Influência de diferentes tipos de exercício físico na memória e na atenção de jovens fisicamente ativos
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A prática regular de exercício físico e seus efeitos positivos sobre diversos aspectos da cognição e
do humor são bastante reconhecidos na literatura científica. Porém, os resultados relacionados com
a prática aguda (uma sessão) do exercício ainda não são claros. Alguns estudos apresentam relação
positiva, outros negativa e ainda os que não exibiram relação. Um possível fator para essa
divergência de resultados é a intensidade do exercício, outro fator relevante seria o nível de
atividade física prévia dos indivíduos, ou seja, a quantidade de exercício realizada durante toda
vida. Perante este quadro o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar os possíveis efeitos na
cognição e no humor entre dois protocolos distintos de exercício físico agudo em jovens fisicamente
ativos. Participaram deste estudo 7 indivíduos jovens, eutróficos e fisicamente ativos, com média
(±desvio-padrão) de idade, estatura, massa corporal, índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e VO2 pico
de: 22,86±1,86 anos; 1,76 ± 0,04 m; 72,09 ± 7,64 kg; 23,25±2,46 kg/m2 e 57,50±5,28
Inicialmente os voluntários foram submetidos a um eletrocardiograma (ECG) de repouso e esforço,
conduzido por um médico, e apenas aqueles que tiveram a saúde cardiovascular atestada foram
inclusos na amostra. Após a liberação médica, os sujeitos passaram por duas condições
experimentais de exercício físico com testes ergoespirométricos com um sistema metabólico (Quark
PFT 4ERGO, Cosmed, Italy) em cicloergômetro de pernas (Excalibur Sport Lode, Netherlands): a)
sessão em carga progressiva, com carga inicial de 70 watts com incrementos de 35 watts a cada 2
minutos, até a exaustão voluntária máxima, Teste Máximo (TM); b) sessão em carga retangular
(CR), na intensidade do LV-I por um período de 20 minutos. Antes e imediatamente após os testes,
os voluntários responderam a uma bateria cognitiva e de humor composta dos seguintes testes:
Escala de Humor de Brunel (BRUMS), Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test parte A e B; Teste de
Atenção Concentrada - Toulouse-Pieron; dois sub-testes da Escala Wechsler de Memória– Revisada
(WMS-R) o Digit Span e Blocos de Corsi, Pares Verbais Associados, Teste de Recordação Livre de
Palavras, Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE) e por fim a Escala Subjetiva de
Experiência em Exercício (SEES). Foram analisadas as concentrações de lactato e glicose
sanguínea, pressão arterial e temperatura corporal com o intuito de relacionar a ativação metabólica
com os efeitos cognitivos. Os testes foram realizados em intervalos de 1 semana e no mesmo
período do dia evitando uma possível influência circadiana. Nossos dados sugerem que o TM se
mostrou mais eficiente para melhorar a velocidade de resposta e coordenação visuo-espacial,
enquanto a CR foi mais benéfica para memória declarativa e de longo prazo. Todavia, ambos os
protocolos foram capazes de melhorar a atenção, velocidade motora, memória de longo prazo e
processamento de informações. Tais alterações foram acompanhadas de uma diminuição da
sensação de vigor e aumento na sensação de fadiga para TM e CR, porém no TM foi mais relevante
o aumento da fadiga e diminuição da percepção de bem-estar. Concomitantemente a estas
mudanças, foi observado aumento na concentração de lactato no sangue durante ambas as situações,
e aumento significativo da pressão sistólica após o TM comparada a CR. Mais estudos são
necessários para elucidar os efeitos das diferentes intensidades de exercício físico agudo na
cognição e relacioná-los com o nível de atividade física prévia dos indivíduos.
