Navegando por Palavras-chave "Adesivo Tecidual de Fibrina"
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- ItemSomente MetadadadosAplicacao do adesivo de fibrina na sintese da cupula vaginal em histerectomias abdominais de coelhas(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2003) Lima, Ari Goncalves [UNIFESP]A histerectomia e um procedimento operatorio largamente utilizado para tratamento de doencas benignas e malignas envolvendo o utero e anexos. A histerectomia total tem como complicacoes frequentes a formacao de granulomas e/ou aderencias consequentes a sutura da cupula vaginal. Ainda procura-se um material de sutura que provoque menor reacao inflamatoria nesta situacao. O adesivo de fibrina, conhecido como cola biologica, e uma opcao que tem sido investigada na literatura em outros procedimentos mostrando uma menor reacao inflamatoria cicatricial. Assim propos-se o estudo comparativo da sintese da cupula vaginal de coelhas, apos histerectomia total, usando o fio de acido poliglicolico e o adesivo de fibrina (TissucolR). Vinte coelhas foram submetidas a histerectomia total sendo que em dez a cupula vaginal foi suturada com pontos separados de DexonR 3.0 (Grupo A) e nas outras dez foi usado a cola de fibrina (Grupo B). Apos seis semanas de observacao os animais foram submetidos a avaliacao por radio-vaginografia, video-vaginoscopia, resseccao da vagina para estudo macroscopico, identificacao de granulomas e aderencias peritoniais e teste de ruptura da linha de sutura sob pressao controlada. Foi colhido material para estudo histologico para colageno. Os resultados da video-vaginoscopia mostraram a presenca de granulomas em ambos os grupos, assim como a avaliacao) macroscopica tambem os identificou. Ambas as avaliacoes mostraram que nao ocorreu) granulomas, quando usado somente cola biologica, que tambem mostrou menor ocorrencias de aderencias peritoniais. A radio-vaginografia mostrou provavel deiscencia em um animal do grupo A que coincidiu no teste de resistencia tensil com uma ruptura. O estudo histologico e o teste de resistencia tensil mostraram resultados semelhantes e sem diferencas estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos. Conclui-se que o adesivo biologico, apesar de necessitar de um tempo maior para aplicacao, mostrou-se eficiente e eficaz para a sintese da cupula vaginal apos histerectomia total em coelhas, podendo ser uma opcao de material de sintese para o procedimento operatorio
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEfeitos do selante de fibrina na reparacao ossea em ratos submetidos a radiacao ionizante(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2008) Leite, Ronaldo Antonio [UNIFESP]
- ItemSomente MetadadadosEstudo morfologico da regeneracao axonial na sintese termino-lateral de nervo periferico de ratos com adesivo de fibrina e micro-sutura(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2001) Mueller, Susana Fabiola [UNIFESP]
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)Fibrin adhesive and the vaginal vault synthesis on female rabbits abdominal hysterectomies(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2009-02-01) Lima, Ari Gonçalves; Taha, Murched Omar [UNIFESP]; Rivoire, Henri Chaplin; Fagundes, Anna Tereza Negrini; Fagundes, Djalma José [UNIFESP]; FURG Department of Surgery; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); FURG Head of Department of Surgery; Santo Amaro University Medical SchoolPURPOSE: To investigate the effectiveness of fibrin glue in comparison with polyglycolic acid suture to promote the closure of rabbit's vaginal vault, after abdominal hysterectomy. METHODS: Twenty female, adults, New Zealand rabbits, were submitted to abdominal hysterectomy and randomly distributed to polyglycolic acid suture (G-PA / n=10) or fibrin glue closure of vaginal vault (G-FG / n=10). Radiograph study allowed identifying vault vaginal suture disrupter or fistulas to urinary bladder or rectum. Videovaginoscopy study allowed identifying the presence of cellulites, abscess formation, tissue granulation or granuloma. Vaginal cuff burst test allowed to identify by the escape of air bubbles and rupture pression record. Histological sections stained with Picrosirius red allowed the measure of fibrous tissue healing. RESULTS: The videovaginoscopy identified a significant difference (Fisher Test p<0.3142) of granulation tissue in the animals of G-PA (40%) in comparison with the G-FG (20%). The gross inspection showed the same relation in the granulation tissue occurrence (Fisher test p< 0.1749) with G-PA (50%) and G-FB (20%). The visceral adhesion to the vaginal vault wound was statistical significant (Fisher test p< 0.1749) with G-PA (50%) and G-FG (20%). The pressure of rupture (mm Hg) of the burst test was similar (p<0.0421) in the animals of G-PA (61.5±19.3) and G-FG (72.5±21.9). The collagen matrix of vault wound healing was similar (p< 0.0231) between the G-PA (31.63±15) and the G-FG (23.2±13.2). CONCLUSION: The vaginal vault closure using the fibrin glue is a safe and reliable procedure after abdominal hysterectomy in female rabbit model.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The laparoscopy splenic injury repair: the use of fibrin glue in a heparinized porcine model(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2011-06-01) Freire, Dalmer Faria [UNIFESP]; Taha, Murched Omar [UNIFESP]; Soares, José Homero [UNIFESP]; Simões, Manuel de Jesus [UNIFESP]; Fagundes, Anna Luiza Negrini; Fagundes, Djalma José [UNIFESP]; County Hospital Surgery Residence; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP); University of Santo AmaroPURPOSE: To investigate the effectiveness of fibrin glue (laparoscopic via) into promote the hemostasis of a spleen injury on a heparinized porcine model. METHODS: Eighteen Landrace porcine were submitted to laparoscopic spleen injury and randomly distributed: GHA (heparin plus adhesive), GH (heparin without adhesive) and GS (Sham - without heparin or adhesive). Ten minutes before the surgical procedures a single IV dose (200UI/kg) of heparin sodium was administrated only to groups GHA and GH. In the GHA, adhesive was applied after the mechanical injury and recorded the time until the polymerization and clot formation. RESULTS: No significant differences occurred among the groups (Fisher test) considering the weight and surgery time. The blood amount in the abdominal cavity on GH was significantly higher in comparison to the sham group and especially with the GHA (p<0.004). No significant differences were observed in the body temperature, heart rate, cardiac output, means arterial pressure, pulmonary artery pressure during the experiment. The activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) was lower in the GHA in comparison to GH (p<0.003). CONCLUSION: The fibrin biological adhesive applied by laparoscopy is effective for hemostasis of minor spleen injury in a porcine model under the effect of anticoagulant drug.
