Entre a proteção e a desproteção: uma análise do desacolhimento institucional de adolescentes
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O presente estudo aborda o desacolhimento institucional de adolescentes pela maioridade civil, analisando as medidas de proteção social e suas consequentes desproteções neste processo. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória e qualitativa, a técnica utilizada é a narrativa. Sendo que o objetivo da pesquisa é compreender como ocorre o processo de desacolhimento institucional pela maioridade a partir da trajetória de vida de adolescentes desacolhidos/as, além de analisar as contradições entre a realidade do desacolhimento e as políticas de proteção social instituídas, fazendo o contraponto da história do acolhimento e as garantias a partir da doutrina de proteção integral e a sua efetiva consolidação por meio do acesso à República de Jovens. Assim, foi realizada as narrativas com dois adolescentes, visando subsidiar esse debate, buscando apreender como ocorre esse processo na prática e como eles o experienciaram. A pesquisa é fundamentada na teoria social crítica e na leitura de mundo dos/as adolescentes, onde podem resgatar seus sentimentos e angústias com base na dialogicidade de suas vivências. A partir dos marcadores sociais da diferença, diante da dimensão de nosso país e a realidade experienciada nesse momento entre o desacolhimento institucional e o acesso à República, foi colocada a questão da interseccionalidade das opressões, de forma a dialogar com a classe social, raça/etnia e demais marcadores, compreendendo os dilemas de nosso processo sócio-histórico que tem fundamento no conservadorismo e no racismo estrutural. Assim, a pesquisa apresenta que, apesar de o Brasil avançar na consolidação de um quadro social amplo por meio de políticas de proteção social, há, em grande medida, a fragmentação das políticas e a não articulação intersetorial o que ocasiona em um desacolhimento precarizado diante da desidratação das políticas sociais. O Estado brasileiro assume a proteção social de crianças, adolescente e jovens, mas, ao mesmo tempo, se exime de suas responsabilidades em prol da autorresponsabilização dos indivíduos, em que as políticas só devem ser acionadas quando a população não conseguir via mercado, ou seja, elas passam a ser residuais e focalizadas para determinados grupos sociais. As narrativas expõem que o processo de desacolhimento é somente uma ruptura entre os serviços, sendo que não há uma preparação efetiva, de acordo com as normativas legais, para os/as adolescentes e jovens que completaram a maioridade, e a via eleita para garantir a autonomia é pelo mundo do trabalho. Elas também dialogam com a questão da proteção-desproteção social, porque as medidas adotadas pelos serviços de acolhimento passam pelo crivo da proteção para depois existir uma completa desproteção, principalmente aos/as jovens acolhidos/as na República. Ou mesmo, a partir dos relatos, por meio de determinadas violações objetivas na proteção social pela não inclusão de adolescentes em acolhimento e na República a partir da seletividade jurídica e a inexistência de Repúblicas a nível nacional. Por fim, o trabalho visa trazer o contexto atual do desacolhimento institucional de forma a subsidiar um debate crítico, uma vez que mesmo com a legalização das medidas de proteção há um anacronismo entre a formalização das leis e sua efetivação, demonstrando, portanto, os desafios que estão postos aos/as profissionais que atuam com as medidas protetivas de crianças, adolescentes e jovens; além das desproteções que margeiam o processo institucional.
