Fatores de risco associados ao câncer de pele não melanoma em receptores de transplante renal: estudo caso-controle no ambulatório de dermatologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo no período de agosto de 2004 a agosto de 2009
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Introdução: O câncer de pele não melanoma é a forma mais comum de câncer em humanos e constitui a afecção maligna que mais cresce entre os receptores de transplante renal. Objetivos: Caracterizar a população de receptores de transplante renal com câncer de pele não melanoma; identificar os fatores de risco e calcular a chance para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de tumor nesta população. Métodos: Dois grupos foram constituídos: com câncer de pele não melanoma (grupo caso) e não (grupo controle). Variáveis demográficas, relacionadas ao hábito, ao tumor e ao transplante foram estudadas. A medida de efeito utilizada foi o Odds Ratio, e para o controle dos fatores de confusão utilizou-se a regressão logística, com modelo hierarquizado em três níveis e foi construído um modelo matemático. O ajuste do modelo foi estimado pelo Teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow e a acurácia, pela curva ROC. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 64 casos e 181 controles. A análise univariada identificou associações para: gênero masculino, idade acima de 50 anos, fototipo até III de Fitzpatrick, exposição solar ocupacional, número de horas (dia) de exposição ocupacional, exposição solar recreacional, horário de exposição recreacional, número de horas (dia) de exposição recreacional, uso de protetor solar, tempo de uso do protetor solar, histórico familiar, tempo de transplante, tipo de doador, tempo de diálise pré-transplante e a presença de verruga viral póstransplante. A análise multivariada identificou como fatores de risco, com respectivos Odds Ratio e intervalos de confiança (IC 95%): gênero masculino 2,5 (1,3-4,7), idade acima de 50 anos 5,4 (2,3-12,9), fototipo até III de Fitzpatrick 3,7 (1,6-8,7), exposição solar ocupacional 4,1 (2,1-8,1), horário de exposição solar recreacional dia todo 3,0 (1,4-6,1), e tempo de transplante de 80 meses ou mais 3,3 (1,6-6,5). O Teste de Hosmer-Lemeshow mostrou um bom ajuste (p=0,60) e a curva ROC mostrou uma acurácia de 84,8% (p<0,01). A chance para o desenvolvimento de um câncer de pele não melanoma variou de menos de 1% a 92,5%. Conclusões: Este estudo permitiu: caracterizar a população de receptores de transplante renal com câncer de pele não melanoma; identificar os fatores de risco e calcular a chance para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de tumor nesta população.
Background: Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common tumour in humans and its incidence increases among renal transplant recipients. Objectives: Characterize the population of renal transplant recipients with nonmelanoma skin cancer; identify risk factors and calculate the chance for the development of this type of tumor in this population. Methods: Two groups were formed: with non-melanoma skin cancer (case group) and not (control group). Demographic variables and related to habit, tumor and transplantation were studied. The measure of effect used was the Odds ratio, and for the control of confounding factors we used logistic regression, a hierarchical model with three levels and was built a mathematical model. The model adjustment was appreciated by Hosmer-Lemeshow test and its accuracy by the ROC curve. Results: The study included 64 cases and 181 controls. In the univariate analysis possible associations were identified for: male gender, age over 50 years, skin phototypes I-III of Fitzpatrick, occupational sun exposure, number of hours (per day) of occupational exposure, recreational sun exposure, timetable of recreational exposure, number of hours (per day) of recreational exposure, use of sunscreen, time of sunscreen use, familial history, time of transplantation, type of donor, duration of dialysis pre-transplant and the presence of viral warts after transplantation. Multivariate analysis identified as risk factors, with respective odds ratios and confidence intervals (95% CI): males 2.5 (1.3-4.7), age over 50 years 5.4 (2.3-12.9), skin phototypes I-III of Fitzpatrick 3.7 (1.6-8.7), occupational sun exposure 4.1 (2.1-8.1), timetable of recreational sun exposure all day 3.0 (1.4-6.1), and time of transplantation 80 months or more 3.3 (1.6-6.5). The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed a good fit (p = 0.60) and the ROC curve showed an accuracy of 84.8% (p <0.01). The chance for the development of a non-melanoma skin cancer ranged from less than 1% to 92.5%. Conclusions: This study allowed: characterize the population of renal transplant recipients with nonmelanoma skin cancer; identify risk factors and calculate the chance for the development of this type of tumor in this population.
Background: Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common tumour in humans and its incidence increases among renal transplant recipients. Objectives: Characterize the population of renal transplant recipients with nonmelanoma skin cancer; identify risk factors and calculate the chance for the development of this type of tumor in this population. Methods: Two groups were formed: with non-melanoma skin cancer (case group) and not (control group). Demographic variables and related to habit, tumor and transplantation were studied. The measure of effect used was the Odds ratio, and for the control of confounding factors we used logistic regression, a hierarchical model with three levels and was built a mathematical model. The model adjustment was appreciated by Hosmer-Lemeshow test and its accuracy by the ROC curve. Results: The study included 64 cases and 181 controls. In the univariate analysis possible associations were identified for: male gender, age over 50 years, skin phototypes I-III of Fitzpatrick, occupational sun exposure, number of hours (per day) of occupational exposure, recreational sun exposure, timetable of recreational exposure, number of hours (per day) of recreational exposure, use of sunscreen, time of sunscreen use, familial history, time of transplantation, type of donor, duration of dialysis pre-transplant and the presence of viral warts after transplantation. Multivariate analysis identified as risk factors, with respective odds ratios and confidence intervals (95% CI): males 2.5 (1.3-4.7), age over 50 years 5.4 (2.3-12.9), skin phototypes I-III of Fitzpatrick 3.7 (1.6-8.7), occupational sun exposure 4.1 (2.1-8.1), timetable of recreational sun exposure all day 3.0 (1.4-6.1), and time of transplantation 80 months or more 3.3 (1.6-6.5). The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed a good fit (p = 0.60) and the ROC curve showed an accuracy of 84.8% (p <0.01). The chance for the development of a non-melanoma skin cancer ranged from less than 1% to 92.5%. Conclusions: This study allowed: characterize the population of renal transplant recipients with nonmelanoma skin cancer; identify risk factors and calculate the chance for the development of this type of tumor in this population.
FERREIRA, Flávia Regina. Fatores de risco associados ao câncer de pele não melanoma em receptores de transplante renal: estudo caso-controle no ambulatório de dermatologia da Universidade Federal de São Paulo no período de agosto de 2004 a agosto de 2009. 2014. 92 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2014.