Bioprospecção de substâncias com potencial anticâncer em organismos marinhos
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O oceano possui uma alta biodiversidade que ainda não é totalmente conhecida pelo ser
humano, já que sua vastidão e profundidade produz muitos desafios para a tecnologia. Porém,
nestas últimas décadas, a pesquisa acerca deste ecossistema se intensificou a ponto de
podermos enxergar os benefícios da pesquisa marinha, como a bioprospecção de substâncias
para o desenvolvimento de fármacos. Substâncias com potencial anticâncer no ambiente
marinho vem sendo aprovadas para o tratamento dessa doença desde o século passado,
mostrando o constante crescimento desse campo de pesquisa. Entre os organismos marinhos,
destacam-se os microrganismos, já que possuem estratégias metabólicas únicas, produzindo
compostos bioativos que podem ser utilizados, por exemplo, como agentes antitumorais. Os
inibidores de protease podem ser grandes aliados na prospecção do potencial anticâncer, já
que as proteases estão envolvidas no processo de aumento e na progressão de células
tumorais, tanto em locais primários quanto em metástase. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste
trabalho foi bioprospectar bactérias do mar profundo contendo inibidores de proteases com
potencial anticâncer. Para isso, foram verificadas as atividades inibitórias dos extratos de
bactérias sobre a serinoprotease tripsina e a cisteinoprotease papaína. As cepas do mar
profundo que apresentaram uma maior atividade inibitória sobre as duas classes de enzimas
foram a BRB-313 e BRB-318, pertencentes ao gênero Streptomyces sp. Em conclusão, a
pesquisa marinha emergiu como uma valiosa fonte de descobertas, revelando segredos
profundos do oceano e desvendando potenciais terapêuticos no combate ao câncer. O estudo
das bactérias do mar profundo destaca-se como uma promissora fronteira na busca por
inibidores de proteases com potencial anticâncer, oferecendo perspectivas esperançosas para o
desenvolvimento futuro de tratamentos inovadores.
The ocean harbors a high biodiversity that remains largely unknown to humans due to its vastness and depth, posing significant technological challenges. However, in recent decades, research on this ecosystem has intensified, leading to the recognition of marine research benefits, such as bioprospecting for drug development. Substances with anticancer potential from the marine environment have been approved for cancer treatment since the last century, showcasing the continual growth in this research field. Among marine organisms, microorganisms stand out due to their unique metabolic strategies, producing bioactive compounds usable, for instance, as antitumor agents. Protease inhibitors can serve as powerful allies in prospecting for anticancer potential as proteases are involved in the proliferation and progression of tumor cells, both at primary sites and in metastasis. In this context, this study aimed to bioprospect deep-sea bacteria containing protease inhibitors with anticancer potential. The inhibitory activities of bacterial extracts on the serine protease trypsin and the cysteine protease papain were assessed. Deep-sea strains exhibiting higher inhibitory activity against both enzyme classes were identified as BRB-313 and BRB-318, belonging to the Streptomyces sp. genus. In conclusion, marine research has emerged as a valuable source of discoveries, unveiling the ocean's profound secrets and revealing therapeutic potential in cancer treatment. The study of deep-sea bacteria stands out as a promising frontier in the quest for protease inhibitors with anticancer properties, offering hopeful prospects for the future development of innovative treatments.
The ocean harbors a high biodiversity that remains largely unknown to humans due to its vastness and depth, posing significant technological challenges. However, in recent decades, research on this ecosystem has intensified, leading to the recognition of marine research benefits, such as bioprospecting for drug development. Substances with anticancer potential from the marine environment have been approved for cancer treatment since the last century, showcasing the continual growth in this research field. Among marine organisms, microorganisms stand out due to their unique metabolic strategies, producing bioactive compounds usable, for instance, as antitumor agents. Protease inhibitors can serve as powerful allies in prospecting for anticancer potential as proteases are involved in the proliferation and progression of tumor cells, both at primary sites and in metastasis. In this context, this study aimed to bioprospect deep-sea bacteria containing protease inhibitors with anticancer potential. The inhibitory activities of bacterial extracts on the serine protease trypsin and the cysteine protease papain were assessed. Deep-sea strains exhibiting higher inhibitory activity against both enzyme classes were identified as BRB-313 and BRB-318, belonging to the Streptomyces sp. genus. In conclusion, marine research has emerged as a valuable source of discoveries, unveiling the ocean's profound secrets and revealing therapeutic potential in cancer treatment. The study of deep-sea bacteria stands out as a promising frontier in the quest for protease inhibitors with anticancer properties, offering hopeful prospects for the future development of innovative treatments.
PEREIRA, Ana Clara Magnusson Assis. Bioprospecção de substâncias com potencial anticâncer em organismos marinhos. 2023. 49 f. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação em Bacharelado Interdisciplinar em Ciência e Tecnologia do Mar) - Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Instituto do Mar, Santos, 2023.