Análise de métodos e indicadores de estado nutricional em pacientes com câncer gástrico e colorretal
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Introdução: O câncer gástrico (CG) e colorretal (CCR) estão entre as seis neoplasias de maior mortalidade no mundo. O estado nutricional (EN) de
pacientes acometidos por essa doença pode interferir diretamente na proposta e resposta ao tratamento. Portanto a identificação adequada do EN desses indivíduos poderá auxiliar na terapêutica instituída, sendo necessário para isso a utilização de ferramentas corretas capazes de detectar o real EN. Objetivos: Analisar métodos de identificação do risco e/ou do estado nutricional em pacientes portadores CG e CCR e com histórico dessas neoplasias. Pacientes e Métodos: Estudo
transversal, constituído por dois grupos, sendo o Grupo 1 (G1) pacientes com presença de CG ou CCR e o Grupo 2 (G2) pacientes com CG ou
CCR em acompanhamento, sem presença do tumor por um período maior que 3 meses. Esses pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação do EN por métodos objetivos: Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), ângulo de fase (AF) e pelos níveis séricos de albumina e transferrina; instrumentos de triagem nutricional: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST),
Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) e pelo método subjetivo Avaliação Subjetiva Global Produzida pelo paciente (ASG-PPP). Os métodos foram associados com a ASGPPP. Para cada método foi determinado a sensibilidade e especificidade de acordo com ASG-PPP. Resultados: Estudo constituído por 137 pacientes (75 no G 1 e 62 no G2), com predominância de pacientes com CCR e média de idade de 60,7+11,9 anos. O estádio IV prevaleceu no G1. Entre todos os métodos de análise do estado nutricional, o IMC foi o único método que não demonstrou diferença significante entre os grupos. A associação dos métodos de análise do
estado nutricional com a ASG-PPP, demonstraram que as ferramentas de triagem nutricional revelaram resultados mais significantes (p<0,05) do que a associação com os métodos objetivos, para ambos os grupos. O método que detectou maior proporção de pacientes desnutridos foi a ASG-PPP no G1. Os métodos de triagem nutricional MUST, NRI e MST demonstraram sensibilidade superior aos métodos objetivos de análise do EN, sendo que dentre esses o AF foi o mais sensível no G1. No estádio III e IV o NRI, MUST e ASG-PPP demonstraram concordância de classificação do EN dos indivíduos do Grupo 1. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as ferramentas de triagem nutricional foram os métodos que melhor se associaram com a ASG-PPP e também forneceram maior sensibilidade
do que os métodos objetivos. Sugere-se, a utilização da ferramenta de triagem nutricional MUST associada a ASG-PPP tanto para pacientes com a presença do câncer, como em acompanhamento por histórico da neoplasia.
Introduction: Gastric cancer (GC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) are among the six cancers with higher mortality in the world. The nutritional status (NS) of patients affected from this disease can interfere directly in the proposal and response to treatment. Therefore appropriate identification of the NS of these individuals may assist in therapeutic regimens, it is necessary to use the right tools able to detect the real NS. Objectives: To analyze methods of risk identification and / or nutritional status in patients with CRC and CG and history of these neoplasms. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study, consisting of two groups: Group 1 (G1) patients with presence of GC or CRC and Group 2 (G2) patients with GC or CRC in monitoring, without the presence of the tumor for a longer period than 3 months. These patients underwent evaluation by objective methods: Body Mass Index (BMI), phase angle (PhA) and the serum albumin and transferrin; nutritional screening instruments: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST), Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) and the subjective method Patient Generate Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). The methods were associated with PG-SGA. For each method was determined the sensitivity and specificity according to PG-SGA. Results: The study consists of 137 patients (75 in G1 and 62 in G2), with a predominance of patients with CRC and a mean age of 60.7+11.9 years. The stage IV prevailed in G1. Among all methods of analysis NS, BMI was the only method that showed no significant difference between groups. The combination of the methods of analysis of nutritional status with PG-SGA, demonstrated that nutritional screening tools showed most significant results (p <0.05) than the association with the objective methods for both groups. The method that detected a higher proportion of malnourished patients was the PG-SGA in G1. The methods of nutritional screening MUST, NRI and MST have demonstrated more sensitivity than to objective methods of NS analysis, and among those the PhA was the most sensitive in G1. In stage III and IV the NRI, MUST and PG-SGA showed agreement NS classification of subjects in G1.Conclusion: We conclude that nutritional screening tools were the best methods that were associated with the PG-SGA and also provided greater sensitivity than objective methods. We suggest the use of nutritional screening tool MUST associated with PG-SGA for patients with the presence of cancer, such as monitoring for historic neoplasm.
Introduction: Gastric cancer (GC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) are among the six cancers with higher mortality in the world. The nutritional status (NS) of patients affected from this disease can interfere directly in the proposal and response to treatment. Therefore appropriate identification of the NS of these individuals may assist in therapeutic regimens, it is necessary to use the right tools able to detect the real NS. Objectives: To analyze methods of risk identification and / or nutritional status in patients with CRC and CG and history of these neoplasms. Patients and Methods: Cross-sectional study, consisting of two groups: Group 1 (G1) patients with presence of GC or CRC and Group 2 (G2) patients with GC or CRC in monitoring, without the presence of the tumor for a longer period than 3 months. These patients underwent evaluation by objective methods: Body Mass Index (BMI), phase angle (PhA) and the serum albumin and transferrin; nutritional screening instruments: Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST), Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST), Nutritional Risk Index (NRI) and the subjective method Patient Generate Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA). The methods were associated with PG-SGA. For each method was determined the sensitivity and specificity according to PG-SGA. Results: The study consists of 137 patients (75 in G1 and 62 in G2), with a predominance of patients with CRC and a mean age of 60.7+11.9 years. The stage IV prevailed in G1. Among all methods of analysis NS, BMI was the only method that showed no significant difference between groups. The combination of the methods of analysis of nutritional status with PG-SGA, demonstrated that nutritional screening tools showed most significant results (p <0.05) than the association with the objective methods for both groups. The method that detected a higher proportion of malnourished patients was the PG-SGA in G1. The methods of nutritional screening MUST, NRI and MST have demonstrated more sensitivity than to objective methods of NS analysis, and among those the PhA was the most sensitive in G1. In stage III and IV the NRI, MUST and PG-SGA showed agreement NS classification of subjects in G1.Conclusion: We conclude that nutritional screening tools were the best methods that were associated with the PG-SGA and also provided greater sensitivity than objective methods. We suggest the use of nutritional screening tool MUST associated with PG-SGA for patients with the presence of cancer, such as monitoring for historic neoplasm.
VICENTE, Mariana Abe. Análise de métodos e indicadores de estado nutricional em pacientes com câncer gástrico e colorretal. 2012. 108 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Medicina Translacional) – Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2012.