Análise da ação do laser de baixa intensidade na expressão dos receptores Fas e TRAIL em mucosite induzida por 5-Fluorouracil em hamsters.
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Estima-se que 5% a 15% dos pacientes podem ser acometidos de mucosite grave. Uma opcao terapeutica promissora e o laser de baixa intensidade. Mucosite culmina com agressao e apoptose de celulas da camada basal. Objetivo: Analisar a acao do Laser de Baixa Intensidade na expressao Fas e TRAIL em mucosite induzida por 5-Fluorouracil em hamsters. Metodologia: Utilizamos 45 hamsters Sirios Dourados (Mesocricetus auratus), distribuidos em tres grupos: G I ulceracao; G II quimioterapico e ulceracao e G III quimioterapico, ulceracao e LBI. Inducao realizada com duas doses de 5-FU por injecao intraperitoneal e ulceracao com agulha G18 no dia 03, eutanasia no D07. Os dados coletados do estudo receberam tratamento estatistico de analise multifatorial: Analise de Variancia (ANOVA), correlacao de Pearson, Teste Qui-quadrado e Teste nao parametrico de Mann-Whitney, todas as analises com nivel de significancia de 5%. Utilizamos coeficiente de Correlacao de Spearman e teste de comparacoes multiplas de Tukey para verificar onde ocorreu a diferenca. A imuno-expressao foi mensurada no epitelio no aumento de 400x. Resultados: G I teve menor variacao de peso. O G III apresentou correlacao significante entre grau de mucosite e variacao de peso (p= 0,022). No D07, clinicamente os animais estavam assim distribuidos: quatro (8,9%) grau 1; treze (29%) grau 2; quinze ( 33%) grau 3; nove (20%) grau 4 e quatro (8,9%) grau 5 e histopatologicamente, no GI nove (60%) tinham grau 1 e seis (40%) grau 2; no G II sete (46,7%) grau 1 e oito (53,3%) grau 2 e no G III dois (13,3%) grau 1 e treze (86,7%) grau 2. Correlacao significante no G I da histologia e variacao de peso com Fas e TRAIL. Significancia no G II entre clinica e Fas. Na correlacao entre a clinica e TRAIL, significancia no G III e entre Fas e TRAIL, significancia para G I e II. Conclusao: Diferenca significativa apenas entre os G I e III para clinica e histologia. Nao significante entre os G II e III com relacao a expressao de TRAIL e Fas. Alta expressao de TRAIL no grupo laser pos-quimioterapia que se correlacionou a clinica e histologia. Nao significante a expressao do Fas em nenhum dos grupos do experimento. Houve correlacao entre os G I e II na histologia e clinica, respectivamente. O TRAIL e o FAS se correlacionaram apenas nos G I e II. No periodo do experimento, LBI nao induziu diferenca na expressao imunoistoquimica do Fas e TRAIL durante a mucosite oral induzida por 5-Fluorouracil em hamsters
It is estimated that 5% to 15% of patients may be suffering from severe mucositis. An option that has shown promising results is the low intensity laser therapy (LLLT). Mucositis culminates with aggression and apoptosis of cells of the basal layer. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of LLLT in the expression of Fas and TRAIL receptors in mucositis induced by 5fluorouracil in hamsters. Methods: We used 45 Golden Syrian hamsters, divided into three groups: group I received only ulceration, group II received chemotherapy plus ulceration, and group III received chemotherapy plus ulceration and application of laser therapy. The induced mucositis was performed by two doses of 5FU by intraperitoneal injection, ulceration on day 03 with G18 needle, and euthanized on day 07. The data collected followed statistical analysis: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation, Chisquare test and the Nonparametric MannWhitney test, all tests with a significance level of 5%. We used Spearman's correlation coefficient test and Tukey multiple comparisons to determine where the difference occurred. The immunohistochemical expression in the epithelium was measured at 400x magnification. Results: G I had less variation in weight. G III showed a significant correlation between degree of mucositis and weight change (p = 0.022). In D07, the animals were clinically as follows: four (8.9%) grade 1, thirteen (29%) grade 2, fifteen (33%) grade 3, nine (20%) grade 4:04 (8.9% ) grade 5 and histopathological in GI nine (60%) had grade 1 and six (40%) grade 2, seven in G II (46.7%) grade 1, eight (53.3%) grade 2 and G III two (13.3%) grade 1 and thirteen (86.7%) grade 2.Significant correlation of histology and weight change with Fas and TRAIL in G I. Significance in G II between clinic and Fas. The correlation between the clinical and TRAIL, significance in G III, Fas and TRAIL, significance for GI and II. Conclusions: Only significant difference between GI and III in clinical and histology. No significant difference between the G II and III with respect to the expression of TRAIL and Fas. High expression of TRAIL in the laser group after chemotherapy was correlated with clinical and histological findings. No significant expression of Fas in any groups. There was a correlation between GI and II histology and clinical, respectively. The FAS and TRAIL correlated only in GI and II. During the experiment, LLLT did not induce differences in the immunohistochemical expression of Fas and TRAIL during oral mucositis induced by 5fluorouracil in hamsters.
It is estimated that 5% to 15% of patients may be suffering from severe mucositis. An option that has shown promising results is the low intensity laser therapy (LLLT). Mucositis culminates with aggression and apoptosis of cells of the basal layer. Purpose: To evaluate the effects of LLLT in the expression of Fas and TRAIL receptors in mucositis induced by 5fluorouracil in hamsters. Methods: We used 45 Golden Syrian hamsters, divided into three groups: group I received only ulceration, group II received chemotherapy plus ulceration, and group III received chemotherapy plus ulceration and application of laser therapy. The induced mucositis was performed by two doses of 5FU by intraperitoneal injection, ulceration on day 03 with G18 needle, and euthanized on day 07. The data collected followed statistical analysis: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Pearson correlation, Chisquare test and the Nonparametric MannWhitney test, all tests with a significance level of 5%. We used Spearman's correlation coefficient test and Tukey multiple comparisons to determine where the difference occurred. The immunohistochemical expression in the epithelium was measured at 400x magnification. Results: G I had less variation in weight. G III showed a significant correlation between degree of mucositis and weight change (p = 0.022). In D07, the animals were clinically as follows: four (8.9%) grade 1, thirteen (29%) grade 2, fifteen (33%) grade 3, nine (20%) grade 4:04 (8.9% ) grade 5 and histopathological in GI nine (60%) had grade 1 and six (40%) grade 2, seven in G II (46.7%) grade 1, eight (53.3%) grade 2 and G III two (13.3%) grade 1 and thirteen (86.7%) grade 2.Significant correlation of histology and weight change with Fas and TRAIL in G I. Significance in G II between clinic and Fas. The correlation between the clinical and TRAIL, significance in G III, Fas and TRAIL, significance for GI and II. Conclusions: Only significant difference between GI and III in clinical and histology. No significant difference between the G II and III with respect to the expression of TRAIL and Fas. High expression of TRAIL in the laser group after chemotherapy was correlated with clinical and histological findings. No significant expression of Fas in any groups. There was a correlation between GI and II histology and clinical, respectively. The FAS and TRAIL correlated only in GI and II. During the experiment, LLLT did not induce differences in the immunohistochemical expression of Fas and TRAIL during oral mucositis induced by 5fluorouracil in hamsters.
SOUTO, Marcos Antonio Arruda. Análise da ação do laser de baixa intensidade na expressão dos receptores Fas e TRAIL em mucosite induzida por 5Fluorouracil em hamsters.. 2013. 81f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Patologia) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo. São Paulo, 2013.