Influência da pinealectomia na epileptogênese em ratas submetidas ao modelo de epilepsia induzido por pilocarpina
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A epilepsia é um distúrbio que afeta o Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC), sendo a Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal (ELT) a forma mais freqüente dentre as epilepsias focais em adultos, representando 40% de todos os casos. Sua incidência é de 1-2% da população mundial, com destaque para o sexo feminino por apresentar certas peculiaridades, como ciclo menstrual e período gestacional. Alterações nos níveis dos hormônios sexuais estrógeno e progesterona podem interferir no curso da epilepsia. A produção e liberação destes hormônios são influenciadas pela melatonina, um hormônio sincronizador do ritmo circadiano, e protetor do SNC. Desta forma, uma alteração nos níveis de melatonina poderia interferir na produção dos hormônios esteróides, e influenciar na excitabilidade do SNC. Objetivo: estudar o efeito da pinealectomia na epileptogênese em ratas Wistar adultas, com ciclo estral regular, submetidas ao modelo experimental da pilocarpina, através de análise comportamental e morfológica. Método: 4 grupos: SAL– fêmeas controle (n=5); PNTX+SAL– animais pinealectomizados e que receberam solução salina (n=5); PILO– animais que receberam pilocarpina (n=46); PNTX+PILO– animais pinealectomizados e que receberam pilocarpina (n=47). Os animais do grupo PILO e PNTX+PILO foram vídeo-monitorados por 60 dias após a primeira crise espontânea para estudo dos parâmetros comportamentais e então, perfundidos para técnica de neo-Timm. Resultados: os animais pinealectomizados apresentaram maior freqüência na fase de estro. Os animais PNTX+PILO tiveram diminuição nos períodos de latência para ocorrência da primeira crise após administração de pilocarpina, para ocorrência do SE e ocorrência da primeira crise espontânea, quando comparado com o grupo PILO. A mortalidade durante o SE foi maior no grupo PNTX+PILO, no entanto, a mortalidade por crise tônica foi maior no grupo PILO. Também foi maior no grupo PILO a porcentagem de animais que evoluíram para o SE. Quanto a freqüência de crises e ao grau de brotamento de fribras musgosas, não observamos diferença entre os grupos. Conclusão: A pinealectomia além de promover alterações no ciclo estral da rata, de maneira diferente daquela observada em ratas não pinealectomizadas e submetidas ao modelo da pilocarpina, promove uma epileptogênese menos intensa do que aquela vista em machos pinealectomizados, ou até mesmo em fêmeas intactas ou castradas.
Epilepsy is a disorder that affects Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Temporal Lobe Epilepsy is among the most frequent t ypes of epilepsy representing 40% all cases. Its incidence is 1-2% of the world-w ide population, with prominence for the female sex by presenting peculiarities such as menstrual cycle and gestational period. Alterations in the levels of sexual hormone s estrogen and progesterone can intervene with the course of the epilepsy. The prod uction and release of these hormones are influenced by melatonin a hormone that synchronize the circadian rhythms and promote the protection of the CNS. In t his context alteration in the melatonin levels could intervene with the productio n of sexual hormones and promote alterations in the excitability of the CNS. Objective: In order to study the effects of pinealectomy in the development of the p ilocarpine model of epilepsy in adult female rats, the behavioral and morphological aspects were analyzed. Method : Animals were divided in four groups: SAL - female control (n=5); PNTX+SAL - Pinealectomized animals that received saline (n=5); PILO - Animals that received pilocarpine (n=46); PNTX+PILO - Pinealectomized animals that received pilocarpine (n=47). The animals of PILO and PNTX+PILO groups we re video-monitored 24h/day during 60 days in order to observe the latency to t he first seizure and seizure frequency. After this period the animals were kille d and the brain sections were neo- Timm stained. Results: The pinealectomized animals presented a higher fre quency of the proestrus phase in the estrous cycle. The a nimals of PNTX+PILO group presented a reduced period of latency to occurrence of the first seizure after pilocarpine administration and to occurrence of status epilepticus (SE), as well as, a reduced silent phase when compared with animals of the PILO group. The mortality during SE was increased in PNTX+PILO group, however , the mortality by seizure tonic was increased in the PILO group and this grou p presented an increase rate of animals that evolved to SE. About seizure frequenc y and mossy fiber sprouting we do not observe difference between the groups. Conclusion: Our data showed that the pinealectomy promotes alterations in the estrou s cycle of the female rats in different aspects when compared with female rats no t pinealectomized submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. On the other han d a less intense epileptogenesis was observed in this rats when compared with castra ted and intact females rats or pinealectomized males rats.
Epilepsy is a disorder that affects Central Nervous System (CNS) and the Temporal Lobe Epilepsy is among the most frequent t ypes of epilepsy representing 40% all cases. Its incidence is 1-2% of the world-w ide population, with prominence for the female sex by presenting peculiarities such as menstrual cycle and gestational period. Alterations in the levels of sexual hormone s estrogen and progesterone can intervene with the course of the epilepsy. The prod uction and release of these hormones are influenced by melatonin a hormone that synchronize the circadian rhythms and promote the protection of the CNS. In t his context alteration in the melatonin levels could intervene with the productio n of sexual hormones and promote alterations in the excitability of the CNS. Objective: In order to study the effects of pinealectomy in the development of the p ilocarpine model of epilepsy in adult female rats, the behavioral and morphological aspects were analyzed. Method : Animals were divided in four groups: SAL - female control (n=5); PNTX+SAL - Pinealectomized animals that received saline (n=5); PILO - Animals that received pilocarpine (n=46); PNTX+PILO - Pinealectomized animals that received pilocarpine (n=47). The animals of PILO and PNTX+PILO groups we re video-monitored 24h/day during 60 days in order to observe the latency to t he first seizure and seizure frequency. After this period the animals were kille d and the brain sections were neo- Timm stained. Results: The pinealectomized animals presented a higher fre quency of the proestrus phase in the estrous cycle. The a nimals of PNTX+PILO group presented a reduced period of latency to occurrence of the first seizure after pilocarpine administration and to occurrence of status epilepticus (SE), as well as, a reduced silent phase when compared with animals of the PILO group. The mortality during SE was increased in PNTX+PILO group, however , the mortality by seizure tonic was increased in the PILO group and this grou p presented an increase rate of animals that evolved to SE. About seizure frequenc y and mossy fiber sprouting we do not observe difference between the groups. Conclusion: Our data showed that the pinealectomy promotes alterations in the estrou s cycle of the female rats in different aspects when compared with female rats no t pinealectomized submitted to the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. On the other han d a less intense epileptogenesis was observed in this rats when compared with castra ted and intact females rats or pinealectomized males rats.
ROSA, Regiane Messias. Influência da pinealectomia na epileptogênese em ratas submetidas ao modelo de epilepsia induzido por pilocarpina. 2009. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências) - Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2009.