The regular practice of physical exercise and its positive effects on various aspects of cognition and mood is already well established in the scientific literature. However, the results related to acute bouts of exercise are still not clear, some show a positive relationship, others a negative, and there were even those that did not show any significant change. One possible factor for this divergence is the intensity of the exercise and another relevant factor would is the fitness level of individuals, ie, the amount of exercise done throughout life. Considering all this, the present study proposes to investigate the possible effects on cognition and mood between two different protocols of acute exercise in physically fit young males. The study included seven young, well-nourished and physically fit males, with a mean (± SD) age of 22.86 ± 1.86 years, a height of 1.76 ± 0.04 m , a body mass of 72.09 ± 7.64 kg with a body mass index (BMI) of 23.25 ± 2.46 kg/m2 and VO2 peak of 57.50 ± 5,28 Initially the volunteers underwent an electrocardiogram (ECG) at rest and effort, led by a physician, and only those who had attested cardiovascular health were included in the sample. After medical clearance, the subjects underwent two experimental conditions of exercise with an ergospirometry with metabolic system (Quark PFT 4ERGO, Cosmed, Italy) in a cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur Sport, Netherlands): a) session with progressive loading, with initial load of 70 watts and 35 watt increments every 2 minutes until voluntary exhaustion, Maximal Test (TM); b) a session of rectangular load (RL) on the intensity of the Ventilatory Threshold 1 for a period of 20 minutes. Before and immediately after the test, patients answered a cognitive and mood tests battery consisting of the following tests: Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test parts A and B; ; Toulouse-Pieron - Test of Sustained Attention two subtests of the Wechsler Memory Formats Scale Revised (WMS-R) Digit Span and Corsi Blocks, Pairs Verbal Associates, Remembrance Free Word Test, Trait Anxiety Inventory-State (STAI) and finally the Subjective Scale Experience on Exercise (SEES). Tests were performed at intervals of 1 week and at the same time of day to avoid a possible circadian influence. Our data suggests that the TM is more efficient to improve the response speed and visuo-spatial coordination, while the (RL) was more beneficial for declarative memory and long term. However, both protocols were able to improve attention, motor speed, long-term memory and information processing. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in feelings of vigor and increased fatigue feeling to RL and TM, but TM was more relevant in increased fatigue and decreased perception of well-being. Concurrent with these changes, there were differences in the blood lactate concentration during the RL and TM, and a significant increase in systolic blood pressure on the RL protocol compared to the TM. More studies are needed to elucidate the effects of different intensities of acute exercise on cognition and relate them to the level of prior physical activity of individuals
The regular practice of physical exercise and its positive effects on various aspects of cognition and mood is already well established in the scientific literature. However, the results related to acute bouts of exercise are still not clear, some show a positive relationship, others a negative, and there were even those that did not show any significant change. One possible factor for this divergence is the intensity of the exercise and another relevant factor would is the fitness level of individuals, ie, the amount of exercise done throughout life. Considering all this, the present study proposes to investigate the possible effects on cognition and mood between two different protocols of acute exercise in physically fit young males. The study included seven young, well-nourished and physically fit males, with a mean (± SD) age of 22.86 ± 1.86 years, a height of 1.76 ± 0.04 m , a body mass of 72.09 ± 7.64 kg with a body mass index (BMI) of 23.25 ± 2.46 kg/m2 and VO2 peak of 57.50 ± 5,28 Initially the volunteers underwent an electrocardiogram (ECG) at rest and effort, led by a physician, and only those who had attested cardiovascular health were included in the sample. After medical clearance, the subjects underwent two experimental conditions of exercise with an ergospirometry with metabolic system (Quark PFT 4ERGO, Cosmed, Italy) in a cycle ergometer (Lode Excalibur Sport, Netherlands): a) session with progressive loading, with initial load of 70 watts and 35 watt increments every 2 minutes until voluntary exhaustion, Maximal Test (TM); b) a session of rectangular load (RL) on the intensity of the Ventilatory Threshold 1 for a period of 20 minutes. Before and immediately after the test, patients answered a cognitive and mood tests battery consisting of the following tests: Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS), Digit Symbol, Trail Making Test parts A and B; ; Toulouse-Pieron - Test of Sustained Attention two subtests of the Wechsler Memory Formats Scale Revised (WMS-R) Digit Span and Corsi Blocks, Pairs Verbal Associates, Remembrance Free Word Test, Trait Anxiety Inventory-State (STAI) and finally the Subjective Scale Experience on Exercise (SEES). Tests were performed at intervals of 1 week and at the same time of day to avoid a possible circadian influence. Our data suggests that the TM is more efficient to improve the response speed and visuo-spatial coordination, while the (RL) was more beneficial for declarative memory and long term. However, both protocols were able to improve attention, motor speed, long-term memory and information processing. These changes were accompanied by a decrease in feelings of vigor and increased fatigue feeling to RL and TM, but TM was more relevant in increased fatigue and decreased perception of well-being. Concurrent with these changes, there were differences in the blood lactate concentration during the RL and TM, and a significant increase in systolic blood pressure on the RL protocol compared to the TM. More studies are needed to elucidate the effects of different intensities of acute exercise on cognition and relate them to the level of prior physical activity of individuals
AUGUSTO, Lucas Miom. Influência de diferentes tipos de exercício físico na memória e na atenção de jovens fisicamente ativos. 2014. 40 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2014.