- ItemAcesso aberto (Open Access)The role of biological adhesive and suture material on rabbit hepatic injury(Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2006-10-01) Taha, Murched Omar [UNIFESP]; De Rosa, Karen [UNIFESP]; Fagundes, Djalma José [UNIFESP]; Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)PURPOSE: To evaluate the performance of fibrin adhesive and absorbable suture thread in the repairing of hepatic injures in rabbits. METHODS: New Zealand albino rabbits (n=16), males and females, from 5 to 6 months old, average weight of 2500 g, were distributed randomly in Group A (n-8) - biological adhesive and Group B (n=8) - suture thread. After anesthesia with acepromazine (1mg/Kg), ketamine (50mg/Kg) and fentanyl EV (0,5ml/Kg), it was performed a supra-umbilical median laparotomy, the median hepatic lobe was isolated and subjected to severe standardized incision. In the group B the incision edges were sutured with simple 4-0 catgut, in separated stitches. It was evaluated the total time of the procedure, the hemostasis time and hemorrhage volume. In the 21st post-operative day it was evaluated the presence of adherences and signs of infection in the abdominal cavity, and it was followed by the resection of the median hepatic lobe for the histological evaluation. RESULTS: The calculated mean and standard deviation showed that the procedure time, hemostasis time and bleeding amount were significantly smaller in the group of animals subjected to the use of fibrin adhesive. The surgical abdominal incision was significantly more extensive in the animals of the suture group (average of 6,8 cm) in relation to the adhesive group (average of 3,8), as well as the number of occurrences of abscesses. The adherence of the intestinal ansas to the sutured incision (group B) occurred in five cases and the major omentum adhesion occurred in all animals. In the group A (adhesive) it occurred adherences of the major omentum in three cases. The microscopy of the hepatic incision repaired with the use of fibrin showed that the inflammatory infection is less intense, not associated with the formulation of secretion in the abscesses, and therefore has a more favorable later cicatricial aspect than a conventional suture with surgical thread. CONCLUSION: In agreement with other biomedical literature works, the fibrin adhesive is a viable option for the performance of hemostasis in a animal model (rabbit) with severe hepatic injury.
- ItemSomente MetadadadosSíntese de coledocotomia com adesivo de fibrina e com fio de polipropileno: estudo comparativo experimental(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2001) Brochado, Jose Henrique Gabrielle [UNIFESP]; Del Grande, José Carlos [UNIFESP]
- ItemSomente MetadadadosUso do adesivo tecidual de fibrina derivado de veneno de serpente e avaliação da técnica de autoenxertia utilizando a pele do sulco nasogeniano(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 1998) Stolf, Hamilton Ometto [UNIFESP]; Dillon, Neuza Lima [UNIFESP]O adesivo de fibrina derivado de veneno de serpente mimetiza as reacoes finais do processo da coagulacao. O fibrinogenio de bufalo ao interagir com a fracao trombina-simile extraida do veneno de serpente libera uma fibrina monomerica que na presenca do fator XIII e do calcio torna-se polimerica, a qual age como cola biologica. A acao dessa cola permite a uniao das bordas de feridas e auxilia na hemostasia. No presente trabalho foi avaliada a capacidade de sintese e acao hemostatica desse adesivo na cirurgia cutanea, comparando-a com a sutura com fio monofilamentoso 5-0 e a tecnica utilizada para reparacao de tumores. Foram estudados 21 pacientes caucasianos, portadores de tumor cutaneo na regiao nasal, com idade media de 64 anos de ambos os sexos. Apos a retirada do tumor foi feito o reparo do defeito nasal pelo metodo de autoenxertia, sendo que a pele doadora provinha dos sulcos nasogenianos direito e esquerdo. Para a sintese cutanea do sulco nasogeniano direito utilizou-se o adesivo de fibrina; do esquerdo a sutura. O estudo comparativo das areas doadoras no mesmo paciente, 48 horas apos a cirurgia, mostrou maior eritema e edema no lado sutura e deiscencia em 28,6 por cento no lado cola (teste de Wilcoxon). No setimo pos-operatorio, houve maior eritema e mais irregularidade de contorno da incisao no lado sutura; enquanto no lado cola 33,3 por cento de deiscencia (teste de Wilcoxon). A avaliacao tardia do aspecto geral da cicatriz foi excelente no lado cola e bom no lado sutura. Nao foi detectado nenhum efeito toxico em nivel local ou sistemico. Verificou-se, portanto, que o adesivo de fibrina derivada do veneno de serpente teve capacidade adesiva total em 66,7 por cento e parcial em 33,3 por cento dos pacientes, constituindo-se em um metodo alternativo valioso na cirurgia cutanea