Abolir, não reformar: Desigualdade racial, poder disciplinar e abolicionismo penal
Dissertação de mestrado
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Este trabalho busca investigar as tecnologias de poder e as resistências à elas; focando no Abolicionismo Penal. Com os objetivos de analisar os elementos principais da teoria Foucaultiana, principalmente no que diz respeito à Biopolítica e Sociedade Disciplinar; retomamos o processo de formação sociohistórica brasileira, a fim de compreender os elementos fundamentais e perpetuados na desigualdade racial, que influi e consolida a formação da classe trabalhadora no Brasil. Buscamos compreender também a relação das estruturas do Estado Penal com o racismo, dando maior destaque aos considerados “indesejáveis”; “underclass” e “puníveis” e, a partir do conceito de necropolítica, de Mbembe, discutimos sobre as mudanças no poder de punir. Encerramos a discussão com o condensamento de informações acerca dos abolicionismos penais teorizados, compreendendo este movimento para além da lógica tribunal-prisão, colocando-o como construção de todos, independente da atuação profissional. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de revisão bibliográfica, com o acesso a documentos disponíveis online de algumas partes do mundo. Os dados analisados provêm de Bancos de Dados e Hubs públicos, da internet, e foram analisados e organizados nos programas: Google Database e Excel; dado o grande número de informações.
This work seeks to investigate the technologies of power and the resistance to them; focusing on Criminal Abolitionism. In order to analyze the main elements of Foucault's theory, mainly with regard to Biopolitics and Disciplinary Society; we resume the process of Brazilian socio-historical formation in order to understand the fundamental and perpetuated elements of racial inequality, which influence and consolidate the formation of the working class in Brazil. We also seek to understand the relationship between the structures of the Penal State and racism, giving greater prominence to those considered “undesirable”; “underclass” and “punishable” and, based on Mbembe's concept of necropolitics, we discussed changes in the power to punish. We end the discussion with the condensation of information about the theorized penal abolitionisms, understanding this movement beyond the court-prison logic, placing it as a construction for everyone, regardless of professional performance. This work was developed from a bibliographic review, with access to documents available online from some parts of the world. The analyzed data come from public Databases and Hubs, on the internet, and were analyzed and organized in the following programs: Google Database and Excel; given the large amount of information.
This work seeks to investigate the technologies of power and the resistance to them; focusing on Criminal Abolitionism. In order to analyze the main elements of Foucault's theory, mainly with regard to Biopolitics and Disciplinary Society; we resume the process of Brazilian socio-historical formation in order to understand the fundamental and perpetuated elements of racial inequality, which influence and consolidate the formation of the working class in Brazil. We also seek to understand the relationship between the structures of the Penal State and racism, giving greater prominence to those considered “undesirable”; “underclass” and “punishable” and, based on Mbembe's concept of necropolitics, we discussed changes in the power to punish. We end the discussion with the condensation of information about the theorized penal abolitionisms, understanding this movement beyond the court-prison logic, placing it as a construction for everyone, regardless of professional performance. This work was developed from a bibliographic review, with access to documents available online from some parts of the world. The analyzed data come from public Databases and Hubs, on the internet, and were analyzed and organized in the following programs: Google Database and Excel; given the large amount of information.
ZAQUEO, Larissa Rodrigues. Abolir, não reformar: Desigualdade racial, poder disciplinar e abolicionismo penal. 2021. 125 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Serviço Social e Políticas Sociais) - Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Santos, 2021.