Caracterização da atividade física espontânea, flexilidade metabólica e homeostase glicêmica de camundongos durante o envelhecimento
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O Brasil caminha para um perfil demográfico cada vez mais envelhecido. O declínio no nível de
atividade física que acompanha o processo de envelhecimento pode contribuir tanto para a alteração
da composição corporal (redução da massa livre de gordura e aumento da massa de tecido adiposo)
quanto para as doenças metabólicas, como o diabetes mellitus tipo 2, cuja prevalência aumenta com
a idade. A atividade física espontânea (SPA), definida como movimentos corporais para a
realização de atividades rotineiras (excetuando-se esportes e atividades de academia), é um
importante componente do gasto energético, podendo representar mais de 50% da energia total
diária gasta. Um dos sinalizadores mais importantes do status energético do corpo é o hormônio
insulina, que ao agir no hipotálamo, tem como efeito reduzir a ingestão alimentar e parece aumentar
a SPA. Dessa maneira, em função do potencial da insulina na regulação da atividade locomotora, o
objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar se existe relação temporal entre alteração da sensibilidade à
insulina (determinada través do teste de tolerância à insulina e da flexibilidade metabólica) e SPA
em camundongos durante o processo de envelhecimento. Camundongos machos C57bl/6 (n=10)
com 21 dias de idade foram alimentados com dieta padrão (AING-93G) por 10 meses. A SPA, o
gasto energético e a flexibilidade metabólica foram avaliados no 1º, 4º, 8º e 10º mês. Utilizou-se um
sistema à base de sensores infravermelhos (Harvard Apparatus) para analisar a SPA e, para o
registro do gasto energético e da flexibilidade metabólica, foi utilizado um sistema de calorimetria
indireta (Oxylet, Harvard Apparatus). Testes de tolerância à glicose (GTT –2 g de glicose/Kg) e à
insulina (ITT –0.5 UI de insulina regular humana/Kg) intraperitoneal foram realizados no 4º e 8º
mês. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados o teste t-student e ANOVA para medidas repetidas,
com nível de significância pré-estabelecido de 5% (p<0,05). Houve um declínio significativo da
SPA e do gasto energético à partir do 8º mês, coincidindo com a queda da sensibilidade a insulina
avaliada pelo ITT. A flexibilidade metabólica, ao contrário do esperado, foi significativamente
maior no 8º mês. O envelhecimento aumentou significativamente a área abaixo da curva (AUC)
glicêmica durante o GTT, mostrando que os camundongos desenvolveram intolerância à glicose.
Os resultados indicam que a sensibilidade à insulina determinada pelo ITT, mas não pela
flexibilidade metabólica, é sensível ao processo de envelhecimento, e que a queda da sensibilidade à
insulina parece estar envolvida na redução da SPA em camundongos em processo de
Brazil moves towards a demographic profile increasingly aged. The decline in physical activity that accompanies aging can contribute to both a change in body composition (decreased fat-free mass and increased adipose tissue mass) and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, whose prevalence increases with age. Spontaneous physical activity (SPA), defined as body movements to perform daily activities (except for sports and gym activities), is an important component of the energy expenditure and may represent more than 50% of total daily energy expenditure. One of the most important signals of the energy status of the body is the hormone insulin, which act on the hypothalamus reducing food intake and it seems to increase SPA. Thus, due the potential of insulin to regulate locomotor activity, the aim of this study was to establish the temporal relationship between changes in insulin sensitivity (determined by the insulin tolerance test and metabolic flexibility) and SPA in mice during the aging process. Male mice C57Bl/6 (n = 10) 21 days-old were fed a standard diet (Aing-93G) for 10 months. The SPA, energy expenditure and metabolic flexibility were assessed at 1, 4, 8 and 10 months. We used a system based on infrared sensors (Harvard Apparatus) to analyze SPA and an indirect calorimetry system (Oxylet, Harvard Apparatus) to record energy expenditure and metabolic flexibility. Intraperitoneal glucose (GTT -2 g glucose / kg) and insulin (ITT -0.5 IU human regular insulin/kg) tolerance tests were performed at 4 and 8 months. For statistical analysis, the Student t test and ANOVA for repeated measures, with pre-established level of significance of 5% (p <0.05) were used. There was a significant decline in SPA and energy expenditure from the 8th month on, coinciding with the decline in insulin sensitivity assessed by ITT. The metabolic flexibility, contrary to expectations, was significantly higher in the 8th month. Aging significantly increased the area under the curve (AUC) for glucose during GTT, showing that mice developed glucose intolerance. The results indicate that insulin sensitivity determined by ITT, but not by metabolic flexibility, is sensitive to the aging process, and that the decrease in insulin sensitivity appears to be involved in the reduction of SPA in aging mice
Brazil moves towards a demographic profile increasingly aged. The decline in physical activity that accompanies aging can contribute to both a change in body composition (decreased fat-free mass and increased adipose tissue mass) and metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, whose prevalence increases with age. Spontaneous physical activity (SPA), defined as body movements to perform daily activities (except for sports and gym activities), is an important component of the energy expenditure and may represent more than 50% of total daily energy expenditure. One of the most important signals of the energy status of the body is the hormone insulin, which act on the hypothalamus reducing food intake and it seems to increase SPA. Thus, due the potential of insulin to regulate locomotor activity, the aim of this study was to establish the temporal relationship between changes in insulin sensitivity (determined by the insulin tolerance test and metabolic flexibility) and SPA in mice during the aging process. Male mice C57Bl/6 (n = 10) 21 days-old were fed a standard diet (Aing-93G) for 10 months. The SPA, energy expenditure and metabolic flexibility were assessed at 1, 4, 8 and 10 months. We used a system based on infrared sensors (Harvard Apparatus) to analyze SPA and an indirect calorimetry system (Oxylet, Harvard Apparatus) to record energy expenditure and metabolic flexibility. Intraperitoneal glucose (GTT -2 g glucose / kg) and insulin (ITT -0.5 IU human regular insulin/kg) tolerance tests were performed at 4 and 8 months. For statistical analysis, the Student t test and ANOVA for repeated measures, with pre-established level of significance of 5% (p <0.05) were used. There was a significant decline in SPA and energy expenditure from the 8th month on, coinciding with the decline in insulin sensitivity assessed by ITT. The metabolic flexibility, contrary to expectations, was significantly higher in the 8th month. Aging significantly increased the area under the curve (AUC) for glucose during GTT, showing that mice developed glucose intolerance. The results indicate that insulin sensitivity determined by ITT, but not by metabolic flexibility, is sensitive to the aging process, and that the decrease in insulin sensitivity appears to be involved in the reduction of SPA in aging mice
BENFATO, Izabelle Dias. Caracterização da atividade física espontânea, flexilidade metabólica e homeostase glicêmica de camundongos durante o envelhecimento. 2014. 42 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso de graduação (Educação Física) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2014.