A família frente a realidade do idoso em morar sozinho
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O crescimento da população idosa no Brasil é acompanhado pela realidade da pessoa idosa em morar sozinha. Este contingente já corresponde a uma parcela significativa da população de idosos e apresenta um acelerado crescimento, levando o Estado e família a repensarem a questão do cuidado a esta população. Objetivo: Compreender a dinâmica familiar frente a realidade do idoso em morar sozinho. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de campo, com abordagem qualitativa tendo como referencial teórico o Interacionismo Simbólico. Os dados foram coletados entre novembro de 2014 a março de 2015, por meio de entrevistas que tiveram a seguinte questão norteadora: Como vocês convivem com a realidade de ter um idoso na família que mora sozinho? Participaram do estudo quatro famílias. Os dados, devidamente transcritos pelo autor foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo, tendo como base a análise temática ou categorial. Resultados: Após a análise das entrevistas os dados foram organizados segundo o método de análise proposto, dando origem as seguintes categorias: A família se organizando ao processo de morar sozinho após os 80 anos; A família respeitando as suas tomadas de decisão; A família vivenciando a liberdade do morar sozinho; Discussão: Neste estudo pode-se identificar que a possibilidade de morar sozinho é facilitada pelo preparo da família durante seu ciclo vital familiar. O morar sozinho teve início a pós a viuvez e afastamento dos filhos pelo casamento, onde inicialmente a pessoa idosa é acolhida temporariamente pelos familiares em suas residências durante o processo inicial de luto. Após o retorno da pessoa idosa para a sua residência as famílias elegem um membro como o cuidador familiar para a pessoa idosa. A aproximação do filho cuidador e o afastamento dos demais familiares foi um fato presente em todas as famílias entrevistadas. A família se preocupa com o risco de violência e acidentes que podem ocorrer com a pessoa idosa morando sozinha e reconhecem a necessidade, da pessoa idosa morar com os familiares, mas respeitam a decisão da pessoa idosa em morar sozinha, e criam estratégias para a sua manutenção. A manutenção e reconhecimento das capacidades de independência e autonomia da pessoa idosa são descritos pelas famílias e utilizados como fatores importantes na manutenção do morar sozinho. A possibilidade de morar com os filhos se mostra a principal estratégia das famílias nos casos de dependência. Morar sozinho e poder ter seus familiares próximos traz a sensação de liberdade para a pessoa idosa e família. Tanto familiares quanto a pessoa idosa reconhecem as dificuldades, sobrecargas e riscos apresentados pelo processo de envelhecimento, mas justificam a possibilidade do morar sozinho pela presença da proximidade da família. Considerações finais: Frente a realidade discutida, a enfermagem, como ciência responsável pela elaboração de estratégias de cuidado, deve trabalhar junto ás famílias, auxiliando no planejamento de planos assistenciais baseados na realidade social familiar individual.
The growth of the elderly population in Brazil is accompanied by the reality of an elderly person living alone. This quota already accounts for a significant portion of the elderly population and has a fast-growing pace, leading the State and their family to rethink the issue of care for this population. Purpose: To understand the family dynamics before the reality of an elderly person living alone. Method: It is a field study with a qualitative approach, having as a theoretical reference the Symbolic Interactionism. Data collection took place from November 2014 to March 2015, through interviews who had the following guiding question: How do you live with the reality of having an elderly family member who lives alone? Four families participated in the study. The data, duly transcribed by the author, was analyzed using content analysis, based on theme or category analysis. Results: After analyzing the interviews, the data was organized according to the proposed method of analysis, creating the following categories: The family becoming organized to the process of someone over 80 years old living alone; The family respecting their decision-making; The family experiencing the freedom of living alone; Discussion: In this study it was possible to identify that the possibility of living alone is facilitated by the family's preparation during their family life cycle. Living alone began after widowhood and children getting married, when initially the elderly person was hosted temporarily by families in their homes during the initial process of mourning. After the return of the elderly person to their residence, families elect one member as the caregiver for the elderly person. The approach of the caregiver child and the absence of other family members was a fact present in all families interviewed. The family worries about the risk of violence and accidents that can occur if the elderly lives alone and recognizes the need for the elderly to live with their families, but respect their decision to live alone, and create strategies for their support. Maintaining and recognizing the independence and autonomy skills of the elderly are described by families and used as important factors in keeping the elderly living alone. The possibility to live with their children shows the main strategy of families in cases of dependence. Living alone and being able to have their relatives close by brings a sense of freedom for the elderly and for the family. Both relatives and the elderly person recognize the difficulties, burdens and risks posed by the aging process, but justify the possibility of living alone due to the presence of family closeness. Final Considerations: In the face of the reality discussed, nursing, as a science responsible for developing care strategies, should work together with the families, assisting in the planning of care plans based on the individual family social reality.
The growth of the elderly population in Brazil is accompanied by the reality of an elderly person living alone. This quota already accounts for a significant portion of the elderly population and has a fast-growing pace, leading the State and their family to rethink the issue of care for this population. Purpose: To understand the family dynamics before the reality of an elderly person living alone. Method: It is a field study with a qualitative approach, having as a theoretical reference the Symbolic Interactionism. Data collection took place from November 2014 to March 2015, through interviews who had the following guiding question: How do you live with the reality of having an elderly family member who lives alone? Four families participated in the study. The data, duly transcribed by the author, was analyzed using content analysis, based on theme or category analysis. Results: After analyzing the interviews, the data was organized according to the proposed method of analysis, creating the following categories: The family becoming organized to the process of someone over 80 years old living alone; The family respecting their decision-making; The family experiencing the freedom of living alone; Discussion: In this study it was possible to identify that the possibility of living alone is facilitated by the family's preparation during their family life cycle. Living alone began after widowhood and children getting married, when initially the elderly person was hosted temporarily by families in their homes during the initial process of mourning. After the return of the elderly person to their residence, families elect one member as the caregiver for the elderly person. The approach of the caregiver child and the absence of other family members was a fact present in all families interviewed. The family worries about the risk of violence and accidents that can occur if the elderly lives alone and recognizes the need for the elderly to live with their families, but respect their decision to live alone, and create strategies for their support. Maintaining and recognizing the independence and autonomy skills of the elderly are described by families and used as important factors in keeping the elderly living alone. The possibility to live with their children shows the main strategy of families in cases of dependence. Living alone and being able to have their relatives close by brings a sense of freedom for the elderly and for the family. Both relatives and the elderly person recognize the difficulties, burdens and risks posed by the aging process, but justify the possibility of living alone due to the presence of family closeness. Final Considerations: In the face of the reality discussed, nursing, as a science responsible for developing care strategies, should work together with the families, assisting in the planning of care plans based on the individual family social reality.
PERSEGUINO, Marcelo Geovane. A família frente a realidade do idoso em morar sozinho. 2015. 129 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, 2015.