Análise da N-glicosilação aberrante de TIMP-1 e seu papel na progressão do melanoma
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Diversos estudos mostram que o Inibidor Tecidual de Metaloprotease 1, TIMP-1, tem sua
expressão aumentada em diferentes tipos de tumores e que este aumento está correlacionado
com um pior prognóstico. Hoje, sabe-se que TIMP-1 apresenta funções pleiotrópicas que vão
desde a inibição de Metaloproteases de Matriz (MMPs) até a ativação de diferentes vias de
transdução de sinais através de sua ligação com seus receptores de membrana, CD63 e β1-
integrina. Trabalhos anteriores do nosso grupo também demonstraram haver aumento da
expressão de TIMP-1, formação do complexo supramolecular TIMP1 / CD63 / β1-Integrina e
ativação de vias de sinalização intracelular ao longo da progressão do melanoma.
Recentemente, um estudo utilizando células de câncer de cólon demonstrou que TIMP-1
apresenta ramificações do tipo β1,6-N-acetilglucosamina, uma N-glicosilação do tipo aberrante
catalisada pela enzima MGAT5, e ainda, a presença desta N-glicosilação aberrante em TIMP 1 foi diretamente correlacionada com sua função de induzir vias de sinalização intracelulares
que modulam o comportamento celular. Entretanto, ainda pouco se sabe sobre o estado de
glicosilação de TIMP-1, inclusive em melanomas. Por esse motivo, este trabalho teve como
objetivo analisar a presença de N-glicosilação aberrante em TIMP-1 e entender como essa N glicosilação aberrante interfere nos papéis que TIMP-1 exerce, tanto na inibição de MMPs
quanto na sua capacidade de se ligar aos seus receptores CD63 e β1-Integrina para ativar vias
de sinalização envolvidas em sobrevivência e resistência à morte celular, em linhagens celulares
de modelo de progressão do melanoma. Através de ensaios de pooldown com L-PHA, lectina
que reconhece tal padrão aberrante de N-glicosilação, demonstramos que TIMP-1, CD63 e β1-Integrinas são alvos da enzima MGAT5 em células de melanoma, principalmente metastáticas.
Além disso, um plasmídeo contendo a sequência gênica de TIMP-1 com mutações pontuais em
seus dois sítios de N-glicosilação foi desenvolvido para induzir a expressão de TIMP-1
aglicosilado. Este plasmídeo será utilizado em ensaios que visam entender como esse padrão
aberrante de N-glicosilação interfere nos papéis que TIMP-1 exerce na progressão do
Several studies show that the Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloprotease 1, TIMP-1, has its expression increased in different types of tumors and that this increase is correlated with a worse prognosis. Today, it is known that TIMP-1 has pleiotropic functions ranging from the inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteases (MMPs) to the activation of different signal transduction pathways through its binding to its membrane receptors, CD63 and β1-integrin. Previous work by our group also demonstrated an increase in TIMP-1 expression, formation of the supramolecular TIMP1 / CD63 / β1-Integrin complex and activation of intracellular signaling pathways throughout melanoma progression. Recently, a study using colon cancer cells demonstrated that TIMP-1 presents branching of the β1,6-N-acetylglucosamine type, an aberrant N-glycosylation catalyzed by the enzyme MGAT5, and the presence of this aberrant N-glycosylation in TIMP 1 has been directly correlated with its role in inducing intracellular signaling pathways that modulate cell behavior. However, little is known about the glycosylation status of TIMP-1, including in melanomas. For this reason, this work aimed to analyze the presence of aberrant N-glycosylation in TIMP-1 and understand how this aberrant N-glycosylation interferes with the roles that TIMP-1 plays, both in inhibiting MMPs and in their ability to bind to its CD63 and β1-Integrin receptors to activate signaling pathways involved in survival and resistance to cell death in melanoma progression model cell lines. Through pooldown assays with L-PHA, a lectin that recognizes this aberrant pattern of N-glycosylation, we demonstrated that TIMP-1, CD63 and β1-Integrins are targets of the MGAT5 enzyme in melanoma cells, mainly metastatic ones. Furthermore, a plasmid containing the TIMP-1 gene sequence with point mutations in its two N-glycosylation sites was developed to induce the expression of aglycosylated TIMP-1. This plasmid will be used in tests that aim to understand how this aberrant pattern of N glycosylation interferes with the roles that TIMP-1 plays in the progression of melanoma.
Several studies show that the Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloprotease 1, TIMP-1, has its expression increased in different types of tumors and that this increase is correlated with a worse prognosis. Today, it is known that TIMP-1 has pleiotropic functions ranging from the inhibition of Matrix Metalloproteases (MMPs) to the activation of different signal transduction pathways through its binding to its membrane receptors, CD63 and β1-integrin. Previous work by our group also demonstrated an increase in TIMP-1 expression, formation of the supramolecular TIMP1 / CD63 / β1-Integrin complex and activation of intracellular signaling pathways throughout melanoma progression. Recently, a study using colon cancer cells demonstrated that TIMP-1 presents branching of the β1,6-N-acetylglucosamine type, an aberrant N-glycosylation catalyzed by the enzyme MGAT5, and the presence of this aberrant N-glycosylation in TIMP 1 has been directly correlated with its role in inducing intracellular signaling pathways that modulate cell behavior. However, little is known about the glycosylation status of TIMP-1, including in melanomas. For this reason, this work aimed to analyze the presence of aberrant N-glycosylation in TIMP-1 and understand how this aberrant N-glycosylation interferes with the roles that TIMP-1 plays, both in inhibiting MMPs and in their ability to bind to its CD63 and β1-Integrin receptors to activate signaling pathways involved in survival and resistance to cell death in melanoma progression model cell lines. Through pooldown assays with L-PHA, a lectin that recognizes this aberrant pattern of N-glycosylation, we demonstrated that TIMP-1, CD63 and β1-Integrins are targets of the MGAT5 enzyme in melanoma cells, mainly metastatic ones. Furthermore, a plasmid containing the TIMP-1 gene sequence with point mutations in its two N-glycosylation sites was developed to induce the expression of aglycosylated TIMP-1. This plasmid will be used in tests that aim to understand how this aberrant pattern of N glycosylation interferes with the roles that TIMP-1 plays in the progression of melanoma.
JUSTO, B L. Análise da N-glicosilação aberrante de TIMP-1 e seu papel na progressão do melanoma. São Paulo, 2023. 70 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Biomedicina) – Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP. São Paulo, 2023.