Um estudo sobre o subprojeto PIBID UNIFESP: a história da ciência no ensino de química por meio de sequências de aprendizagem temática
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Uma das premissas para o ensino de Ciências é a alfabetização científica e é a partir da
abordagem histórica da Ciência que se pode atingir tal objetivo. Esta pesquisa permeou um
estudo sobre atividades elaboradas por alunos de graduação e professores de escolas públicas,
participantes de um projeto voltado para formação inicial e continuada de professores, o Pibid.
O projeto tinha intenção de desenvolver sequências com abordagem histórica e implementá-las
em aulas de Química em escolas públicas. A partir de critérios desenvolvidos nessa pesquisa
foram escolhidas duas sequências de atividades para análise, ambas voltadas para o ensino
médio. A análise foi realizada a partir dos parâmetros elaborados por Forato (2009), esses foram
esquematizados em perguntas, divididas em três eixos: planejamento, aspectos historiográficos
e funcionalidade em sala de aula. Com a análise foi possível julgar as temáticas escolhidas, os
aspectos da natureza da ciência trabalhados e a pertinência dos conceitos científicos. Além de
contornar possíveis pontos críticos encontrados, isso por meio da reelaboração de atividades
guiadas pelos próprios parâmetros, essas compuseram os resultados desse trabalho. Concluiuse que os parâmetros foram um bom instrumento para análise, contribuindo para levantamento
de conclusões em relação a abordagens baseadas em História da Ciência. Incluindo a
importância da interação entre as áreas histórica e pedagógica para elaboração de propostas
com a abordagem estudada. Também foi enunciada a relevância de projetos voltados para
formação de professores para práticas envolvendo História da Ciência, pois a abordagem é
cercada de pontos críticos.
One of the premises for science teaching is scientific literacy and it is from the Historical approach to science that one can achieve this goal. This research permeated a study on activities developed by undergraduate students and teachers of public schools, participating in a project aimed at initial and continuing teacher education, the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching, o Pibid. The project was intended to develop sequences with a historical approach and to implement them in public school chemistry classes. Based on the criteria developed in this research, two sequences of activities were chosen for analysis, both aimed at high school. The analysis was performed based on the parameters elaborated by Forato (2009), these were outlined in questions, divided into three axes: planning, historiographic aspects and classroom functionality. With the analysis it was possible to study the structure of the sequences, to evaluate the chosen themes, the aspects of the nature of science worked and the relevance of the scientific concepts. In addition to circumventing possible critical points found, this through the redesign of activities guided by the parameters themselves, these composed the results of this work. It was concluded that the parameters were a good instrument for analysis, contributing to draw conclusions regarding approaches based on History of Science. Including the importance of interaction between the historical and pedagogical areas to elaborate proposals with the studied approach. It was also stated the importance of projects aimed at teacher training for practices involving History of science, because the approach is surrounded by critical points.
One of the premises for science teaching is scientific literacy and it is from the Historical approach to science that one can achieve this goal. This research permeated a study on activities developed by undergraduate students and teachers of public schools, participating in a project aimed at initial and continuing teacher education, the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching, o Pibid. The project was intended to develop sequences with a historical approach and to implement them in public school chemistry classes. Based on the criteria developed in this research, two sequences of activities were chosen for analysis, both aimed at high school. The analysis was performed based on the parameters elaborated by Forato (2009), these were outlined in questions, divided into three axes: planning, historiographic aspects and classroom functionality. With the analysis it was possible to study the structure of the sequences, to evaluate the chosen themes, the aspects of the nature of science worked and the relevance of the scientific concepts. In addition to circumventing possible critical points found, this through the redesign of activities guided by the parameters themselves, these composed the results of this work. It was concluded that the parameters were a good instrument for analysis, contributing to draw conclusions regarding approaches based on History of Science. Including the importance of interaction between the historical and pedagogical areas to elaborate proposals with the studied approach. It was also stated the importance of projects aimed at teacher training for practices involving History of science, because the approach is surrounded by critical points.