This study addresses the institutional neglect of adolescents by age, analyzing social protection measures and their consequent lack of protection in this process. For that, an exploratory and qualitative research was carried out, the technique used is the narrative. The objective of the research is to understand how the process of institutional abandonment occurs due to adulthood, based on the life trajectory of homeless adolescents, in addition to analyzing the contradictions between the reality of abandonment and the social protection policies instituted, making the counterpoint the history of reception and the guarantees from the doctrine of full protection and its effective consolidation through access to the Republic of Youth. Thus, the narratives were carried out with two adolescents, aiming to support this debate, seeking to understand how this process takes place in practice and how they experienced it. The research is based on critical social theory and on the adolescents' reading of the world, where they can rescue their feelings and anxieties based on the dialogicity of their experiences. Based on the social markers of difference, given the size of our country and the reality experienced at that time between institutional disengagement and access to the Republic, the question of the intersectionality of oppression was raised, in order to dialogue with social class, race/ ethnicity and other markers, understanding the dilemmas of our socio-historical process based on conservatism and structural racism. Thus, the research shows that, although Brazil advances in the consolidation of a broad social framework through social protection policies, there is, to a large extent, the fragmentation of policies and the lack of intersectoral articulation, which leads to a precarious disregard for the dehydration of social policies. The Brazilian State assumes the social protection of children, adolescents and young people, but, at the same time, it exempts itself from its responsibilities in favor of the self-responsibility of individuals, in which policies should only be activated when the population is unable to do so via the market, that is, , they become residual and focused on certain social groups. The narratives show that the abandonment process is only a rupture between services, and there is no effective preparation, in accordance with legal regulations, for adolescents and young people who have reached adulthood, and the chosen path to ensure autonomy is for the world of work. They also dialogue with the issue of social protection-lack of protection, because the measures adopted by reception services go through the sieve of protection and then there is complete lack of protection, especially for young people sheltered in the Republic. Or even, based on the reports, through certain objective violations of social protection by the non-inclusion of teenagers in foster care and in the Republic based on legal selectivity and the inexistence of Republics at the national level. Finally, the work aims to bring the current context of institutional disengagement in order to support a critical debate, since even with the legalization of protection measures there is an anachronism between the formalization of laws and their enforcement, thus demonstrating the challenges which are available to professionals who work with protective measures for children, adolescents and young people; in addition to the lack of protections that border the institutional process.
This study addresses the institutional neglect of adolescents by age, analyzing social protection measures and their consequent lack of protection in this process. For that, an exploratory and qualitative research was carried out, the technique used is the narrative. The objective of the research is to understand how the process of institutional abandonment occurs due to adulthood, based on the life trajectory of homeless adolescents, in addition to analyzing the contradictions between the reality of abandonment and the social protection policies instituted, making the counterpoint the history of reception and the guarantees from the doctrine of full protection and its effective consolidation through access to the Republic of Youth. Thus, the narratives were carried out with two adolescents, aiming to support this debate, seeking to understand how this process takes place in practice and how they experienced it. The research is based on critical social theory and on the adolescents' reading of the world, where they can rescue their feelings and anxieties based on the dialogicity of their experiences. Based on the social markers of difference, given the size of our country and the reality experienced at that time between institutional disengagement and access to the Republic, the question of the intersectionality of oppression was raised, in order to dialogue with social class, race/ ethnicity and other markers, understanding the dilemmas of our socio-historical process based on conservatism and structural racism. Thus, the research shows that, although Brazil advances in the consolidation of a broad social framework through social protection policies, there is, to a large extent, the fragmentation of policies and the lack of intersectoral articulation, which leads to a precarious disregard for the dehydration of social policies. The Brazilian State assumes the social protection of children, adolescents and young people, but, at the same time, it exempts itself from its responsibilities in favor of the self-responsibility of individuals, in which policies should only be activated when the population is unable to do so via the market, that is, , they become residual and focused on certain social groups. The narratives show that the abandonment process is only a rupture between services, and there is no effective preparation, in accordance with legal regulations, for adolescents and young people who have reached adulthood, and the chosen path to ensure autonomy is for the world of work. They also dialogue with the issue of social protection-lack of protection, because the measures adopted by reception services go through the sieve of protection and then there is complete lack of protection, especially for young people sheltered in the Republic. Or even, based on the reports, through certain objective violations of social protection by the non-inclusion of teenagers in foster care and in the Republic based on legal selectivity and the inexistence of Republics at the national level. Finally, the work aims to bring the current context of institutional disengagement in order to support a critical debate, since even with the legalization of protection measures there is an anachronism between the formalization of laws and their enforcement, thus demonstrating the challenges which are available to professionals who work with protective measures for children, adolescents and young people; in addition to the lack of protections that border the institutional process.
NAKASONE, Pedro Egidio. Entre a proteção e a desproteção: uma análise do desacolhimento institucional de adolescentes. 2021. 135 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Instituto Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2021.