O mal-estar dos professores da rede de ensino estadual de São Paulo
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A educação e as instituições escolares nas sociedades contemporâneas apresentam uma série de situações que indicam um mal-estar do professor das perspectivas econômica, social e psíquica. A presente pesquisa busca investigar este mal-estar associado à profissão dos professores da educação básica da rede de ensino estadual de São Paulo e o modo como ele se manifesta mediado por suas dinâmicas sociais e de precarização do trabalho. Investigamos o modo particular do mal-estar docente se estabelecer como sofrimento e como realiza, a partir disso, uma marca no modo de ser docente. Por meio de entrevistas com os professores da rede de ensino estadual de São Paulo, sob variados regimes de contratação e tempos de magistério, analisamos o mal-estar como um fenômeno que é simultaneamente parte do processo civilizatório e resultado de uma dinâmica social determinada historicamente. A partir do livro O mal-estar na civilização, de Sigmund Freud e da escuta de quatro professores e quatro professoras entrevistados, compreendemos as bases e os fundamentos da intensidade deste mal-estar, que se manifesta em um sofrimento hegemonicamente de caráter destrutivo e não criativo. Analisamos, a partir das entrevistas semiestruturadas, que o mal-estar docente na rede de ensino estadual de São Paulo produz uma dinâmica social no interior das escolas que favorece sociabilidades regressivas, adoecimentos e modos e estratégias de defesa individuais ou em grupo. A análise dos dados da pesquisa nos fez ampliar a leitura do conjunto dos textos freudianos, assim como sua relação com os escritos de Theodor W. Adorno sobre educação e formação. Na medida em que este mal-estar se espraia para variadas perspectivas sociais e culturais, Adorno nos ajuda a compreender as formas regressivas pelas quais a modernidade e o mal-estar se estabeleceram na atualidade. Também foram utilizados referenciais relacionados ao psicanalista Sándor Ferenczi, que ampliou as possibilidades de compreender os fenômenos traumáticos e sua relação com a realidade social, através do desmentido e das manifestações de cisões do Eu, assim como um conjunto de outros autores que pensam as dimensões psíquicas e sociais do mal-estar contemporâneo. Nossas investigações apontaram que o mal-estar docente reflete uma variável complexa de fenômenos econômicos, culturais, sociais e psíquicos que não podem ser analisados isoladamente, sob o risco de construir uma leitura mutilada deste mal-estar, ora culpabilizando o professor individualmente, ora refletindo determinismos sociais sem apreender as particularidades do modo de sofrer destas professoras e professores.
Education and school institutions in contemporary societies present a series of situations that indicate a teacher's malaise from an economic, social and psychic perspective. The present research seeks to investigate this malaise associated with the profession of basic education teachers in the state education network of São Paulo, and the way in which it manifests itself mediated by its social dynamics and the precariousness of work. We investigated the particular way in which teachers' malaise establishes itself as suffering and how, from this, it makes a mark on the ways of being a teacher. Through interviews with teachers from the state education network of São Paulo, under different hiring regimes and teaching periods, we analyze malaise as a phenomenon that is simultaneously part of the civilizing process and the result of a historically determined social dynamic. Based on Sigmund Freud's book The Discontents in Civilization and listening to four professors interviewed, we understand the bases and foundations of the intensity of this malaise, which manifests itself in a hegemonically destructive and destructive suffering and not creative. Based on semi-structured interviews, we analyzed that teachers' malaise in the state education network of São Paulo produces a social dynamic within schools that favors regressive sociability, illness and particular modes of individual or group defense mechanisms. The analysis of the research data allows us to broaden the reading of the set of Freudian texts, as well as their relationship with the writings of Theodor W. Adorno on education and building. As this malaise spreads to various social and cultural perspectives, Adorno helps us understand the regressive ways in which modernity and malaise have established themselves today. Works by the psychoanalyst Sándor Ferenczi were also used, who expanded the possibilities of understanding traumatic phenomena and their relationship with social reality, through denial and manifestations of splits of the Self. Our investigations pointed out that teacher malaise reflects a complex variable of economic, cultural, social and psychic phenomena that cannot be analyzed without proper mediations, as they can construct a mutilated reading of this malaise, sometimes blaming the teacher individually and sometimes reflecting determinisms. without apprehending the individual particularities of the teaching way of suffering.
Education and school institutions in contemporary societies present a series of situations that indicate a teacher's malaise from an economic, social and psychic perspective. The present research seeks to investigate this malaise associated with the profession of basic education teachers in the state education network of São Paulo, and the way in which it manifests itself mediated by its social dynamics and the precariousness of work. We investigated the particular way in which teachers' malaise establishes itself as suffering and how, from this, it makes a mark on the ways of being a teacher. Through interviews with teachers from the state education network of São Paulo, under different hiring regimes and teaching periods, we analyze malaise as a phenomenon that is simultaneously part of the civilizing process and the result of a historically determined social dynamic. Based on Sigmund Freud's book The Discontents in Civilization and listening to four professors interviewed, we understand the bases and foundations of the intensity of this malaise, which manifests itself in a hegemonically destructive and destructive suffering and not creative. Based on semi-structured interviews, we analyzed that teachers' malaise in the state education network of São Paulo produces a social dynamic within schools that favors regressive sociability, illness and particular modes of individual or group defense mechanisms. The analysis of the research data allows us to broaden the reading of the set of Freudian texts, as well as their relationship with the writings of Theodor W. Adorno on education and building. As this malaise spreads to various social and cultural perspectives, Adorno helps us understand the regressive ways in which modernity and malaise have established themselves today. Works by the psychoanalyst Sándor Ferenczi were also used, who expanded the possibilities of understanding traumatic phenomena and their relationship with social reality, through denial and manifestations of splits of the Self. Our investigations pointed out that teacher malaise reflects a complex variable of economic, cultural, social and psychic phenomena that cannot be analyzed without proper mediations, as they can construct a mutilated reading of this malaise, sometimes blaming the teacher individually and sometimes reflecting determinisms. without apprehending the individual particularities of the teaching way of suffering.
Tomassini, M.G. O mal-estar dos professores da rede de ensino estadual de São Paulo. 259 p. Dissertação. Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Guarulhos, 2023.