Entre Canhões e Papéis: a Guerra do Paraguai (1864-1870) nas ilustrações de Henrique Fleiuss e Angelo Agostini
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A monografia a seguir é uma análise das ilustrações dos caricaturistas Henrique Fleiuss e
Angelo Agostini sobre a Guerra do Paraguai publicadas entre os anos de 1864 e 1870 nos
jornais, revistas e folhas Semana Ilustrada (18601876); Diabo Coxo (18641865); Cabrião
(18661867); O Arlequim (1867) e A Vida Fluminense (18681875). A análise se atenta às
críticas sociais, econômicas, políticas e artísticas expressas em suas ilustrações (entre elas
caricaturas e charges), ausências e presenças, que de algum modo envolveram o conflito
mencionado, buscando desenvolver perspectivas nacionais e estabelecer conexões entre o
mundo ilustrado platino. Ele também pretende desenvolver sobre a evolução artística e
editorial da imprensa ilustrada brasileira, o uso da fotografia e o papel do conflito platino
nesse processo, em especial pela perspectiva do sudeste brasileiro.
The following monograph is an analysis of illustrations by caricaturists Henrique Fleiuss and Angelo Agostini regarding the Paraguayan War. These illustrations were published between 1864 and 1870 in various newspapers, magazines, and sheets namely Semana Ilustrada (18601876); Diabo Coxo (18641865); Cabrião (18661867); O Arlequim (1867); and A Vida Fluminense (18681875). The analysis focuses on the social, economic, political, and artistic criticisms expressed in their illustrations, including caricatures and political cartoons. It examines the presence and absence of certain themes related to the conflict, aiming to develop a national perspective and establish connections with the illustrated Platine world. Additionally, it explores the artistic and editorial evolution of the Brazilian illustrated press, the utilization of photography, and the role of the Paraguayan conflict within this context, particularly from the perspective of the Brazilian southeast.
The following monograph is an analysis of illustrations by caricaturists Henrique Fleiuss and Angelo Agostini regarding the Paraguayan War. These illustrations were published between 1864 and 1870 in various newspapers, magazines, and sheets namely Semana Ilustrada (18601876); Diabo Coxo (18641865); Cabrião (18661867); O Arlequim (1867); and A Vida Fluminense (18681875). The analysis focuses on the social, economic, political, and artistic criticisms expressed in their illustrations, including caricatures and political cartoons. It examines the presence and absence of certain themes related to the conflict, aiming to develop a national perspective and establish connections with the illustrated Platine world. Additionally, it explores the artistic and editorial evolution of the Brazilian illustrated press, the utilization of photography, and the role of the Paraguayan conflict within this context, particularly from the perspective of the Brazilian southeast.
Kröhling, Leonardo Barreto de Siqueira da Silva. Entre canhões e Papéis: a Guerra do Paraguai (18641870) nas ilustrações de Henrique Fleiuss e Angelo Agostini. Leonardo Barreto de Siqueira da Silva Kröhling. — Guarulhos, 2023.