Uma análise dialógica da proposta curricular do Estado de São Paulo: significados e atravessamentos
Dissertação de mestrado
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Nesta dissertação de mestrado, investigam-se os impactos da oscilação conceitual acerca do entendimento de língua e linguagem na Proposta Curricular do estado de São Paulo de Língua Portuguesa para o Ensino Médio, dos anos 2008, 2010/2012, considerados como enunciados concretos. Do ponto de vista dialógico da linguagem, entende-se o currículo paulista em uma cadeia enunciativo-discursiva constituída por enunciados que regulamentam tanto o funcionamento quanto a organização da escola, por meio de documentos oficiais. Ademais, esses enunciados também se apresentam na prática efetiva em sala de aula por intermédio dos materiais destinados a professores e alunos. Nesse sentido, o currículo escolar do estado de São Paulo, no ano de 2008, 2010/2012, são objetivados como Proposta Curricular, Caderno do Professor e Caderno do Aluno. Tais documentos efetivam-se em um campo discursivo híbrido cuja constituição se dá entre os campos político-partidário e pedagógico-acadêmico. A seleção deste currículo de 2008, 2010/2012 deve-se ao fato de que foi implementado para estruturar e organizar toda a rede estadual de ensino no estado de São Paulo. A análise demonstra que o tensionamento conceitual ocorreu na cadeia enunciativo-discursivo dos enunciados tomados como objeto de análise, isto é, o currículo e os Cadernos do Professor e do Aluno. A oscilação do conceito de língua/linguagem se apresentou no material curricular como um código a ser assimilado e como participação no mundo verboideológico, na cadeia, no instante em que se analisou o fragmento do enunciado deflagrador: os Cadernos do Aluno e do Professor e não no currículo. Dito isso, tanto na versão do ano de 2008 quanto na de 2010/2012 da Proposta Curricular, a presença de vozes sociais de conjunturas distintas, na posição autoral, caracterizou a tensão discursiva, evidenciada pelo processo analítico. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que a oscilação entre língua e linguagem também se deve ao fato da pluralidade de vozes sociais na posição de autoria no documento, posicionando o professor eticamente responsável pela eficácia do novo currículo. Para que se pudesse chegar a esse resultado, foram mobilizados os estudos de Bakhtin (2016; 2018), Volóchinov (2016; 2017) e Medviédev (2016) para a compreensão da Proposta Curricular enquanto um enunciado integrante de uma cadeia enunciativa-discursiva. Além de Goodson (2013; 2018), Malanchen (2016), Sacristán (2000), Saviani (2011; 2013; 2016) para o entendimento de currículo escolar.
In this master's dissertation, the impacts of conceptual fluctuations on the understanding of language and social language are investigated in the Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo of Portuguese Language for High School, from the years 2008, 2010/2012, considered as concrete utterances. From the dialogical point of view of language, the São Paulo curriculum is understood in an enunciative-discursive chain consisting of utterances that regulate both the functioning and the organization of the school, through official documents. In addition, these utterances are also presented in effective practice in the classroom through materials intended for teachers and students. In this sense, the school curriculum of the state of São Paulo, in the year 2008, 2010/2012, are objectified as Curricular Proposal, Teacher's Notebook and Student's Notebook. Such documents take place in a hybrid discursive field whose constitution occurs between the political-party and pedagogical-academic fields. The selection of this 2008, 2010/2012 curriculum is due to the fact that it was implemented to structure and organize the entire state education network in the state of São Paulo. The analysis shows that the conceptual tension occurred in the enunciative-discursive chain of the statements taken as an object of analysis, that is, the curriculum and the Notebooks of the Teacher and the Student. The oscillation of the language / language concept appeared in the curriculum material as a code to be assimilated and as participation in the verbideological world, in the chain, at the moment when the fragment of the spelling utterance was analyzed: the Student and Teacher Notebooks and not in the curriculum. That said, both in the 2008 and 2010/2012 versions of the Curricular Proposal, the presence of social voices from different contexts, in the authorial position, characterized the discursive tension, evidenced by the analytical process. The results of this study show that the oscillation between language and social language is also due to the fact that the plurality of social voices in the position of authorship in the document, placing the teacher ethically responsible for the effectiveness of the new curriculum. In order to reach this result, the studies by Bakhtin (2016; 2018), Volóchinov (2016; 2017) and Medviédev (2016) were mobilized to understand the Curricular Proposal as an integral utterance of an enunciative-discursive chain. Besides Goodson (2013; 2018), Malanchen (2016), Sacristán (2000), Saviani (2011; 2013; 2016) for the understanding of school curriculum.
In this master's dissertation, the impacts of conceptual fluctuations on the understanding of language and social language are investigated in the Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo of Portuguese Language for High School, from the years 2008, 2010/2012, considered as concrete utterances. From the dialogical point of view of language, the São Paulo curriculum is understood in an enunciative-discursive chain consisting of utterances that regulate both the functioning and the organization of the school, through official documents. In addition, these utterances are also presented in effective practice in the classroom through materials intended for teachers and students. In this sense, the school curriculum of the state of São Paulo, in the year 2008, 2010/2012, are objectified as Curricular Proposal, Teacher's Notebook and Student's Notebook. Such documents take place in a hybrid discursive field whose constitution occurs between the political-party and pedagogical-academic fields. The selection of this 2008, 2010/2012 curriculum is due to the fact that it was implemented to structure and organize the entire state education network in the state of São Paulo. The analysis shows that the conceptual tension occurred in the enunciative-discursive chain of the statements taken as an object of analysis, that is, the curriculum and the Notebooks of the Teacher and the Student. The oscillation of the language / language concept appeared in the curriculum material as a code to be assimilated and as participation in the verbideological world, in the chain, at the moment when the fragment of the spelling utterance was analyzed: the Student and Teacher Notebooks and not in the curriculum. That said, both in the 2008 and 2010/2012 versions of the Curricular Proposal, the presence of social voices from different contexts, in the authorial position, characterized the discursive tension, evidenced by the analytical process. The results of this study show that the oscillation between language and social language is also due to the fact that the plurality of social voices in the position of authorship in the document, placing the teacher ethically responsible for the effectiveness of the new curriculum. In order to reach this result, the studies by Bakhtin (2016; 2018), Volóchinov (2016; 2017) and Medviédev (2016) were mobilized to understand the Curricular Proposal as an integral utterance of an enunciative-discursive chain. Besides Goodson (2013; 2018), Malanchen (2016), Sacristán (2000), Saviani (2011; 2013; 2016) for the understanding of school curriculum.