experimentation of activities and resources as a way to broaden and integrate the knowledge and contents acquired throughout academic formation. The lived dynamics was based on an active perspective of the students in the process of experimentation and together the group worked on aspects of how they were affected by the meeting and how they could work, from that resource with different subjects. The main results of this action were: the culture of the meeting between students in the Laboratory of Therapeutic Resources, the valorization of the 'activity' for the professional action of the occupational therapist, the appropriation of techniques and their exploitation for different purposes, the enlargement of the repertory of activities and greater integration among undergraduate students. It is concluded that the offer of spaces of experimentation creates potent conditions for the formation of students, increasing creative possibilities and of greater engagement between peers and with the course.
Cadernos Brasileiros De Terapia Ocupacional-Brazilian Journal Of Occupational Therapy. Sao Carlos, v. 26, n. 1, p. 219-224, 2018.